教你如何使用Createspace在亚马逊上发布你的平装书,还教你如何在互联网上获得那些对成功至关重要的评论!(Self-Publishing Books on Amazon with CreateSpace)

教你如何使用Createspace在亚马逊上发布你的平装书,还教你如何在互联网上获得那些对成功至关重要的评论!(Self-Publishing Books on Amazon with CreateSpace)


This course will not only teach you how to publish your paperback on Amazon using Createspace, but also how to get those reviews that are so critical to success on the internet.
Step by step, we will give you an insider’s look on how to publish your paperback book through CreateSpace, format your book correctly and obtain reviews.
By the end of the course, you’ll know how to publish your paperback onto Amazon the right way and know where to find reviews.
Must already have a story that’s written and proofread.



Self-Publishing Books on Amazon with CreateSpace
└─Self-Publishing Paperback Books on Amazon with CreateSpace
├─01 Intro to the Course Advice and Tips on Getting the Most out of this Course
│ 001 Self-Publishing Paperbacks Introduction.mkv
├─02 Amazon Kindle and Paperback Self-Publishing Formatting
│ 002 Formatting All in One.mkv
│ 003 Self-Publishing Paperbacks Free Tool.html
├─03 Uploading and Publishing via CreateSpace
│ │ 004 ISBN.mp4
│ │ 005 CreateSpace.mkv
│ │ 006 Basic Upload.mkv
│ │ 007 Supported HTML for Book Descriptions.html
│ │ 008 Expert Upload.mkv
│ │ 009 Understanding Categories.mkv
│ │ 010 Useful Web Tools and Templates.html
│ │ 011 Keywords.mkv
│ │ 012 Proofing Your Book.mkv
│ └─attached_files
│ ├─006 Basic Upload
│ │ Section-3-Basic-Upload.pdf
│ │ └─009 Understanding Categories
│ Section-3-Categories.pdf

├─04 Getting Reviews
│ │ 013 Introduction.mkv
│ │ 014 Goodreads Part 1.mkv
│ │ 015 Goodreads Part 2.mkv
│ │ 016 Goodreads Links.html
│ │ 017 Making Friends on Goodreads.mp4
│ │ 018 Librarything.mkv
│ │ 019 Bloggers.mp4
│ └─attached_files
│ ├─015 Goodreads Part 2
│ │ Section-4-Goodreads.pdf
│ │ └─018 Librarything
│ Section-4-LibraryThing.pdf

├─05 Conclusion
│ 020 Overview.mkv
└─06 Bonus
021 Readers Favorites.mkv




