1个月内从$0到$1600/天 和 $150,000+在9个月 Dropshipping一个产品(Simplified Shopify)

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-38725" src="http://adoncn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/1个月内从0到1600天-和-150000在9个月-dropshipping一个产品(simplified-shopify).png" width="756" height="492" alt="1个月内从到00/天 和 0,000+在9个月 Dropshipping一个产品(Simplified Shopify)” title=”1个月内从到00/天 和 0,000+在9个月 Dropshipping一个产品(Simplified Shopify)” />

$0到$1600/天在1个月 和 $150,000+在9个月 dropshipping一个产品。

$0 to $1600/day in 1 month and $150,000+ in 9 months dropshipping one product.
My step-by-step videos are by far the easiest, most efficient, and least overwhelming way to get real fast results in dropshipping by taking advantage of one-product stores crossed with The Freedom Funnel.
I will build everything from scratch and allow you an inside look at my store and even my products to learn exactly how I did it.



Simplified Shopify
└─Simplified Shopify
1. One-Product Template .mkv
10. Getting Tons of Page Likes From Ads .mkv
11. Understand This Before Starting FB Ads .mkv
12. First Facebook Ad – Method #1 .mkv
13. First Facebook Ad – Method #2 .mkv
14. Easy Generation of Page Likes .mkv
15. Order Fulfillment .mkv
16. 0 to 100 Orders Facebook Ad Strategy .mkv
17. When To Form an LLC .mkv
18. When and How to Outsource .mkv
19. Lookalike Audiences (LAAs) .mkv
2. Inner Store Setup .mkv
20. Manual Bidding .mkv
21. Converting To A Niche Store .mkv
22. When & How To Sell Your Store .mkv
23. Obtaining Clients (Extra Passive Income!) .mkv
24. Sam Walton’s Price_Steve Jobs Method .mkv
25. Multiple Product Method .mkv
26. Managing Online Reputation .mkv
27. Free Targeted Traffic .mkv
28. Discover What Actions Are Coming From Which Ad Sets .mkv
29. Outro .mkv
3. Buying & Connecting Domain .mkv
4. Setting up Facebook Page .mkv
5. Business Ad Account Pixel Setup .mkv
6. Product Research .mkv
7. Importing Your Product .mkv
8. Testing Your Orders & Pixel .mkv
9. The Freedom Funnel .mkv




