EDM – 创建电子邮件营销程序的有效策略(Email Marketing Practitioner)

EDM - 创建电子邮件营销程序的有效策略(Email Marketing Practitioner)

EDM – 创建电子邮件营销程序的有效策略

Proven strategies for creating an email program.
From building lists, to creating emails, to avoiding spam filters, and all the way to generating conversions and sales, learn to build and email program that moves prospects toward a purchase and keeps loyal customers coming back.

Explain the value of email marketing.
Identify tactics to avoid in email campaigns.
Develop effective email marketing conversations.
Craft highly effective subject lines.
Use a variety of methods to create and build your email list.
Understand SPAM laws.
Segment your emails to optimize delivery opportunities.
…and more



Email Marketing Practitioner
└─Email Marketing Practitioner
│ Email Marketing Practitioner.png
├─1. Introduction to Email Marketing
│ about.txt
│ Introduction to Email Marketing.avi
│ Introduction to Email- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
├─2. Email as Conversation
│ about.txt
│ Email as Conversation- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
│ Email as Conversation.avi
├─3. Creating the Email
│ 1. Creating the Email, Part 1 – Name and Subject Lines.avi
│ 2. Creating the Email, Part 2 – Testing, Creative, & Design.avi
│ about.txt
│ Creating the Email- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
├─4. Landing Pages
│ about.txt
│ Email Landing Pages.avi
│ Landing Pages- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
├─5. The Mailing List
│ 1. 7 List-Building Tactics.avi
│ 2. Opt-In Techniques.avi
│ 3. Managing & Segmenting Lists.avi
│ about.txt
│ The Mailing List- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
├─6. Spam and Blacklists
│ 1. Spam & Legal Issues.avi
│ 2. Avoiding Blacklists & Spam Filters.avi
│ about.txt
│ Spam and Blacklists- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
├─7. Working with Email Service Providers
│ about.txt
│ Email Service Providers- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf
│ Email Service Providers.avi
└─8. Email Metrics & Measurement
1. Email Measurement, Part 1 – Valuable Email Metrics.avi
2. Email Measurement, Part 2 – Advanced Email Analysis.avi
3. UTM Tracking Parameters, Part 1 – Tracking Parameter Concepts.avi
4. UTM Tracking Parameters, Part 2 – Tracking Parameter Examples.avi
Email Metrics & Measurement- Study Guide & Workbook.pdf




