分享一个在短短7天只有$20美元的起步资金下如何建立一个线下联署营销帝国的完全相同的方法(Offline Affiliate Empire)

真正的力量是您将学习的聪明的技术,这将使您能够挖掘永远不会停步的流量来源。Discover the exact same method that I used to build an offline empire in just 7 days with only $20.
The Offline Affiliate Empire is a complete business model that will teach you how to build a successful business by selling affiliate offers to the offline world.
The real power is the clever technique that you will learn which will allow you to tap into an endless source of traffic that will never become saturated.~~
Why are you giving away your secrets?
I have built a successful business and I have helped many people to replicate my success and now it’s time to help my fellow Warriors. The Offline Affiliate Empire can never become saturated and you will see why it won’t in the eBook so why would I be greedy to not share my success with others.Are their any UPSELLS?
Absolutely Not. As soon as you complete your purchase you will receive the Offline Affiliate Empire eBook and that’s it.How much money do I need to begin with?
You can actually start with ZERO dollars but I do recommend that you have at least $20 as this will make things a lot easier.What is the $20 for?
I recommend having at least $20 because it will make the promotion process much easier but again it’s not essential for this to work.What if I already know the information that’s inside your eBook?
If you already knew how the Offline Affiliate Empire worked then you would be doing it for yourself.Does this only work with ClickBank?
No. ClickBank is my most preferred Affiliate Program to use but you can use basically any affiliate program you like.How much can I expect to earn from this?
Warrior Forum rules state that I cannot show earnings but what I will say is that if you give this 100% of your effort then you will succeed. Also I offer FREE support inside so you if you have any issues then I am here to help. I honestly want to see people succeed with this.Is it a saturated market?
No. The methods I will teach you inside the eBook will never become saturated.Does this work anywhere in the world?
Yes. The Offline Affiliate Empire will work anywhere you are and it is not limited to your local area.How long before I start to see results?
I have had some of my students see results within 48hours but it will depend on how much effort you are willing to put into it.Do you offer any kind of support?
Yes. I will provide my personal email in the eBook so if you need any guidance or if you have any questions at all then I am here to help.
Offline Affiliate Empire
Offline Affiliate Empire.PDF