一步一步教你如何征服谷歌(3 Pack GMB Ranking Confidential)

一步一步教你如何征服谷歌(3 Pack GMB Ranking Confidential)

This training gives you the absolute latest in how to conquer the Google 3-Pack.

A solid step-by-step path to follow… and make no mistake, this is what local clients want.

I’m teaching how to rank almost any business type in the 3-pack of Google.

I show you how to get that first client and expand.



3 Pack GMB Ranking Confidential
└─3 Pack GMB Ranking Confidential
│ 1. 3 Pack Ranking Confidential.pdf
├─1. Introduction and Mindset Training
│ 1. What Is Included In The Course.mkv
│ 2. Introuction.mkv
│ 3. Mindset and 1%.mkv
│ 4. Sales Training Part One.mkv
│ 5. Sales Training Part 2.mkv
├─2. Finding and Contacting Local Businesses
│ 1. Building Your List With Hunter.mkv
│ 2. Woodpecker Intro.mkv
│ 3. Woodpecker Sending Messages.mkv
│ 4. LinkedIn Basics.mkv
│ 5. Prospecting LinkedIn Audit Method.mkv
├─3. Setting Up A Google My Business Page
│ Setting Up Google My Business.mkv
├─4. 3-Pack Ranking Foundation Step
│ 1. 3 Pack Rankings.mkv
│ 10. Adding Google Drive.mkv
│ 11. Blog Post Basics In IFTTT.mkv
│ 12. Driving Direction In The Google Site.mkv
│ 13. Multiple Stop Driving Directions.mkv
│ 14. Posting Published Press Release Links.mkv
│ 15. Press Release Dog Pile.mkv
│ 2. SEO Basics.mkv
│ 3. Citations.mkv
│ 4. Bright Local.mkv
│ 5. Geo Tagging Photos.mkv
│ 6. Google Drive Stack.mkv
│ 7. Cloud Stack.mkv
│ 8. Posting driving directions and to blogger.mkv
│ 9. IFTTT Explained.mkv
├─5. Wrapping It Up
│ 1. Using the Resourse Section.mkv
│ 2. Work Flow Sheet Explainer.mkv
│ 3. Conclusion.mkv
└─6. Templates Resources and Worksheets
Client and Consultant Contract.doc
Email and LinkedIn Templates.pdf
Goal Setting Worksheet.docx
Ideal Customer Sheet.docx
Lead Tracking Spreadsheet.xls
Work Flow Sheet.xlsx




