知道在您的网上业务中隐藏着未知的财富吗? 开始在24小时内使用这些策略,并打开您的互联网业务中未开发的利润流。 (Digital Profits Pack)

奖金 – 最终的商业计划者套件Grab this special package of immediately usable reports, planners and articles.
You get 5 course plus a bonus.
Sales triggers
Your secret salesman
Perception profits guide
The D.E.A.L.S system
The affiliate system
Bonus – The ultimate business planners kit///
Is There An Untapped Fortune Hiding In Your Online Business?
Start Using These Strategies In 24 Hours Or Less And Open Up The Untapped Profit Streams In Your Internet Business. You Get All 5 Courses Included!SALES TRIGGERS
10 Psychological Triggers That Guarantee More Clicks, More Subscribers & More SalesTo start getting more subscribers and sales, you need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in a desired way.
And that’s exactly what you’re about to discover in this mini course, where we’ll look at ten psychological sales triggers you use these triggers in your sales letters, blog posts, newsletters and more.
You can use them to get more subscribers, get sales, get referrals… or whatever else you need to grow your business.
Autopilot Selling With Presell Reports That Boost Commissions & Conversions.
What happens if you toss a sales page or affiliate promotion page in front of a targeted audience? You make some sales if your offer and sales copy are both good. But it’s also likely that up to 98% or even 99% of your prospects will leave the sales page without hitting the “buy now” button.That’s pretty dismal, isn’t it? But the good news is, you can improve your conversion rates, bring more exposure and traffic to your offers and quadruple your sales using highly targeted ‘presell reports’ —
This guide will take you step by step, revealing what kind of presell report works best, exactly how to create them and how to craft calls to action that will instantly get prospects clicking through to your sales page with their credit cards in hand.
10 Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Digital Products For Massive Profits
If there’s one word that’s been overused in certain circles (especially the internet marketing niche), it’s the word “ebook.”Everyone is giving away ebooks to their subscribers. You’ll see ‘em for dirt-cheap on $1 PLR websites. You can get ebooks galore during all the big giveaway events.
The end result? The word “ebook” is all to often associated with junk.
It’s essential you learn how to properly refer to and ‘package’ digital content.
This mini course will show you how to quickly and easily ‘repackage for perception’ all your digital products, how to add instant value and appeal leading to high conversions, more authority in your niche and bigger profits!
Accelerate Your Business Growth By Leveraging Other Peoples’ Lists, Traffic & Assets.
Have you ever noticed all the marketers in your niche partnering up and making a whole lot of money together? Sometimes they create products together, sometimes they do promotions together.The goal is to work together for mutual benefit and the results can be downright amazing.
If you’re smart, you’ll want to get a piece of this sort of action for yourself. You can just about imagine how quickly your business will grow when you leverage other peoples’ lists, traffic and assets.
That’s exactly what you’re about to discover. Inside this mini course you’ll be learning all about the art & science of landing lucrative Joint Venture DEALS.
9 Step Affiliate Recruitment, Management & Motivation Plan For Rapid Sales Growth.
I’m really excited about this course, because setting up an affiliate program is one of the best ways to get a lot of warm, highly targeted traffic to your website.Even better, a lot of this traffic will arrive on your sales page with their credit cards in hand, so you’ll get great conversion rates.
By the time you’ve finished this course, you’ll know how to set up an affiliate program that can easily bring you a whole lot of warm leads, customers and cash in the bank.
Seriously… Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been selling or promoting digital products for a while now, you’ll to find plenty of gold nuggets in this collection that will really help you out!
You will discover strategies for getting free traffic to your website. There are also strategies for preselling and persuading people to arrive at your website ready to buy. And, probably my favorite part of all, included are strategies for creating additional streams of income for your business with a quick turnaround time.
And, while these are not full-blown products, there are lots of meaty details… Lots of step-by-step strategies. Fill-in-the-blank templates with example after example. Highly profitable ideas.
And, as if that were not enough to convince you already let me sweeten the deal further with an awesome fast action bonus…
The Ultimate Business Planners Kit
ADVERTISING BUDGET PLANNER: This document will help you determine your overall ad budget and where to direct it for maximum return on investment.
CUSTOMER PROFILING PLANNER: The key to writing sales copy, emails, posts is to know as much as you can about your customers this will help you do that.
MARKET REACH PLANNER: Developed to help you decide quickly and without risk if there is a market for your product idea and if that market is reachable.
OUTSOURCING PLANNER: Should you hire someone to do that project for you, or should you do it yourself? This handy project planner will help you decide.
PRODUCT PRICING PLANNER: The best price for your product is the “sweet spot” where you get the most amount of profit per transaction while enjoying a high conversion rate and low refunds. This will help you find that spot!
USP DEVELOPMENT PLANNER: Your prospects need a reason to buy from you rather than anyone else. So first you need to figure out how your business is different than the competitors and what it is that your customers value. Use this planner to figure it out.
Here’s the best part of this package.
Beat The Deadline And You’ll pay nowhere near the normal pricing…Normally, these resources would cost you a minimum of $109.75 if you bought them separately. But with your 80% discount, you will…Get All Of These Mini Courses And Bonus Planners For Just $19.95!
You can download everything mentioned above immediately in .PDF format for you to read on your computer or favorite device, or print out. This is an incredible value when you consider everything that you are receiving for one low price…
HURRY! Get the collection and save big
Still not sure if this is for you? … I’ll tell you what I will do. I’ll add in ten of my articles that were originally intended to be used in promoting this collection. In fact, you may already have read one or two of them (the rest have not been published before).
Included will be…
15 Ways To Ethically Borrow Traffic From Others
The Secret To Building Anticipation To Get Orders
3 Ways To Get Orders Without Using Deadlines & Limits
My Three Favorite Ways To Increase Sales
How I Turned A Few Hours Into A Bunch Of Orders
3 Keys To Getting Guest Blog Posts Accepted Quickly
How To Make Money With Your Email Account
3 Ways To Get Free Traffic With Infographics
7 Reasons Why You Should Target Beginners
27 Ideas For Your Next $7 Report
What I think is interesting about these articles is this: the content shared in them is just the kind of stuff that some internet marketers are SELLING as membership site materials.
You know the drill – content is posted inside a membership site 2-3 times each week. Sort of like a paid blog for members only. The ten articles are as good as quite a bit of the internet marketing membership site content out there. Seriously, this is probably a month’s worth of content for some of the sites, just in the articles alone. And that doesn’t include the main reports and courses of course
When you add in these articles, it gives you…200+ Pages Of Immediately Usable, Proven-To-Work,Income-Generating Strategies For Internet Marketers, Information Publishers and Promoters…
Digital Profits Pack
└─Digital Profits Pack
│ AFFILIATE-System.pdf
│ BONUS-ArticleBank.pdf
│ DEALS-System.pdf
│ Perception-Profits.pdf
│ Resources.url
│ Sales-Triggers.pdf
│ Secret-Salesmen.pdf