这是 Sean Ellis 教授的自定义进度课程,
- 教程编号:0245627869
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:865MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes (1).png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes (2).png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes.001.png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes.png
│ Growth Meeting Agenda Template.docx
│ Growth Meeting Agenda Template.pdf
│ Test Template.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 1 Course Goals & Agenda
│ Welcome to the Course + Course Goals and Agenda - Growth University.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 2 Key Growth Fundamentals
│ 1. Introduction to Section 2 - Key Growth Fundamentals - Growth.avi
│ 2. Lecture- Growth is Cross-Functional - Growth.avi
│ 3. Lecture- Finding Your North Star Metric - Growth.avi
│ 4. Lecture- Testing Drives Growth - Growth.avi
│ 5. Lecture- Twitter's Accelerated Testing - Growth.avi
│ 6. Lecture- Focus Testing on Specific Objectives - Growth.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 3 The Growth Process
│ 1. Introduction to Section 3 - The Growth Process - Growth.avi
│ 10. Lecture- Easy Access to Testing History - Growth.avi
│ 11. Lecture- Test Analysis Leads to New Ideas - Growth.avi
│ 12. Lecture- Repeat to Achieve Objectives - Growth.avi
│ 2. Lecture- What's an Effective Growth Process - Growth.avi
│ 3. Lecture- The Growth Testing Process - Growth.avi
│ 4. Lecture- Analyze the Situation - Growth.avi
│ 5. Lecture- Idea Generation for Objectives - Growth.avi
│ 6. Lecture- Inputs That Drive Growth Ideas - Growth.avi
│ 7. Lecture- Prioritize in Weekly Growth Meeting - Growth.avi
│ 8. Lecture- Launch Tests - Growth.avi
│ 9. Lecture- Analyze Tests and Report Progress - Growth.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 4 The GrowthMaster Role
│ 1. Introduction to Section 4 - The GrowthMaster Role - Growth.avi
│ 2. Lecture- Qualities of a Good GrowthMaster - Growth.avi
│ 3. Lecture- The GrowthMaster Role - Growth.avi
│ 4. Lecture- GrowthMaster Daily Activities - Growth.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 5 The Growth Team
│ 1. Introduction to Section 5 - The Growth Team - Growth.avi
│ 2. Lecture- Cross Functional Growth Team - Growth.avi
│ 3. Lecture- Who Should be on the Growth Team - Growth.avi
│ 4. Lecture- Growth Team Models - Growth.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Section 6 The Growth Meeting
│ 1. Introduction to Section 6 - The Growth Meeting - Growth.avi
│ 10. Lecture- Objective Progress, Key Learnings - Growth.avi
│ 11. Lecture- Review Planned Test Launches - Growth.avi
│ 12. Lecture- Choosing Right Tests to Launch - Growth.avi
│ 13. Lecture- Growth of Idea Backlog - Growth.avi
│ 14. Lecture- Post Growth Meeting - Growth.avi
│ 2. Lecture- The Weekly Growth Meeting - Growth.avi
│ 3. Lecture- Pre-Meeting Preparation - Growth.avi
│ 4. Lecture- Characteristics of a Qualified Idea - Growth.avi
│ 5. Lecture- Weekly Nominations From Team - Growth.avi
│ 6. Lecture- Who Attends the Growth Meeting - Growth.avi
│ 7. Lecture- Maintain Sense of Urgency - Growth.avi
│ 8. Lecture- Weekly Growth Meeting Agenda - Growth.avi
│ 9. Lecture- KPI Review - Growth.avi
│ 说明.txt
└─Section 7 Pulling it All Together & Conclusion
1. Introduction to Section 7 - Pulling it All Together & Conclusion - Growth.avi
2. Lecture- Pulling It All Together - Growth.avi
3. Lecture- The Good GrowthMaster... - Growth.avi
4. Conclusion - Growth.avi