学习如何以正确的方式设定目标,以及如何在实现目标的能力上建立自信!(Focus & Action Productivity)


The Complete Productivity Course for Entrepreneurs.
Focus & action teaches you how to gain absolute clarity and how to say “no” to the right things.
You’ll discover how you can calm the FOMO and get into distraction-free work mode. No willpower required.
The focus & action system helps you confine your busywork to a small portion of the day. You can still keep up with it, but at the end of each day, you’ll have made clear, tangible steps towards your goals.
You’ll learn how to do goal setting the right way and how to build up confidence in your ability to reach your goals.



Focus & Action Productivity
└─Focus & Action Productivity
├─Module 1 Focus
│ 1 Watch This First A Challenge.mp4
│ 2 Progression 1.mp4
│ 3 Progression 2.mp4
│ 4 Note Taking & Writing 1.mp4
│ 5 Note Taking 1 Progress 2.mp4
│ 6 Note Taking Obstacles.mp4
│ 7 Note Taking Distraction Log.mp4
│ 8 Module 1 Webinar B.mp4
│ 8 Resources.txt
├─Module 2 Optimize Your Environment
│ ├─Chapter 1 Digital Environment
│ │ 1 Environment 1 Intro.mp4
│ │ 2 Notification Free Life.mp4
│ │ 2 Resources.txt
│ │ 3 App Tab Minimalism.mp4
│ │ 4 Environment Freedomtime Intro.mp4
│ │ 5 Fortress And Prison.mp4
│ │ 6 Cold Turkey.mp4
│ │ 7 Phone App Blocking.mp4
│ │ 7 Recources.txt
│ │ 8 Digital Environment Tablet Watch.mp4
│ └─Chapter 2 Physical Environment
│ 1 Physical Environment 1.mp4
│ 2 Environment Multi Device.mp4
│ 2 Resources.txt
│ 3 Physical Environment Bold Move.mp4
│ 3 Resources.txt
│ 4 Physical Environment Positive Gap Fillers.mp4
├─Module 3 Building Sticky Habits
│ 1 Sticky Habits Intro.mp4
│ 2 Recoures.txt
│ 2 Sticky Habits 30dc.mp4
│ 3 Resources.txt
│ 3 Sticky Habits Morning 1 Tinygain Version.mp4
│ 4 Recoures.txt
│ 4 Sticky Habits Morning 2 5 Rules.mp4
│ 5 Slowisfast Story.mp4
│ 6 My Morning Routine.mp4
│ 7 Habits Failsafe.mp4
│ 8 Lead Indicators.mp4
│ 8 Recorses.txt
├─Module 4 Deep Work
│ 1 Deep Work Quadrant.mp4
│ 2 Resources (1).txt
│ 2 Resources.txt
│ 2 Trello Work Classify 2.mp4
│ 3 Deep Work Session.mp4
│ 3 Resources.txt
│ 4 Deep Work Peak Focus Hours.mp4
│ 5 Resources.txt
│ 5 Time Tracking.mp4
├─Module 5 Goal Setting (the Right Way)
│ 1 Goal Setting Intro.mp4
│ 1 Resources.txt
│ 2 Goal Setting Big Picture.mp4
│ 2 Resources.txt
│ 3 Goal Setting Trello Priority Board.mp4
│ 3 Resources.txt
│ 4 Goal Setting Top Priority.mp4
│ 5 Goal Setting Mantra Document.mp4
│ 6 Mantra Examples.mp4
└─Module 6 Trello & Task Management
├─Chapter 1 Trello Productivity
│ 1 Trello Personal Productivity V2 Full.mp4
│ 2 Trello Milestones Full.mp4
│ 3 Trello Clarity Full.mp4
│ 4 Trello Braindump Full.mp4
│ 5 Trello Teamboards Full0.mp4
│ 6 Resources.txt
│ 6 Trello Shortcuts Screen.mp4
└─Chapter 2 Calendars & Time Blocking
1 Calendar Time Blocking Intro.mp4
2 Calendar Ongoing Vs Finite.mp4
2 Resources.txt
3 Calendar Reminders Full.mp4
3 Resources.txt
4 Calendar Batch Communicate.mp4




