Meta Ads平台:设置、启动、测试、BMP、优化和增加广告支出所需的一切

本课程使用Meta Ads平台设置、启动、测试、优化和增加广告支出所需的一切。






  • 教程编号:1464898337
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:3.08GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  The 7-Figure Meta Ads Playbook
  ├─01-The BPM Method (2022)
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  ├─01. Welcome (Start Here)
  │  │      01-Introduction to The BPM Method.mkv
  │  │      01-Introduction to The BPM Method.pdf
  │  │      02-Goal Setting & Getting The Best From This Training Program.mkv
  │  │      02-Goal Setting & Getting The Best From This Training Program.pdf
  │  │      03-The BPM Method Support.mkv
  │  │      03-The BPM Method Support.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─02. Selling Anything Online with The AC-4 Framework
  │  │      01-The 4 Key Pillars of Advertising.mkv
  │  │      02-CORE-4 Score Sheet [TEMPLATE] - EXTERNAL - BPM METHOD STUDENTS ONLY.xlsx
  │  │      02-Grading Your AC-4.mkv
  │  │      03-From AC-4 To Advertising Strategy.mkv
  │  │      04-End of Module Review.pdf
  │  │      More.png
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─03. Pitch The Perfect PRODUCT
  │  │      01-Is Your Product-Service Ads Ready.mkv
  │  │      02-Human Needs & Desires.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─04-4. Find AUDIENCES That Click
  │  │      01-Introduction to The 5W Avatar - The First Step of Creating Magnetic Ads .mkv
  │  │      02-Content Planning Matrix - BPM Method - ZASR (c).xlsx
  │  │      02-Into The Mind of Your Prospects.mkv
  │  │      03-Building Your 5W Avatar .mkv
  │  │      04-Copy Mastery Using The 5W Avatar.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─05. Create OFFERS That Sell
  │  │      01-Introduction .mkv
  │  │      02-Compulsion Offers That Attract, Convince & Convert.mkv
  │  │      03-Storytelling, Visualisation & Emotion - Creating The Perfect Ad.mkv
  │  │      03-Storytelling, Visualisation & Emotion - Creating The Perfect Ad.pdf
  │  │      04-Mega List of Ecommerce Promotions.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─06. Build FUNNELS That Convert
  │  │      01-Introduction .mkv
  │  │      02-The 4 Funnel System Explained.mkv
  │  │      03-4-Funnel System Examples.mkv
  │  │      04-Build Your 4 Funnel System.mkv
  │  │      04-Build Your 4 Funnel System.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─07-Increasing Conversion Rates
  │  │      01-The Customer Experience Framework.mkv
  │  │      02- Landing Page Analysis & Inspiration.mkv
  │  │      03- Landing Page Speed Optimisation .mkv
  │  │      03- Landing Page Speed Optimisation.pdf
  │  │      04- Landing Page Design Example.mkv
  │  │      05- Ecommerce Landing Page Review.mkv
  │  │      06-Site Optimisation- Heatmaps and Clickmaps .mkv
  │  │      06-Site Optimisation-Heatmaps and Clickmaps.pdf
  │  │      07-Site Optimisation- Visitor Spying.mkv
  │  │      08-Site Optimisation- Visitor Polls .mkv
  │  │      09-Site Optimisation Split Testing.pdf
  │  │      09-Site Optimisation- Split Testing.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─08-Improving Average Order Values (AOV)
  │  │      01-AOV Optimisation Methods .mkv
  │  │      02-Ecomerce Bundling Example.mkv
  │  │      02-Ecomerce Bundling Example.pdf
  │  │      03- Amazon Ecommerce Example.mkv
  │  │      04-Cookbook Digital Product Example.mkv
  │  │      05-Promotional Campaigns Hack.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─09-End of Module
  │  │      01-End of Module Review.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─10-7. Getting Ready for Advertising $
  │  │      01-KPIs & Goal Setting.mkv
  │  │      02-The Profit-Revenue Curve.mkv
  │  │      BPM Method - Goal Setting Exercise.docx
  │  │      CPA, ROAS and LTV Calculator - The BPM Method (public) - Depesh Mandalia(1).xlsx
  │  │      CPA, ROAS and LTV Calculator - The BPM Method (public) - Depesh Mandalia.xlsx
  │  │      Understanding Your KPI Levers.xlsx
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─11-Attribution
  │  │      01-Why You Need Attribution Analysis To Optimise & Scale.mkv
  │  │      01-Why You Need Attribution Analysis To Optimise & Scale.pdf
  │  │      02-eROAS Calculator.mkv
  │  │      02-eROAS Calculator.pdf
  │  │      02-The BPM Method - eROAS Calculator.xlsx
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  └─12-Bonus Business Growth Levers
  │          01- Introduction to Business Scaling .mkv
  │          02-More Customers .mkv
  │          03-Repeat Purchases .mkv
  └─02-The 7-Figure Meta (Facebook) Ads Playbook (2022)
      ├─01-1. Welcome (Start Here)
      │      01-Introduction to The 7-Figure Meta Ads Playbook (MAP).mkv
      │      02-Goal Setting & Getting The Best From This Training Program.mkv
      │      03-The 7-Figure MAP Mastermind & Support .mkv
      │      03-The 7-Figure MAP Mastermind & Support.pdf
      ├─02-2. Ad Account Fundamentals (Before You Run Ads)
      │      01- Introduction.mkv
      ├─03-Master The Facebook Algorithm
      │      01-Winning Ad Auctions Through Funnels & Offers .mkv
      │      02-The Facebook Algorithm UNLEASHED.mkv
      ├─04-Account Setup
      │      01-Account Structure .mkv
      │      01-Account Structure.pdf
      │      02-Ads Policy Compliance.pdf
      │      02-Facebook-Ads-Campaign-Launch-Policy-Compliance-Checklist-SM-Commerce-2020.pdf
      │      03-The Facebook Pixel .mkv
      │      03-The Facebook Pixel.pdf
      │      04- Advanced Pixel Hacks.mkv
      │      04- Advanced Pixel Hacks.pdf
      │      05-Advanced Setup- Schema & Markup.mkv
      │      05-Advanced Setup-Schema & Markup.pdf
      │      06-Advanced Setup Catalogs (Ecommerce).pdf
      │      07- Advanced Setup-Advanced Matching.pdf
      │      08-Advanced Setup-Offline Conversions.pdf
      │      09- Advanced Setup First Party Cookies.pdf
      │      10- Google Analytics UTM Tagging Format for Ads.pdf
      ├─05-Audience Research
      │      01- Using Existing Data & Planning Your Audiences .mkv
      │      01- Using Existing Data & Planning Your Audiences.pdf
      │      02-Uncovering Opportunities via Audience Insights.mkv
      │      02-Uncovering Opportunities via Audience Insights.pdf
      │      03-Audience Building via 'Page Stalking'.mkv
      │      03-Audience Building via Page Stalking.pdf
      │      04-Audience Building via 'Fan Stalking' .mkv
      │      04-Audience Building via Fan Stalking.pdf
      ├─06-Ad Building & Creative Research
      │      01-Basics of Creating Ads (FB, IG, MSG) .mkv
      │      01-Basics of Creating Ads (FB, IG, MSG).pdf
      │      02-Creative Research via Success Stories.mkv
      │      02-Creative Research via Success Stories.pdf
      │      03- Ethical Hacking via Ads Library.mkv
      │      03- Ethical Hacking via Ads Library.pdf
      │      04- Ad Formats & Sizes .mkv
      │      04- Ad Formats & Sizes.pdf
      ├─07-Creating & Writing Kick-Ass Ads
      │      01-The 3N Ads Formula.mkv
      │      02-N1- Stop the Scroll .mkv
      │      03-N2- Engage.mkv
      │      04-N3- Convert .mkv
      │      05-Creating The Perfect Ad.mkv
      │      05-Creating The Perfect Ad.pdf
      ├─08-Data Mastery
      │      01- Introduction to Data Mastery .mkv
      │      02-CPA & ROAS Analysis Tree.mkv
      │      03- CPA & ROAS Calculator.mkv
      │      03- CPA & ROAS Calculator.pdf
      │      04-Report Setup & Analysis Top Level KPIs.pdf
      │      04-Report Setup & Analysis- Top Level KPIs.mkv
      │      05- Report Setup & Analysis- Funnel KPIs .mkv
      │      06-Report Setup & Analysis- Video Engagement KPIs .mkv
      │      07-Report Setup & Analysis- Lead Gen KPIs.mkv
      │      08- Report Setup & Analysis- Webinar KPIs.mkv
      │      09-(NV) Creating Deeper Insights, Fast using Facebook's Ads Reporting.mkv
      │      09-(NV) Creating Deeper Insights, Fast using Facebook's Ads Reporting.pdf
      │      10-Google Sheets KPI Dashboard Example.mkv
      │      11-Google Sheets KPI Dashboard Build.mkv
      │      11-Google Sheets KPI Reporting Template - The BPM Method.xlsx
      │      12- Reporting & Insights Rocket Fuel with Supermetrics.mkv
      │      12- Reporting & Insights Rocket Fuel with Supermetrics.pdf
      │      13-STAR Testing Method .mkv
      │      13-STAR Testing Method.pdf
      ├─09-Campaign Budget Optimisation (CBO) Mastery
      │      01-CBO Mastery.mkv
      │      01-CBO Mastery.pdf
      ├─10-3. Launch Your Test Campaigns
      │      01-Introduction to The Graduation Framework.mkv
      ├─11-The Graduation Framework
      │      01- Introduction to The Graduation Framework.mkv
      │      01-BPM_Method_-_Grad_Testing_Process_-_updated_23_April_2020-Grad_Testing_Flow.pdf
      │      02-Setting Up Your Ads Library.mkv
      │      02-Setting Up Your Ads Library.pdf
      │      03-Android-iOS Split Testing.mkv
      │      04-Calibration Testing.mkv
      │      05-BPM~1.pdf
      │      05-GT Phase 1 Finding Winning Audience.pdf
      │      05-GT Phase 1- Finding Winning Audience.mkv
      │      06- GT Phase 2- Finding Winning Ads.mkv
      │      06- GT Phase 2-Finding Winning Ads.pdf
      │      06-BPM_Method_-_Grad_Testing_Process_-_updated_23_April_2020-Phase_2_-_Ad_Testing.pdf
      │      07-BPM_Method_-_Grad_Testing_Process_-_updated_23_April_2020-Phase_3_-_Prospecting.pdf
      │      07-GT Phase 3- Stability & Prospecting.mkv
      │      07-GT Phase 3-Stability & Prospecting.pdf
      │      08-GT Phase 3- Prospecting Next Steps.mkv
      │      08-GT Phase 3-Prospecting Next Steps.pdf
      │      09-The GTA Method - Analysis, Action, Automation.mkv
      │      10-The GTA Method - Setting Rules .mkv
      │      12-Graduation Framework FAQs.pdf
      │      13-Split Testing .mkv
      │      13-Split Testing.pdf
      ├─12-End of Module
      │      01-End of Module Review.pdf
      ├─13-4. Stabilise & Optimise For Profits
      │      01-Introduction to Stabilisation & Optimisation.mkv
      ├─14-Launch Your Retargeting Funnel
      │      01-WARM DCO Infinity Retargeting Strategy Setup.mkv
      │      01-WARM DCO Infinity Retargeting Strategy Setup.pdf
      │      02-WARM DCO Retargeting Infinity Strategy Analysis.mkv
      │      03-HOT DCO Infinity Retargeting Strategy Example.mkv
      │      03-HOT DCO Infinity Retargeting Strategy Example.pdf
      │      05-Ecommerce DPA Product Sets .mkv
      ├─15-Analysis-Digging & Panning For Gold
      │      01-Prospecting Stability Example.mkv
      │      02-BPM Method - Gold Digging Scoresheet - External.xlsx
      │      02-Gold Digging for Stability & Growth.mkv
      │      03-The Punisher Method to Reset Performance .mkv
      │      04-The Ads Sniper Method to Optimise Spend .mkv
      ├─16-Reducing CPMs (Auction Optimization)
      │      02-Reduce CPM via higher Meta Page Engagement .mkv
      │      04-Reduce CPM with High Quality Content Research.mkv
      │      04-Reduce CPM with High Quality Content Research.pdf
      │      05-Reduce CPM with High Page Quality Scores .mkv
      │      05-Reduce CPM with High Page Quality Scores.pdf
      │      06-Reduce CPM via Ad Quality Score Analysis.mkv
      │      06-Reduce CPM via Ad Quality Score Analysis.pdf
      │      07-Reduce CPM through Auction Insights Analysis.mkv
      │      08-Reduce CPM using The VCO Strategy (Variable Campaign Objectives).mkv
      ├─17-End of Module
      │      01- End of Module Review.pdf
      ├─18-5. Scaling
      │      01-BPM Method - Scaling checklist.docx
      │      01-Growth vs Scaling.mkv
      │      02-Ads Scaling Mindset .mkv
      │      02-The BPM Method - Scaling Mindset.docx
      ├─19-Campaign Scaling Strategies
      │      01-Introduction to Campaign Scaling Strategies .mkv
      │      02-The GT-CBO Method.mkv
      │      03-The BPM Method - V-Scale.docx
      │      03-V-Scale - Moderate Spend Increases Requiring Less Time & Effort (preferred!).mkv
      │      04-The BPM Method - Nitro V-Scale.docx
      │      05-H-Scale Split - Duplicating Ad Sets for Scaling (Lower Reliability since 2020).mkv
      │      05-The BPM Method - H-Scale Split.docx
      │      06-H-Scale Dupe - Risks Stability in Favour of More Chances of Conversions.mkv
      │      06-The BPM Method - H-Scale Dupe.docx
      │      07-The BPM Method - M-Scale Bid Cap.docx
      │      07-The BPM Method - M-Scale Cost Cap.docx
      │      07-The BPM Method - M-Scale ROAS_Value Bid.docx
      │ - Choosing the right manual bid strategy (Via Facebook).xlsx
      │      08-Scaling Example Using V-Scale, H-Scale & M-Scale.mkv
      ├─20-Bonus-Media Buying Mastery
      │      01-Broad Audience Lookalike Building (Scale Like The Top 0.1% Of FB Advertisers).mkv
      │      02-Signal vs Noise in Ads Management.mkv
      │      02-Signal vs Noise in Ads Management.pdf
      │      03- Promotional Campaign Setup .mkv
      │      04-Strategies To Reduce Facebook Costs (CPM) - Improve Stability & Profitability.mkv
      │      05-The Anatomy of a Perfect Media Buying Team.mkv
      │      06-The New & Simplified Facebook Ads Success Model.mkv
      └─21-The Email Marketing Bonus
              01-Email Marketing Bonus.pdf



