




I’ve packed everything you need to know about research report creation and distribution into this course, which includes my plug-and-play template.
This is an advanced content marketing course. If you don’t understand basic content marketing acronyms and tactics, this course will go over your head. You should also have strong writing skills—or an experienced writer you can assign work to.
In-house B2B marketers and writers who want to produce bigger business results, hit their numbers, impress their bosses, and get promoted.
Experienced freelance content writers and marketing agency owners who want to earn more money by adding a high-ticket item to their services menu.

  • 教程编号:0488769445
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:1.27GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─The Research Report Playbook
│      ├─01-Video Lessons
│      │      01-Course Intro【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │      02-Planning + Project Management Pt 1 (Presentation).ts
│      │      03-Planning + Project Management Pt 2 (Presentation).mkv
│      │      03-Planning + Project Management Pt 2.mkv
│      │      04-Data Collection + Analysis (Presentation).mkv
│      │      04-Data Collection + Analysis.mkv
│      │      05-Report Writing + Design (Presentation).mkv
│      │      05-Report Writing + Design.mkv
│      │      06-WebDev + RevOps (Presentation).mkv
│      │      06-WebDev + RevOps.mkv
│      │      07-Organic Promotion + PR (Presentation).mkv
│      │      07-Organic Promotion + PR.mkv
│      │      08-Paid Promotion (Presentation).mkv
│      │      08-Paid Promotion.mkv
│      │      09-Sales Enablement (Presentation).mkv
│      │      09-Sales Enablement.mkv
│      │      10-Post-Launch (Presentation).mkv
│      │      10-Post-Launch.mkv
│      │      11-Monetization (Bonus) (Presentation).mkv
│      │      11-Monetization (Bonus).mkv
│      │      12-My Writing Process - Bonus Lesson (Presentation).mkv
│      │      12-My Writing Process - Bonus Lesson.mkv
│      │      
│      ├─02-Course Materials
│      │      01-Course Slides.pptx
│      │      02-Project management template.xlsx
│      │      03-Storyline Planning Template.docx
│      │      04-The DAB Framework Template.pptx
│      │      05-Sample Survey Questions.docx
│      │      06-Example Report.pdf
│      │      07-Example Report (Landing page).txt
│      │      08-Example Report.pdf
│      │      09-Example Report.pdf
│      │      
│      └─03-Bonus Materials
│              01-Freelancer outreach template.docx
│              02-Example Report (Landing page).txt



