了解如何创建、启动和销售您的在线课程和计划!轻松达到 5 位数的收益!
为期 12 周的辅导计划,
以便您可以扩展到 5 位数收益的月份。您将学习如何创建您的观众真正想要购买的课程。
我将教你如何击中 5 位数的财富。您不仅将学习如何创建和启动销售一门课程,
- 教程编号:0630975706
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:5.85GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
├─1 The Foundation Of Launching
│ 1-The Foundation Of Launching.mkv
│ 2-What Is A Niche Why It Is Important To Niche Down.mkv
│ 3-How To Niche Down.mkv
│ 4-Making Sure Your Idea Is Viable.mkv
│ Your Ideal Client 1 .pdf
├─2 Creating Your Course
│ 1-Product Suite.mkv
│ 10-Do The Numbers.mkv
│ 11-Entry Level Offers.mkv
│ 2-Turning Your Idea Into A Course.mkv
│ 3-How To Outline Your Course Using Trello.mkv
│ 4-Lives VS Pre Recorded.mkv
│ 5-What To Include In Your Course How To Add Value.mkv
│ 6-VIP Upgrades To Add Value(1).mkv
│ 6-VIP Upgrades To Add Value.mkv
│ 7-Creating Your Course.mkv
│ 8-Course Platforms.mkv
│ 9-Pricing Your Course.mkv
│ Developing your idea.pdf
│ Goal Setting WorkBook 1 .pdf
│ Streaming Zoom Into Facebook 1 .pdf
├─3 Building Authority Online
│ 1-Why People Buy.mkv
│ 2-Why Building Authority Is Important.mkv
│ 3-How To Build Authority Online.mkv
│ 4-Customer Journey.mkv
│ 5-Content Types.mkv
│ 6-Content Calendar Trello Board.mkv
│ Mindset Workbook.pdf
├─4 Branding
│ 1-Creating Graphics Using Canvas.mkv
├─5 Facebook Group Accelerator
│ 1-Why Having A Facebook Group Is Vital.mkv
│ 2-Building A Facebook Group.mkv
│ 3-Growing A Facebook Group.mkv
│ 4-Leveraging A Facebook Group.mkv
│ 5-Keeping Your Content Organised Using Trello.mkv
│ 6-Facebook Group Audits Lives.ts
│ Add a subheading 1 .png
├─6 Instagram Masterclass
│ #3783 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ 1-Instagram Algorithm.mkv
│ 2-Optimising Your Instagram.mkv
│ 3-My Instagram Profile.mkv
│ 4-Instagram Content.ts
│ 5-Customer Journey On Instagram.mkv
│ 6-Hashtag Research.mkv
├─7 Launch Strategy
│ 1-The Launch Steps.mkv
│ 2-Launch Strategy.mkv
│ 3-Creating And Doing Your Challenge.mkv
│ 4-Launch Mapping For Multiple Courses.mkv
│ 5-Sales Pages.mkv
│ 6-Launch Checklist Template.mkv
│ Creating A challenge.pdf
│ Launch Calendar Template.pdf
│ Launch Mapping Workbook.pdf
│ Launch Strategy Workbook.pdf
│ Sales Page Template.docx
│ Sales Page Workbook.pdf
│ Streaming Zoom Into Facebook.pdf
├─8 Sell Like A Pro
│ 1-Money Mindset.mkv
│ 2-Creating A Leads System.ts
│ 3-Converting Sales Calls Handling Objections.ts
│ 4-Money Mindset Sales Psychology With Rosie Peacock.ts
│ Mindset Workbook 1 .pdf
├─Facebook Group Accelerator
│ #3321 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3322 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3323 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ 1-Introduction - Why Having A Facebook Group Is Vital.mkv
│ 2-Lesson 1- Building Your Facebook Group.mkv
│ 3-Lesson 2- Growing Your Facebook Grous.mkv
│ 4-Lesson 3- Leveraging A Facebook Group.mkv
│ 5-Lesson 4- Keeping Your Content Organised Using Trello.mkv
│ 6-Facebook Group Live Audit.ts
│ Facebook Group Accelerator Workbook.pdf
│ Launch Calendar.png
│ #3324 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3325 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3326 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3327 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3328 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3329 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3330 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3331 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3332 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3333 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3334 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3335 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3336 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3337 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3338 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3339 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3340 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3341 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3342 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3343 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3344 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3345 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3346 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3347 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3348 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3349 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3350 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3351 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3352 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3353 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3873 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
│ #3874 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ 1-Welcome Laurie Burrows.mkv
│ Facebook Group Accelerator Workbook 2 .pdf
│ Know Your Numbers.xlsx
│ Money Mindset Sales Psychology With Rosie Peacock.mp4
│ Overcoming Imposter Syndrome With Penelope Zakou.mp4
│ #3365 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3366 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3367 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3368 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3369 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
│ #3370 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
└─The Ultimate Launch Kit
#3354 - Laurie Burrows .jpg
#3355 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3356 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3357 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3358 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3359 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3360 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3361 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3362 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3363 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
#3364 - Laurie Burrows .pdf
1-Launch Strategys.mkv
2-Creating And Doing Your Challenge.mkv
Creating A challenge 2.pdf
Streaming Zoom Into Facebook 2.pdf