从阿里巴巴进口畅销产品并在亚马逊上销售的一步一步的新手指南 – 看老外是怎么教老外做跨境电商的!(Alibaba The Complete Guide)

从阿里巴巴进口畅销产品并在亚马逊上销售的一步一步的新手指南 - 看老外是怎么教老外做跨境电商的!(Alibaba The Complete Guide)


Step-by-step guide to import best-selling products from Alibaba to sell on Amazon.

You’ll learn:

Identify profitable products in Alibaba.
Identify great and trustable Manufacturers in China.
Negotiate with Manufacturers to get the absolute best deal.
Identify market opportunities in the Amazon marketplace.
Calculate final prices, fees, and other cost to be able to identify the final profit.
Rank your products higher in Amazon to increase sales.
and much more



Alibaba The Complete Guide
└─Alibaba The Complete Guide
0-Alibaba Trailer.mkv
1-Welcome to the Course.mkv
10-Profitable Product 2.mkv
11-Profitable Product 3.mkv
12-Profitable Product 4.mkv
13-Profitable Product 5.mkv
14-Course Challenge 1.mkv
15-Section 5.mkv
16-Identifying a Good Supplier.mkv
17-Course Challenge 2.mkv
18-Section 6.mkv
19-How to Negotiate with Suppliers.mkv
2-Section 2.mkv
20-Asking for Free Sample Product.mkv
21-Course Challenge 3.mkv
22-Section 7.mkv
23-Shipping Cost.mkv
24-Ship to Amazon or to You.mkv
25-What is MOQ.mkv
26-Section 8.mkv
27-Closing the Deal.mkv
28-Session 9.mkv
29-Asking your Supplier to Help you with your Importation Clearance.mkv
3-What is Alibaba.mkv
30-Before your Buy make sure of this important things.mkv
31-Inspecting Your Products.mkv
32-Section 11.mkv
33-Buying from DealExtreme.mkv
34-Buying from AliExpress.mkv
35-Section 12.mkv
36-Creating your Amazon Seller Account.mkv
37-Understanding the Amazon Seller central.mkv
38-Winning the Buy Box.mkv
39-Products Categories on Amazon.mkv
4-Understanding the Alibaba interface.mkv
40-Course Challenge 4.mkv
41-Section 13.mkv
42-Listing Existing Product.mkv
43-Listing a New Product.mkv
44-Listing with your Smartphone.mkv
45-Course Challenge 5.mkv
46-Session 14.mkv
47-Creating your shipping plan.mkv
48-Course Challenge 6.mkv
49-Labeling your products.mkv
5-Alibabacom or Alibaba Wholesale.mkv
50-Preparing your products before shipping.mkv
51-Recommended Book.mkv
52-Section 15.mkv
53-Session 16.mkv
54-Go to a UPS Store.mkv
55-Challenge 7.mkv
56-How Amazon Pays you.mkv
57-How to Automate all the process.mkv
59-Boxing your products.mkv
6-Section 3.mkv
7-3 Ways to Find Greast Products in Alibaba.mkv
8-Session 4.mkv
9-Profitable Product 1.mkv
Alibaba Challenges Spreadsheet.xlsx
Emails Copy.docx




