最少的广告支出!加上一个小小的赠品,帮助你产生大量的客户和销售。(Viral Giveaway Mastermind)

How a simple giveaway will get your or your clients 1000s of leads, sales and engagement.
This is the definitive course for helping generate massive amounts of leads and sales with the least amount of ad spend.You will discover…
The secret weapon to generate thousands of leads and sales by running viral giveaways successfully, no matter what industry you work in.
Learn the exact method we used to generate 8000 leads with only spending $20 in Ad spend. Watch live as I set-up a proper giveaway right in front of your face. We teach by showing you step-by-step exactly what to do unlike other courses that just teach “theory.”
How to dominate Facebook ADs to create winning, profitable ads the fastest & easiest Way.
Viral Giveaway Mastermind
└─Viral Giveaway Mastermind
│ welcome-Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
├─1.The Foundation
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 4.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 5.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 6.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 7.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Immediately_After_The_Giveaway_Ends.pdf
├─11.Ongoing Promotions
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Instant_Win_Promotion_Template.pdf
├─12.Advanced Tactics
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 4.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 5.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Viral_Video_Giveaway_Script.pdf
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Zapier Vyper from Greg Nowacki on Vimeo.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 4.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Active_Campaign_for_Manychat_giveaway.pdf
├─4.The Giveaways
│ 1.Leaderboard Vyper Walk Through from Greg Nowacki on Vimeo.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
├─5.Marketing (Facebook Ads)
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 4.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 5.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Facebook_Ad_Copy.pdf
│ Manychat_Facebook_Ad_Template.pdf
├─6.Marketing (Instagram)
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 2.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
│ 3.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4
└─Bonus #1 (Resources)
1.Viral Giveaway Mastermind Course.mp4