“网站订阅模式”系统 – 完整的学习教程(The Website Subscription Model)

Learn the behind the scenes systems that you can use to build a profitable monthly subscription program by creating and hosting special websites for local clients.
What you’re getting inside:
The full “website subscription model” system.
Part 1: How to find the low hanging fruit fast (The ideal clients who need you now).
Part 2: How to break the ice with a potential client and setup the sale.
Part 3: Dr Ben Adkins website sales secrets (learn how to close the deal the right way).
Part 4: Full tech setup and systems (including the “build anything template”).
Part 5: How to onboard clients, bill them, and keep them happy.
The Website Subscription Model
└─The Website Subscription Model
│ 01-Introduction.mp4
│ 02-Part 1 Low Hanging Fruit Finding 50 Ideal Businesses in One Day.mp4
│ 03-Links.txt
│ 03-Part 2 How to Break the Ice and Get a Meeting.mp4
│ 03-Website Audit.docx
│ 04-Meeting Guide.txt
│ 04-Part 3 My Website Sales Secrets.mp4
│ 05-Links.txt
│ 05-Part 4 The Tech Stack How to Setup and Customize their Site Fast.mp4
│ 06-Bonus Change Your Client’s Domain to Clickfunnels.mp4
│ 06-Website DNS Request to Domain Provider.docx
│ 07-Links.txt
│ 07-Part 5 Client Onboarding, Billing, and Fulfillment.mp4
│ Screenshot-2018-5-4 Fearless University.png
├─DFY Optin Bait
│ 01-Introduction.mp4
│ 02-Psychology of the One Page PDF System.mp4
│ 03-How to Get Clients with the One Page PDF System.mp4
│ 04-How to get Your Clients Business with a One Page PDF.mp4
│ 05-Your One Page PDFs and How they Work.mp4
│ Resources.pdf
└─The Website Subscription Model Advanced
Blog Setup Tasks.xlsx
The Advanced Training.mp4