试试我们的社交销售系统助你成为世界上最大的Shopify店铺(Smart Social Live)

试试我们的社交销售系统助你成为世界上最大的Shopify店铺(Smart Social Live)


Get the social selling system I used to grow my eCommerce business into one of the largest Shopify stores in the world.
We’ll set up all the technology for your sales system, including Google and Facebook pixels.
Follow along as we go through my engage + buy formula, 2×2 method, re-targeting winner outline, videos for each pillar and more.
Follow along as I help you create the correct conversion assets to ensure you consistently sell more products.
The pre-sell page! This is my #1 strategy for selling online. You’ll get to copy my Articles, My 3 part sales system and more.|



Smart Social Live
└─Smart Social Live
│ 01- Session 1 .mkv
│ 01-Smart-Social-Week-1.pdf
│ 02-Session 2 .mkv
│ 02-Smart-Social-Week-2.pdf
│ 03- Session 3.mp4
│ 03-Smart-Social-Live-Week-3.pdf
│ 04-Session 4 .mkv
│ 05-Session 5 .mkv
├─06-Bonus- Product Selection
│ 01-Impulse-And-Weight-PDF.pdf
│ 01-Product Selection .mkv
│ 02-Perfect Product .mkv
│ 03-The Practical Product .mkv
│ 03-The-Practical-Product-PDF.pdf
│ 04-General-Criteria-Price-Range-PDF.pdf
│ 04-Impulse Weight .mkv
│ 05-General Criteria Price Range .mkv
│ 06-The Importance of Demand .mkv
│ 06-The-Importance-Of-Demand-PDF.pdf
│ 07-Best Seller Rank (BSR) .mkv
│ 07-Best-Sellers-Rank-PDF.pdf
│ 08-Categorical Best Seller Rank .mkv
│ 08-Categorical-Best-Sellers-Rank-PDF.pdf
│ 09-The Common Sense Test .mkv
│ 09-The-Common-Sense-Test-PDF.pdf
│ 10-The Personal Goal Filter .mkv
│ 10-The-Personal-Goal-Filter-PDF.pdf
│ 11-Profitability .mkv
│ 11-Profitability-PDF.pdf
│ 12-Profitability-Process-PDF.pdf
│ 13-Quality .mkv
│ 13-Quality-PDF.pdf
│ 14-Turn Around Time .mkv
│ 14-Turn-Around-Time-PDF.pdf
│ 15-Product Ideas Overview .mkv
│ 15-Product-Ideas-Overview-PDF.pdf
│ 16-Amazon Sub Categories .mkv
│ 17-Choxi, WatchCount and AliExpress .mkv
│ 18-Product Isolation.mp4
│ 20-Deep Product Analysis Part 2 .mkv
│ 21-Deep Product Analysis Part 3 .mkv
│ 22-Best Practices .mkv
└─07-Bonus- Product Sourcing
01- Introduction .mkv
02-Key Terms .mkv
03-Where to Start .mkv
04-The 3 Step Willy – Google Goodness .mkv
06-The 3 Step Willy – Narrowing the Field .mkv
07-The 3 Step Willy – Reaching Out .mkv
09-Placing the Order .mkv
10-Brand Name Ideas .mkv
11-Mission. Story. Purpose. .mkv
12-Name Generation .mkv




