市面上最全面的Kindle发行课程 – 准确地了解如何在Kindle上发布合适的产品(Kindle Cash Flow)
Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 is the most comprehensive course on Kindle Publishing that is available on the market.
Quite simply, this is the most comprehensive Kindle Publishing course available on the market with the most successful students.
You also learn exactly how to get the right products to publish on Kindle. You’ll discover how to root out the ones that are going to sell, and therefore make you the profits you desire, leaving the rest of the world to fight over the other products that are left.///
Kindle Cash Flow Review – Is Ty Cohen’s 2.0 Version Good?
An A-Z Complete Program To Show You How To Make Up To $40,000 Per Month Publishing On Kindle! Version 1.0 Was Great – But Can Version 2.0 Offer Anything Different…?Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 must be one of the most eagerly awaited publishing programs of the year, after the rip-roaring success of 1.0. And whilst publishing on Kindle has been proven over and over again a way in which some people make serious cash, is it something that you can learn through a course?
Cue a down and dirty look at Ty Cohen’s Kindle Cash Flow 2.0, where we see if it really is worth you dishing out your hard earned cash…Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 Review
What do you get for your money with Kindle Cash Flow?
Contents [show]Right – so the first thing to know is that this isn’t some shoddy download program. Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 is a physical product that the poor old mailman is going to bring direct to your door. And boy, is there a lot contained in it, including the following:
7 DVDs of course content: These contain 10 hours worth of content and in total 40 different modules for you to study. Here Kindle Cash Flow 2.0you’ll learn exactly why you should be publishing to Amazon Kindle, and why you don’t even have to be a writer to do so! You’ll also learn how to not only make money from all different genres of books (fiction, non-fiction, self-help, children’s etc. etc…) but to maximize your profits by making extra income on the “back end.”
21 Bonus modules: These extra modules cover other material including how to drive your books up the Kindle Direct Publishing best-seller list, how using social media (yes, Facebook, Twitter and the like) can be used to gain you even more sales, as well as the means by which you can help other authors promote their own products, and make extra income doing so.
3 Strategy Guides: Because it’s all about “how you do it” rather than “what you do.” With the best will in the world, if you don’t have the right strategy towards Kindle Direct Publishing, then you’ll disappear below a never-ending stream of authors and content. But with the correct strategy, this honestly does offer you one of the most awesome platforms and income generators ever seen in the online (and offline) world.
>>Click Here To Get Kindle Cash Flow 2.0<>Click Here To Get Kindle Cash Flow 2.0<>Click Here To Get Kindle Cash Flow 2.0<<
The Cons
Well, you do need to be prepared to put the work in to make the kind of profits you want via Kindle. But if you’ve got the drive and the knowledge, as well as a little bit of what we like to call “entrepreneurial savvy,” then Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 honestly will show you exactly the way to start drawing in the kind of profits you might have only dreamt were possible.
Oh – and publishing on Kindle is addictive, so be warned. Once you start to see those dollars rolling in, you’re likely to get a hankering to give up your day job and work on your Kindle Cash Flow full time!
The Bottom Line
So, knowing that the 1.0 version of Kindle Cash Flow was such a success, the only thing we really needed to discover was whether Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 had anything different to offer. And boy oh boy, it certainly does.Getting left behind in the online world is something that can happen within months (or even less in some cases). So the serious Internet marketer knows how vital it is to remain fully current and up to date. And with all the changes and advances to publishing on Kindle that have happened over the past 12 months, then Kindle Cash Flow 2.0 couldn’t have come out at a better time (just think of those Christmas Sales).
Well done, Ty – and thank you…
Kindle Cash Flow 2.0
└─Kindle Cash Flow 2.0
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