- 教程编号:1814908118
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:2.97GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─The StrADegy System
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
│ │
│ │
│ ├─01-Welcome to StrADegy
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(1).png
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(2).png
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(3).png
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
│ │
│ │
│ ├─02-The StrADegy System
│ │ 01-The StrADegy System from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-02. Connect from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 03-03. Commit from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 04-04. Close from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ TMP9EA8.tmp
│ │ TMPA5BD.tmp
│ │ TMPADCE.tmp
│ │ TMPB2C0.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─03-Introducing Dynamic Sequences
│ │ 01-05. Dynamic Sequences from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-06. The 3 Core Elements from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ TMPB5A0.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ └─04-The Roadmap to Scaling
│ 01-07. The 3 Roadblocks of Scaling from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 02-0.8 ADmotions from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
├─01-Welcome to StrADegy
│ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(1).png
│ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(2).png
│ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist(3).png
│ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
│ │
│ │
│ ├─01-The CLOSE Roadmap
│ │ 01-M1_S1_L1 The Recipe for Success from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ TMPBB41.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─02-Nerd Out on Numbers
│ │ 01-M1_S2_L1. Pinky-Promise Numbers Aren't Scary from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-M1_S2_L2. Expansive Metrics from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 03-M1_S2_L3 Fixing Scalability Issues from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 04-M1_S2LetsDoSomeMath-1523897114469.pdf
│ │ TMPBE7E.tmp
│ │ TMPC1AC.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─03-The 3 Objections
│ │ 01-M1_S3_L1 Why Aren't They Buying- from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-M1_S3_L2 [Build] The Ad Creative from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 1.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 10.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 2.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 3.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 4.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 5.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 6.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 7.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 8.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 9.png
│ │ 03-Close Ad Examples 1.png
│ │ 03-Close Ad Examples 2.png
│ │ 03-Close Ad Examples 3.png
│ │ 03-Close Ad Examples 4.png
│ │ 03-Close Ad Examples 5.png
│ │ 03-Natalie MacNeil - Let's talk about commitment. Ready to....mp4
│ │ 03-Natalie MacNeil - On the fence between The Conquer Club....mp4
│ │ TMPC596.tmp
│ │ TMPC8C4.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─04- Inside Ads Manager
│ │ 01-Creating The Close Dynamic Sequence.mp4
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 1.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 10.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 11.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 12.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 13.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 2.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 3.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 4.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 5.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 6.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 7.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 8.png
│ │ 01-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 9.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 2.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 3.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 4.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 5.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 6.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience 7.png
│ │ 02- [Create] The Target Audience.png
│ │ 04-M1_S4NamingConventions-1524175793860.pdf
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 1.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 10.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 11.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 12.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 13.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 14.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 15.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 16.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 17.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 18.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 19.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 2.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 20.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 21.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 3.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 4.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 5.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 6.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 7.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 8.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign 9.png
│ │
│ │
│ └─05- Measuring Results
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 1.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 2.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 3.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 4.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 5.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 6.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 7.png
│ 01-[Build] The ROI Snapshot Report 8.png
│ 02-Indicators of Success.mp4
│ TMPCCA0.tmp
├─02-The StrADegy System
│ 01-The StrADegy System from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 02-02. Connect from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 03-03. Commit from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 04-04. Close from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ TMPD138.tmp
│ │ 01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
│ │
│ │
│ ├─01-The COMMIT Roadmap
│ │ 01-M2_S1_L1 The Recipe for Success von Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │
│ │
│ ├─02- Nerd Out on Numbers
│ │ 01-M2_S2_L1 The NEW Benchmark from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-M2_S2_L2 The Facebook ATM from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 03-M2_S2LetsDoSomeMath-1525699640598.pdf
│ │ TMPD5CF.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─03-Simplify Your Marketing
│ │ 01-M2_S3_L1 The Real Hero, Micro-Commitments.mp4 from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 2.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 3.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 4.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 5.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 6.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples 7.png
│ │ 02-Commit Ad Examples.png
│ │ 02-M2_S3_L2 The One-Two Punch from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ TMPD8FD.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ ├─04- Inside Ads Manager
│ │ 01-M2_S4_L1 Create the Commit Dynamic Sequence from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 1.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 10.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 11.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 12.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 2.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 3.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 4.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 5.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 6.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 7.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 8.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 9.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 1.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 10.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 11.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 12.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 13.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 14.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 15.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 16.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 17.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 18.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 19.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 2.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 20.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 21.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 22.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 23.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 24.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 25.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 26.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 27.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 28.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 29.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 3.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 30.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 31.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 32.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 4.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 5.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 6.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 7.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 8.png
│ │ 03-[Create] The Target Audience 9.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 1.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 10.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 11.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 12.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 13.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 14.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 15.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 16.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 17.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 18.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 19.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 2.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 20.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 21.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 22.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 23.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 24.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 25.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 26.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 27.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 28.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 29.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 3.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 4.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 5.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 6.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 7.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 8.png
│ │ 04-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 9.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 1.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 10.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 11.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 12.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 13.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 14.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 2.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 3.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 4.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 5.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 6.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 7.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 8.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 9.png
│ │
│ │
│ └─05- Measuring Results
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 1.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 2.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 3.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 4.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 5.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 6.png
│ 01-[Build] The Lead Progress Report 7.png
│ 02-M2_S5_L2 Indicators of Success from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ TMPDC0C.tmp
├─03-Introducing Dynamic Sequences
│ 01-05. Dynamic Sequences from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 02-06. The 3 Core Elements from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │
│ │
│ ├─01-The CONNECT Roadmap
│ │ 01-M3_S1_L1 The Recipe for Success from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │
│ │
│ ├─02-The Superfan Accelerator
│ │ 01-M3_S3_L1 Zero to Interwebs Besties from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 1.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 2.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 3.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 4.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 5.png
│ │ 02-[Build] The Ad Creative 6.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 1.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 2.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 3.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 4.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 5.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 6.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 7.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 8.png
│ │ 03-Connect Ad Examples 9.png
│ │
│ │
│ ├─03-Inside Ads Manager
│ │ 01-M3_S4_L1 Creating the Connect Dynamic Sequence from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 1.png
│ │ 02-[Create] The Exclusion Audience 2.png
│ │ 03-M3_S3_L2 The Truth About Targeting from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 1.png
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 2.png
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 3.png
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 4.png
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 5.png
│ │ 04-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 1 6.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 1.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 10.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 11.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 12.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 13.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 14.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 15.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 16.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 17.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 18.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 19.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 2.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 20.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 21.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 3.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 4.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 5.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 6.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 7.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 8.png
│ │ 05-[Build] The Campaign—Part 1 9.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 1.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 2.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 3.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 4.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 5.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 6.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 7.png
│ │ 06-[Create] The Target Audience—Part 2 8.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 1.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 10.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 11.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 12.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 13.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 14.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 15.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 16.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 17.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 18.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 19.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 2.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 3.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 4.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 5.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 6.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 7.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 8.png
│ │ 07-[Build] The Campaign—Part 2 9.png
│ │ TMPE316.tmp
│ │ TMPE569.tmp
│ │
│ │
│ └─04-Measuring Results
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 1.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 2.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 3.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 4.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 5.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 6.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 7.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 8.png
│ 01-[Build] The Engagement Report 9.png
├─04-The Roadmap to Scaling
│ 01-07. The 3 Roadblocks of Scaling from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ 02-0.8 ADmotions from Amanda Bond on Vimeo.mp4
│ TMPE7FA.tmp
01-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
02-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
03-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png
04-Screenshot_2019-06-20 TheAdStrategist.png