Google Adsense 一个简单的无限潜力的赚钱方式(Madsense Reborn)

无限的潜力,非常可扩展,易于扩展。Here is how we turned $5 traffic budget into $7,898/month pure profit 30 minutes/day business.
Adsense is an easy way to make money if you know what you’re doing, and highly targeted, risk free paid traffic is the way to do so.
Get started with a budget of only $5 and you’re set.
No technical skills required at all.
Unlimited potential, some people are making mid six figs with it.
Very scalable and easily scalable and invest more only after you earn.//
“Here’s How We Turned $5 Traffic Budget Into $7,898.99/Month Pure Profit 30 Minutes/Day Business…
Using A Simple Adsense + Rapid Traffic Formula That Works For Our Students, Even Complete Newbies!
Skeptical? I bet you are, I would be too (WATCH LIVE PROOF BELOW)Over $200,000 in personal results
Get results in less than 24 hours
Real student results and testimonials
Works on Complete Autopilot
Easily Repeatable & Scaleable
Copy our exact templates Ads Optimisation Strategy
100% FB & Adsense compliant
Getting Results Within Days And Even Hours Is POSSIBLE! Keep Reading And You’ll See Our Students Results.
All you need to do is to follow instructions and have a $5 budget, that’s it, I promise.
add to cartAdsense is NOT Dead.
It’s the “old” way of doing Adsense that’s dead.
Our method doesn’t require:
NO boring, slow & gambling SEO
NO never-ending tasks of content creation
Screw backlinks, I hate those
Google slaps? Lol no
No WAITING. NEVER.I Can Keep Talking All Day, But You Know What Speaks Louder Than Me?
Proof Updated On 25th Jan, 2017.
We Took A Brand New Site On Nov 15, 2016 And Already Made Over $11,512.95 In Revenue Till 25th Jan, $7,898.99 In Last 30 Days Alone!($54,409.75 In 2 Months)
£132,223.38 = $161,090.39 In Just 9 Months! (Easy 6-Fig/Year Business You Can Start Today)
And You Know What Speaks Even Louder Than Money?
Students MAKING MoneyReady To Do The Same & Change Your Life, Permanently?
Snag Your Copy Today:
Madsense Reborn
From the desk of:
Abdullah Ashraf, Tom Yevsikov & Gaurab BorahHey there, Abdullah here along with Tom Yevsikov and Gaurab Borah.
I’m writing this for you today because I have something that has the potential to change your life..
It changed OUR lives.
We’ve discovered a massive way to build semi-passive Adsense sites that require no big budget, no time to setup, no experience and they actually are profitable.
With low cost entry level investments such as $5, we think we’ve stumbled upon the best way to get started and crush Adsense FAST.
Everyone Thinks Adsense Is Dead. Good.
More Profits For Us 😉And I personally thought so as well until Abdullah hit me and Gaurab up and basically showed us what he has, his students etc.. we were blown away.
It just seemed like it’s gonna take lots of time, energy, and it’s not going to be profitable enough..
That’s what everyone thinks Adsense is.. but they’re doing it wrong.
To be honest, we don’t need all of that.
NO big budget, get started with $5
NO Risk, scale as you earn!
NO tedious long content creation
NO getting banned
But u know what? It didn’t save my life, I gotta be honest.Everything is covered in the simplest way possible, FB ads which are easy and you need not master anything, Getting content which is hands free and doesn’t require tedious writing… EVERYTHING.
EVERYONE WILL FACE:The PROBLEM begins with traffic and ends with how your website is setup.
Most people teach and follow traffic methods such as SEO, setting up the bad old backlinks, buying ranking fiverr gigs and start creating special “SEO Friendly” Content.
And then after doing all that, they MAYBE get 100 visitors if they’re lucky, visitors that DON’T convert and if that’s not enough, google also wakes up one day slaps the shit out of your website and all your backlinks and when that happens, you lose everything you have built.
I say screw that, I say it makes no sense to build something like that. ESPECIALLY not when there’s a way to build huge, profitable and automated adsense sites
Without SEO, without creating articles and without spending a lot of money or time.
So in 2015, we figured out that everyone thinks that Adsense is dead.
But we also knew that there were many Adsense millionaires doing their thing and profiting and we just had to figure out WHAT they are doing.
How can we tap into this supposedly DEAD method and make 6 and 7 figures like those big guru’s do?
To make a long story short, after thousands of hours of research, trial & error, failures, various tests we slowly started seeing better and better results
Not Only We’ve ELIMINATED These Problems, But We Also Put Adsense On STEROIDS!And as we reached 6 figures we started coaching students and creating success stories one by one non-stop.
In fact, what I’m about to show you, has been selling for anywhere from $697 to $10,000 to students around the world and it’s the EXACT system that we use.
It’s even better because as time progressed we perfected the system every month and added new discoveries, resources & shortcuts.
And that system is what can change your life once and for all.
Just Imagine your lifestyle with an additional $5,000/month working just 30 minutes per day without any of that usual marketing stuff?
You can live off of it, scale it and reach six figures like my partner Abdullah does or you can simply take it easy and invest in your “main” business like Ecom, Softwares, CPA or anything that requires a budget.
It Is The Only Adsense “Copy-Paste” System That ANYONE Can Duplicate And Get The Same Results & Even Better.With The Help Of Our Simple To Follow Method, You Can Create A Job Replacing Income Stream That Doesn’t Require Experience, A Big Budget Or A lot Of Time.
MADSENSE REBORN“It’s back, more profitable and easier than ever before!”
Madsense Reborn
Here’s an overview of the system and your training modules. (videos)
Step #1 – Quick Secret File SetupThe entire initial setup is very basic yet important. But in addition to setting up your site and accounts, there is ONE crucial point of setup that will absolutely EXPLODE your profits.
It’s actually what sets you and other people who may try the SAME strategy apart and give you a HUGE advantage. So after you finish setup, we’ll give you a DONE FOR YOU secret file you just install and you’re good to go. Un-skippable module.
Step #2 – Shortcuts To HQ Content
This module is straight to the point, simple and somewhat requires a quick learning curve. Here’s what I mean for Adsense you need content, at least for this method is very crucial. But creating content manually again and again…or hiring someone to do it for you? HELL NO.
We got a shortcut which allows you to get started FAST and legally using OTHER people’s content WITHOUT rewriting or spinning. Rewriting becomes an option only AFTER you’re already making money. Pretty cool, right?
Step #3 – Adsense SetupIn this module you will learn about Adsense, setting it up, doing all the codes and stuff. Haha, I know, sounds boring, and basic. And that’s exactly what almost the entire module is.
IMPORTANT BASIC STUFF. No other option around it, you have to familiarise yourself with Adsense. However, when it comes to putting codes (we give you the codes) and applying for Adsense.. there is a specific fast approval process we use, and that’s exactly what you’ll get from us, DONE FOR YOU.
#4 – Simple Traffic
This is where the MEAT is, the most desirable module and the most comprehensive one. By the time you’re done with this module, you should already be making some money. We’ll show you things like how to create your first campaigns, what Is the mindset to go to this campaign with.
Testing and fast profits. Images, psychology etc..EVERYTHING. This module can not be more simple yet cannot be more comprehensive at the same time. This module alone, is worth killing for, according to our competitors.
OH and for that traffic source we will be using Facebook Advertising with $5 daily budget that will become way, way more in profits. You’ll see, It’s a lot of fun.
Step #5 – “Stairway Scaling” – NO RISK AT ALL.When it comes to scaling with FB ads, there are several different ways to do that. And it all depends on your Adsense profits, the way the campaigns perform etc..
But whatever the outcome of your test campaigns is, there is ONE thing we focus hard on. Stairway scailing.
What we mean by this is that you will scale RISK FREE. We show you how to scale, get profit and continue scaling from there ONLY.. How to pick the winners and predict mega winner and scale them. This will be the point where you will be making the SERIOUS money.
I’m talking life changing Income.
Dozens Of Happy Students – Here’re Few!
Kyle Custis
17 Year Old Student Makes Full Time Income Within Weeks!Fikri Kurniawan
Made 4-figures First Month Of Applying This Method!Roland de Weme
What Abdullah’s Previous Student Has To Say About It!EXCLUSIVE BONUSES For The Fast Action Takers!
Bonus #1 – LIVE Training Webinar With Abdullah (worth $297)
Join our customers only webinar where we reveal 3 secrets to becoming highly profitable with our Madsense Reborn… and even take you on a walk through our 5 figure campaigns.Bonus #2 – Quick Content Cheatsheet (worth $47)
The best places to find highly trending, hot and engaging content to fuel your website. If you can just find 5 good articles, you would easily be making $200-$300/day.Bonus #3 – Headline Secrets (worth $17)
Discover these 3 easy tricks to create high converting headlines that get more clicks and engagement on your posts. More eyeballs, more clicks and more publisher revenue. Easy!Here’s EXACTLY why this is different from all the other methods:
There Is A LOT Of Money To Be Made With Adsense, But It’s Usually False Information Courses, Outdated information & A Lot Of Time.
With Our Method, Where We Use A Unique Twist To The Whole Adsense Biz Model, It’s Just Easy.
No One Knows What Is So Special About What We’re Doing.
Why Am I Able To Say Such A Bold Statement?“Because It Works For Me & For My Students.”
“We’re All Making Money As We Speak, And I’m No Big Guru, I’m Just An Average Guy Who Figured Some Stuff Out.”
Now that’s a bold promise right there.But we are so confident that it works, and we have used it ourselves.
We don’t have ANYTHING to hide.
I want you to understand WHY you need this and WHY it can change your life.
Anyone can do this and get fantastic results
Adsense Is an easy way to make money if you know what you’re doing, and highly targeted, risk free paid traffic is the way to do so.
Get started with a budget of only $5 and you’re set
No technical skills required at all, everything is explained so clearly in the modules so that you can get started as quickly as possible.
Unlimited potential, some people are making mid six figs with it on the SIDE..No kidding.
Very scalable and easily scalable and invest more only after you earn.
“How much should I charge you?”
To be honest the realistic price I should put on this course should be well over $197, especially with the unadvertised bonuses *hint hint*.
“But let’s be honest, I CAN’T do that”
However, I was where you are right now at some point or another and without someone reaching a helping hand out to me; I would never have been able to achieve such success.Therefore, I am going to make this training very reasonable, so that you can get your hands on it.
Instead of pricing this course at $197 that I planned, I am going to hold the price to a ridiculously low amount so that as many of you can get it as possible…
In fact, if you act fast today, you can get instant access to Madsense Reborn for just:
Discounted Grand Opening Price Of Only:
Madsense Reborn
Why such a low price?
Let’s be honest, everyone is selling these “affordable” courses and Softwares are what’s “HOT” now.Yes, we can charge more, and yes we should charge more because this method is UNLIKE any other method out there.
But we won’t.
Because the more people we will get to buy this during launch time, the more customers we will have to do business with in the future.
But we will make small increases, and then we will increase it like CRAZY when the launch will be over. MARK MY WORDS, it WILL increase.
Click The Button Below And We Guarantee That
You Won’t Regret This Decision, EVER.
Madsense Reborn
You’re Covered By Our
200% Refund Policy.
Whether it’s our top notch support, whether it’s the product itself or the delivery of the product.That being said, if you apply what you learn in the Madsense Reborn, setup your ads & your minisite using our method in the first 30 days and it does not work for you after we communicated with you and did our best to work with you, we will give you twice your money back.
Results Are NOT Typical, But…
Listen, every sales page hides their “fine print” somewhere so that you won’t notice it, and then play that card in your communications with them.Not us, nah-ah. I just want to get it out of my chest and say it as it is. This is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme and our results are NOT typical.
We cannot guarantee you will even get any results.
HOWEVER, what we can guarantee is that we did our best to make this information so damn good so that you will have the biggest chance of getting results.
And we sure as hell hope you will get BETTER results than we did.
We want to help people therefore we want SERIOUS ACTION TAKERS.
We want fighters that will fight until they will become rich.
These are the type of people we will help.
So with that being said, click the button below to purchase the Madsense Reborn Course.
Today is YOUR Day, Take Advantage
Of The Discounted Price NOW:
Madsense Reborn
“And Hey, I’ve Been Burnt By Products & Promises Before Too. Heck, I STILL Do Sometimes.”
But If There’s One Thing I Learned, Is That It Takes Multiple Failures To Get Up And Achieve MASSIVE Success.This product, may just be what will lift you up and create MASSIVE success for you.
Don’t delay, you KNOW it can
change your life.
Madsense Reborn
Take care and best of luck,
Abdullah Ashraf, Tom Yevsikov & Gaurab BorahP.S – Imagine that in 30 days you are already out of your job, working from home and growing your business everyday while having full control over your income with supreme Adsense and Facebook Ads Strategies. Or Just using that money to fund your “MAIN” business like Ecom or whatever.
Feels good isn’t it? Well, Madsense Reborn is the fastest way you can achieve it.
P.P.S – Proof, step by step walkthrough and a bullet proof guarantee is just a fraction of how far we will go to help you.
Madsense Reborn
└─Madsense Reborn
│ Resources.url
│ CASE Study – In 2 hrs, 111k FB reach, 47k likes, 500 comments, Profit with CPA & Adsense.mp4
│ QuickContentCheatsheet.pdf
│ Resources.mht
├─Module 1 – Setting Up
│ 1. Intro.mp4
│ 10. Home Page.mp4
│ 2. Purchase Domain.mp4
│ 3. Purchase Hosting.mp4
│ 4. Setting Up WordPress.mp4
│ 5. Theme Setup.mp4
│ 6. Theme Settings.mp4
│ 7. Creating A Quick Logo.mp4
│ 8. Installing The Secret File.mp4
│ 9. Fan Page & Graphics.mp4
│ Module 1 – Setting Up .txt
│ Resources.url
│ td_smart_list_6.php
├─Module 2 – Content
│ 11. Content Research.mp4
│ 11b. How to find FREE content ideas!.mp4
│ 12. Uploading Content.mp4
│ 13. Rewriting Content.mp4
│ Module 2 – Content.txt
│ Quick Content Cheatsheet.pdf
│ Resources.url
├─Module 3 – AdSense
│ 14. Applying For AdSense.mp4
│ 15. Inserting Ad Code.mp4
│ 16. Statistics.mp4
│ 17. Inserting Ad Codes.mp4
│ 18. URL Channels.mp4
│ how to apply for adsense.mp4
│ Module 3 – AdSense.txt
│ Resources.url
├─Module 4 – Facebook Ads
│ 19. Business Account.mp4
│ 20. Advertising Criteria.mp4
│ 21. Targeting.mp4
│ 22. Researching Audience.mp4
│ 23. Ad Image.mp4
│ 24. Power Editor.mp4
│ 25. Creating Your Campaign.mp4
│ Module 4 – Facebook Ads.txt
│ Resources.url
└─Module 5 – Optimizing & Scaling
26. Age Breakdown.mp4
27. Countries Breakdown.mp4
28. Gender Breakdowm.mp4
29. Ads Breakdown.mp4
30. Scaling Out By Ages.mp4
Module 5 – Optimizing & Scaling.txt