《Reels Rocketship》是掌握Instagram Reels和实现爆炸式增长的终极指南!
《Reels Rocketship》是掌握Instagram Reels和实现爆炸式增长的终极指南!
Reels Rocketship is the ultimate guide to mastering Instagram Reels and skyrocketing your growth.
This comprehensive program provides the key factors you need to create engaging and follow-worthy Reels.
Learn how to incorporate sounds from TikTok and Instagram, synchronize audio with videos, export high-quality content, add compelling text, and create cohesive cover photos.
Regardless of your niche, Reels Rocketship equips you with strategies to go viral and stay ahead in the competitive video content landscape.
- 教程编号:0816191564
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:13GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
Reels Rocketship
├─01-Module 1 - Reels Basics
│ 01-Reels 101.mkv
│ 01-Resources.pdf
│ 02-Reels Settings and Updates.mkv
│ 03-Reels Cover Pages.mkv
│ 04-How the Algorithm Works with Reels.mkv
│ 05-Types of Reels.mkv
│ 06-Coming up with Reel Ideas.mkv
│ 07-Identifying Trends & Hopping on Trends.mkv
│ 08-Viral Reel Formula.mkv
│ 09-How to Hook Your Viewers.mkv
│ 10-The Art of Storytelling.mkv
├─02-Module 2 - Creating Awesome Video
│ 01-Getting Comfortable on Camera.mkv
│ 02-Gear for Recording Video.mkv
│ 02-Links.pdf
│ 02-Resources.pdf
│ 03-Resources.pdf
│ 03-The Secrets to Creating High Quality Videos.mkv
│ 04-Camera Movements and Filming Techniques.mkv
│ 05-Mastering Transitions.mkv
│ 05-Resources.pdf
│ 06-Magic of Good Music.mkv
│ 06-Resource.pdf
│ 07-Links.pdf
│ 07-Tips for Creating Videos Solo.mkv
├─03-Module 3 - Reels Beyond the Basics
│ 01-Reels analytics for you!.xlsx
│ 01-Resource.pdf
│ 01-Understanding Reels Insights.mkv
│ 02-How to Convert Eyeballs into Follows.mkv
│ 03-So You Went Viral! Now What.mkv
│ 04-How to Batch Create Reels.mkv
│ 04-Links.pdf
├─04-Module 4 - Reels for Business
│ 01-Reels for Business Owners.mkv
├─05-Module 5 - Analysis & Troubleshooting
│ 01-Debunking Reels Myths.mkv
│ 01-Resource.pdf
│ 02-Reels Troubleshooting - Why Reels Isn’t Working for You.mkv
│ 03-Breaking Down Successful Reels.mkv
│ 04-Breaking Down Successful Reels Part II.mkv
├─06-Reels Editing Tutorials
│ 01-'How We Met' Reel Tutorial.mkv
│ 01-Link.pdf
│ 02-'5 Mirror Photoshoot Ideas' Reel Tutorial.mkv
│ 02-Link.pdf
│ 03-'Harry Potter Wine' Reel Tutorial.mp4
│ 03-Resources.pdf
│ 04-How to Duplicate Yourself - Reel tutorial.mkv
│ 04-Resources.pdf
│ 05-'How I Created This Image By Myself' Reel Tutorial.mkv
│ 05-Resources.pdf
│ 06-'Seamless City Transitions' Reel Tutorial.mkv
│ 06-Link.pdf
│ 07-'SATC Outfit Simulation' Reel Tutorial.mkv
│ 07-Resources.pdf
01-BONUS - 200+ Reels Ideas For You!.pdf
02-BONUS - 30 Reels Challenge (A Special Report).mkv
02-Reels Analytics Template.xlsx