成为团队大师的基础知识(Growth Master Training Course)

成为团队大师的基础知识(Growth Master Training Course)


This is a self-paced course taught by Sean Ellis, that will teach you the fundamentals to become an effective Growth Master.
He shares best practices for leading a team to execute a growth process that drives results.

You will learn how to:

Keep your team consistently engaged in growth.
Prepare in advance for each growth meeting.
Conduct an effective growth meeting to maximize the growth.
Follow up after each growth meeting to ensures plans are effectively executed.
Focus your team on the highest leverage growth opportunities.
Accelerate your team’s testing velocity for maximum growth learning.



Growth Master Training Course
└─Growth Master Training Course
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes (1).png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes (2).png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes.001.png
│ ChristophJanz_CohortAnalysisNotes.png
│ Growth Meeting Agenda Template.docx
│ Growth Meeting Agenda Template.pdf
│ Test Template.pdf
├─Section 1 Course Goals & Agenda
│ Welcome to the Course + Course Goals and Agenda – Growth University.mkv
├─Section 2 Key Growth Fundamentals
│ 1. Introduction to Section 2 – Key Growth Fundamentals – Growth.mkv
│ 2. Lecture- Growth is Cross-Functional – Growth.mkv
│ 3. Lecture- Finding Your North Star Metric – Growth.mkv
│ 4. Lecture- Testing Drives Growth – Growth.mkv
│ 5. Lecture- Twitter’s Accelerated Testing – Growth.mkv
│ 6. Lecture- Focus Testing on Specific Objectives – Growth.mkv
├─Section 3 The Growth Process
│ 1. Introduction to Section 3 – The Growth Process – Growth.mkv
│ 10. Lecture- Easy Access to Testing History – Growth.mkv
│ 11. Lecture- Test Analysis Leads to New Ideas – Growth.mkv
│ 12. Lecture- Repeat to Achieve Objectives – Growth.mkv
│ 2. Lecture- What’s an Effective Growth Process – Growth.mkv
│ 3. Lecture- The Growth Testing Process – Growth.mkv
│ 4. Lecture- Analyze the Situation – Growth.mkv
│ 5. Lecture- Idea Generation for Objectives – Growth.mkv
│ 6. Lecture- Inputs That Drive Growth Ideas – Growth.mkv
│ 7. Lecture- Prioritize in Weekly Growth Meeting – Growth.mkv
│ 8. Lecture- Launch Tests – Growth.mkv
│ 9. Lecture- Analyze Tests and Report Progress – Growth.mkv
├─Section 4 The GrowthMaster Role
│ 1. Introduction to Section 4 – The GrowthMaster Role – Growth.mp4
│ 2. Lecture- Qualities of a Good GrowthMaster – Growth.mkv
│ 3. Lecture- The GrowthMaster Role – Growth.mp4
│ 4. Lecture- GrowthMaster Daily Activities – Growth.mkv
├─Section 5 The Growth Team
│ 1. Introduction to Section 5 – The Growth Team – Growth.mp4
│ 2. Lecture- Cross Functional Growth Team – Growth.mkv
│ 3. Lecture- Who Should be on the Growth Team – Growth.mkv
│ 4. Lecture- Growth Team Models – Growth.mkv
├─Section 6 The Growth Meeting
│ 1. Introduction to Section 6 – The Growth Meeting – Growth.mkv
│ 10. Lecture- Objective Progress, Key Learnings – Growth.mkv
│ 11. Lecture- Review Planned Test Launches – Growth.mkv
│ 12. Lecture- Choosing Right Tests to Launch – Growth.mkv
│ 13. Lecture- Growth of Idea Backlog – Growth.mkv
│ 14. Lecture- Post Growth Meeting – Growth.mkv
│ 2. Lecture- The Weekly Growth Meeting – Growth.mkv
│ 3. Lecture- Pre-Meeting Preparation – Growth.mkv
│ 4. Lecture- Characteristics of a Qualified Idea – Growth.mkv
│ 5. Lecture- Weekly Nominations From Team – Growth.mkv
│ 6. Lecture- Who Attends the Growth Meeting – Growth.mkv
│ 7. Lecture- Maintain Sense of Urgency – Growth.mkv
│ 8. Lecture- Weekly Growth Meeting Agenda – Growth.mkv
│ 9. Lecture- KPI Review – Growth.mkv
└─Section 7 Pulling it All Together & Conclusion
1. Introduction to Section 7 – Pulling it All Together & Conclusion – Growth.mkv
2. Lecture- Pulling It All Together – Growth.mkv
3. Lecture- The Good GrowthMaster… – Growth.mp4
4. Conclusion – Growth.mkv




