学习从Facebook、Google、YouTube和Instagram等平台上获取高质量流量的秘密策略!(Paid Traffic Mastery)

Learn the secret strategies for driving quality traffic from platforms like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Instagram in this completely revamped mastery course.
Build an automated traffic system that generates leads and sales for your business 24 hours a day. Learn all about the ever-important “traffic temperature” and how media buying is actually like building an in-person relationship.
Watch step-by-step “deep dive” videos on how to build successful ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube.
Discover the five elements of a high converting paid traffic campaign and how you can leverage them to send thousands of leads to your business.
Paid Traffic Mastery
└─Paid Traffic Mastery 2019
│ Molly Pittman – Paid Traffic Mastery 1.jpg
│ Molly Pittman – Paid Traffic Mastery 2.jpg
├─1-Getting Started
│ 1-Getting Started.mp4
│ 2-Paid Traffic- The What & Why.mp4
│ 3-The Customer Journey Explained.mp4
│ 4-ACTIVITY- Map The Value Journey.mp4
│ Paid Traffic Module 1 Notes.pdf
│ Value Journey Worksheet-FINAL.pdf
├─2-Core Concepts
│ 1-Core Concepts.MP4
│ 2-The Traffic Store.mp4
│ 3-Traffic Temperature.mp4
│ 4-Content & Paid Traffic.MP4
│ 5-Cold Traffic Content.mp4
│ 6-Warm Traffic Content.MP4
│ 7-Hot Traffic Content.MP4
│ 8-What’s Next.MP4
│ Paid Traffic Module 2 Notes.pdf
├─3-Crafting Your Campaign Assets
│ 1-Creating Your Campaign Assets.mp4
│ 2-Customer Avatars.MP4
│ 3-Laser Targeting.mp4
│ 4-High Converting Ad Copy.MP4
│ 5-Ad Creatives.mp4
│ 6-Ad Scent.MP4
│ 7-What’s Next-.MP4
│ Customer Avatar Worksheet Final.pdf
│ Paid Traffic Module 3 Notes.pdf
├─4-Facebook Deep Dive
│ 1-Getting Started With Facebook.MP4
│ 2-Facebook Compliance.MP4
│ 3-Understanding Campaign Structure.mp4
│ 4-Placements, Bidding, & Budget.MP4
│ 5-Instagram.mp4
│ 6-Tracking & Campaign Launch.mp4
│ 7-Retargeting & The Facebook Pixel.mp4
│ Paid Traffic Module 4 Notes.pdf
├─5-Troubleshooting, Optimizing
│ 1-Troubleshooting, Optimizing, & Scaling.MP4
│ 2-Analyzing Data.mp4
│ 3-Troubleshooting Campaigns.mp4
│ 4-Optimizing.MP4
│ 5-Scaling.mp4
│ Paid Traffic Module 5 Notes.pdf
├─6-Google Ads with Mike Rhodes
│ 1-The Big Picture.mp4
│ 10-Getting Advanced.mp4
│ 2-Learn The Lingo.mp4
│ 3-Knowing Your Business and Marketing Goals.MP4
│ 4-Finding and Understanding Keywords.MP4
│ 5-Writing Great Ads.mp4
│ 6-Understanding Ad Groups.MP4
│ 7-Building Campaigns.MP4
│ 8-Conversion Tracking.MP4
│ 9-Introduction to Ongoing Optimization.mp4
│ Paid Traffic Module 6 Notes.pdf
├─7-YouTube Ads with Tom Breeze
│ 1-Introduction yt.MP4
│ 2-Your Customers Moment.MP4
│ 3-The Perfect Video Ad.mp4
│ 4-Reaching Your Customer.mp4
│ 5-Campaign Build Walkthrough.mp4
│ 6-Thank You.MP4
│ Paid Traffic Module 7 Notes.pdf
1-Deeper Dive LinkedIn Platform.mp4
2-LinkedIn Objectives.mp4
3-Finding Your Market On LinkedIn.MP4
4-Ad Copy & Ad Creative.mp4
5-Creating An Ad.mp4
6-Retargeting On LinkedIn.mp4
7-LinkedIn Insights Tag.MP4
8-Reporting & Analytics.mp4