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How to use this resource to launch your empire…or…add more customers to an existing business.
With Rob’s resource and methods you can wake up broke and – without shelling out as much as a nickel – collect a few hundred bucks before clocking out for the day
He reluctantly agreed to reveal all his secrets to help struggling copywriters easily find any kind of gigs and clients they want.~~~
Paid By Lunch Copywriting Client Attraction System
Dear Friend,At my most recent Gold Mastermind meeting one of my Knights left all the other entrepreneurs completely blown away…with quite a few almost turning green with envy.
Here’s why:
Rob is a copywriter.
He’s young, free, drinking in every enchanting delight life has to offer… and enjoys the unbridled pleasure of a “playboy” dream lifestyle most men would give one of their two most cherished and protected organs to have.
He surfs whenever he wants (living minutes from one of the most stunning beaches in the U.S.)…
…travels and lives in exotic foreign countries for months at a time…
…spends his evenings with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, drinking pricey single malt scotch and enjoying rare cigars that cost more than most new college graduates earn in a week.
Yet He’s Got A Serious “Problem”
He goofed off almost all of last year. First, there was Valentine’s Day in St. Thomas. Then a ski trip to Lake Tahoe. Followed by a week in DC to hang with an old college buddy.
During the summer he rebuilt his dream ride (a jacked up Jeep Wrangler riding on monster tires) between surf trips to Costa Rica and Nicaragua…where he lived like royalty in a 5,000 square foot mansion (overlooking the Pacific Ocean), relaxing on the beach every day… and imbibing in various “adult libations” every evening.
His “problem”? (Which I say with as much sarcasm and envy I can muster.)
He wanted help from my Gold Mastermind members to provide him some motivation to get back to work for a few months this year.
How Rob Gets Paid
You see, after several months (or sometimes years) living his life of leisure, when his financial resources dip below what he considers to be his “bare minimum” (a figure most “normal folk” would consider pretty darn abundant)… he reaches into his money-making “bag o’ tricks” and produces whatever amount of money he needs… literally on demand.
All he does is invest about 60 to 90 minutes of his time accessing a resource practically bursting at the seams with lucrative opportunities for copywriters… with a plethora of entrepreneurs practically BEGGING to award profitable copywriting opportunities.
The funny thing is… as abundant as this “key to the copywriting kingdom” is… it’s almost completely…
…Under The Radar Of 99% Of All The Copywriters Out There!
Whenever Rob’s bored or needs cash for his various adventures and vices (like expensive surfboards) he dips into this secret resource and pulls out just about any kind of gig he wants.
Does he need a quick $3k to rent a Harley and drive his girlfriend (nabbed fresh off the beauty queen circuit!) to a quaint bed and breakfast down in Key West to dance the night away?
That’s an easy one!
He just types in the keywords he knows will bring up all the “quickie” gigs he can crank out in a few hours, lounging on the beach with his laptop and a Corona (or two!), and the next day he’s off to Key West. Or maybe he needs 5-figures to complete one of his bigger projects (like rebuilding that jacked-up Jeep).
No problem.
He just enters in the magic keywords that bring up the higher paying gigs and picks and chooses which ones suit him best.
3 Hour Work Days!
Of course, those aren’t the kind of gigs you can bang out in a couple hours.
But the dude only works two to three hours a day… mostly lounging on the beach. And he can easily block out a few weeks of 3 hour work days to pocket the kind of money most people earn slaving away all YEAR in a job they despise. He may be young… but he’s wise beyond his years. And he KNOWS he’s got a good thing going.
And he sure as heck hasn’t been talking about it.
In fact, he gets a sick sense of amusement seeing all these poor sap college graduates… turned into life-long slaves with 6-figures of debt they’ll NEVER be able to pay off… working themselves half to death in low-paying jobs, living the life of a wage-slave that will probably…
Paid By Lunch
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