平面设计师的 A-Z 被动收入课程。
了解我用来通过在线销售图形赚取超过 40 万美元的确切步骤。
我最成功的捆绑包如何赚取超过 38,000 美元。
如何使用 SEO 和关键字策略来提高您的知名度和流量。
- 教程编号:0565717371
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:2.98GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
├─1. Introduction
│ 1. Introduction.mkv
│ 1. Introduction.srt
├─2. 1. Master Plan
│ 1. 1.1 Creating Your Vision.mkv
│ 1. 1.1 Creating Your Vision.srt
│ 1.1 Master-Plan-Creative-Freedom.pdf
│ 2. 1.2 Guided Visualization.mkv
│ 2. 1.2 Guided Visualization.srt
│ 3. 1.3 Creating Time.mkv
│ 3. 1.3 Creating Time.srt
│ 4. 1.4 Establishing Your Niche.mkv
│ 4. 1.4 Establishing Your Niche.srt
│ 5. 1.5 Developing Your Brand.mkv
│ 5. 1.5 Developing Your Brand.srt
├─3. 2. Innovate
│ 1. 2.1 Brainmapping.mkv
│ 1. 2.1 Brainmapping.srt
│ 1.1 Product-Roadmap-Creative-Freedom.pdf
│ 2. 2.2 Become a Master Innovator [Finding inspiration].mkv
│ 2. 2.2 Become a Master Innovator [Finding inspiration].srt
│ 3. 2.3 Behind-the-Scenes Sketches.mkv
│ 3. 2.3 Behind-the-Scenes Sketches.srt
│ 4. 2.4 Lessons from Failing.mkv
│ 4. 2.4 Lessons from Failing.srt
│ 5. 2.5 Staying Ahead of the Curve.mkv
│ 5. 2.5 Staying Ahead of the Curve.srt
├─4. 3. Where to Sell
│ 1. 3.1 Marketplace Review.mkv
│ 1. 3.1 Marketplace Review.srt
│ 1.1 Marketplace-Review-Creative-Freedom.pdf
│ 2. 3.2 Success Secrets [Design Products Landscape].mkv
│ 2. 3.2 Success Secrets [Design Products Landscape].srt
│ 3. 3.3 Income Opportunities w Affiliates _ Deal Sites [Demo].mkv
│ 3. 3.3 Income Opportunities w Affiliates _ Deal Sites [Demo].srt
│ 4. 3.4 Customer Support _ Piracy.mkv
│ 4. 3.4 Customer Support _ Piracy.srt
│ 5. 3.5 Licenses.mkv
│ 5. 3.5 Licenses.srt
├─5. 3.6 Your Own eCommerce
│ 1. Getting Started with Your Theme [Demo].mkv
│ 1. Getting Started with Your Theme [Demo].srt
│ 2. Manually Installing Your Theme [Demo].mkv
│ 2. Manually Installing Your Theme [Demo].srt
│ 3. EDD Back-End Set-Up [Demo].mkv
│ 3. EDD Back-End Set-Up [Demo].srt
│ 4. Your Website Front-End [Demo].mkv
│ 4. Your Website Front-End [Demo].srt
├─6. 4. Build Out
│ 1. 4.1 Setting Up Files.mkv
│ 1. 4.1 Setting Up Files.srt
│ 1.1 Product-Launch-Checklist-Creative-Freedom.pdf
│ 2. 4.2 File Formats.mkv
│ 2. 4.2 File Formats.srt
│ 2.1 Image-Formats-01.png
│ 3. 4.3 Product SEO.mkv
│ 3. 4.3 Product SEO.srt
│ 3.1 SEO-Checklist-Creative-Freedom.pdf
│ 4. 4.4 Product Set-Up [Demo].mkv
│ 4. 4.4 Product Set-Up [Demo].srt
│ 5. 4.5 Product Launch [Demo].mkv
│ 5. 4.5 Product Launch [Demo].srt
├─7. 5. Sales Strategies
│ 1. 5.1 The Power of Giving.mkv
│ 1. 5.1 The Power of Giving.srt
│ 2. 5.2 Pricing Strategies.mkv
│ 2. 5.2 Pricing Strategies.srt
│ 3. Creative Market Pricing Updates (2019).mkv
│ 3. Creative Market Pricing Updates (2019).srt
│ 4. 5.3 Display Images.mkv
│ 4. 5.3 Display Images.srt
├─8. 6. Traffic _ Social Media
│ 1. 6.1 The Educate _ Inspire Method.mkv
│ 1. 6.1 The Educate _ Inspire Method.srt
│ 2. 6.2 The Power of Pinterest.mkv
│ 2. 6.2 The Power of Pinterest.srt
│ 3. 6.3 Pin Examples.mkv
│ 3. 6.3 Pin Examples.srt
│ 4. 6.4 - The Pin Groupie Method.mkv
│ 4. 6.4 - The Pin Groupie Method.srt
│ 5. 6.5 - Pinning _ Scheduling [Demo].mkv
│ 5. 6.5 - Pinning _ Scheduling [Demo].srt
└─9. BONUS!
1. BONUS Interview with Aaron Epstein (Co-Owner of Creative Market).mkv
1. BONUS Interview with Aaron Epstein (Co-Owner of Creative Market).srt