如何从100多万人参加的研讨会中赚取了逾1亿美元?并让他们的研讨会永远售罄?(Butt In Seats)

如何从100多万人参加的研讨会中赚取了逾1亿美元?并让他们的研讨会永远售罄?(Butt In Seats)


Dan S. Kennedy and Bill Glazer unlock the vault to reveal the secrets, strategies and actual promotions that have generated them over $100 million from seminars attended by over one million people and keep their seminars perpetually sold out.

Fill your seminars to the brim with your perfect audience
Maximize your profits from every seminar
Create the hottest events that people talk about for months


The “Secret Psychology of Seminar Attendance”

Find out the ten chief reasons people don’t attend your seminars, how to overcome this ENORMOUS Resistance and the biggest MISTAKE most people make that you’ll want to avoid.

39 Seminar-Stuffing Examples from Dan and Bill’s Legendary Seminar Promotions

Create demand and fill your seminar in record time using Dan and Bill’s swipe file complete with hand-written notations so you’ll know EXACTLY what to say, do and write to get people clamoring to attend your events.

Seminar Marketing and Profit Boosting Strategies

Inspire your audience to take your next-step offerings, discover ways to grow your business and fan base, and tips for how to produce life-changing events that please everyone from the newbie to the seasoned pro.

Key Ingredients of Successful Event Planning

Learn how to pick the perfect venue that won’t leave your attendees intimidated or insulted, orchestrate your seminar so it’s beneficial for everyone, build excitement and create memorable seminars that never disappoint your sell-out crowd and get someone else to pick up part or all of your event tab.

Transcription Manual Complete with All Exhibits, Examples and Swipe File

Gain real insider advantages with this transcript and manual stuffed full of powerful examples and notations.

Complete with All Exhibits, Examples and Swipe File

Listen in as two of the most envied, successful and profitable seminar marketers on the planet unveil their secrets to getting butts in seats and bucks in the bank on this professionally recorded DVD and audio CD so you can watch or listen as often as you like or stop and rewind to write down ideas.



Butt In Seats
└─Butt In Seats
│ CD 1.mp3
│ CD 2.mp3
│ DVD 1.mkv
│ DVD 2.mkv
Exhibits Manual.pdf




