亚马逊开店、选品、推广、运营完全攻略(Azon Profit Code)

我将向您展示如何发现那些利润丰厚的产品,以及如何选择最好的产品。Discover how to make $200,000 per month on Amazon working less than 30 minutes per day.
I’ll show you how to discover insanely profitable products and how to select the best one to start off.
I’ll empower you to hire outsourcers so they do the grunt job, leaving you more time to enjoy your profits.
Discover the 3 financial “tricks” that I use to on top of the game.
How to find honest suppliers and make sure you never get ripped off.
I’ll go above and beyond to show you some fail-safe marketing tactics that will help you promote your product.
And much more///
Dear Struggling Marketing,
Are you making the kind of money you want to make online?
Most people get started online with hopes to eventually “fire the boss” and make a life-changing income.
Unfortunately, most people either struggle for years before making any real money or they end up just giving up…
If you’re struggling now and NOT making the kind of money that you want on the internet.. It’s NOT your fault.
Now, you may have heard that before and brushed it off, but it’s true.
Right now, there are so many courses and training programs out there that promise the world, but ultimately leave you struggling…
The problem is that most online methods being taught just aren’t long-term, battle-tested methods.
What often happens is someone makes some money with a method, uses it until it doesn’t work so well any longer and then sells a product that teaches people how to use that exact method to squeeze out just a little more profit from a dead or dying strategy..
Let’s think about it Logically…If someone really had a method for making a million dollars overnight with some “insider secret” or a simple “push of a button,” would they really sell it for $20 or less?
Would you?
Or would you keep working that method and make as much money as possible?
Unfortunately, most people selling courses online make most of their income from…
…drumroll please…
…selling courses.
NOT from the methods they are supposedly teaching you about…
Hi there… I want to introduce you to the E-commerce Guru, Lenin Govea
When I first started talking with Lenin, we realized this guy was the REAL DEAL!
Lenin’s got a ton of proof of his own results, his students results and more success stories and testimonials than we can even count…
Lenin truly is “talking the talk” and “walking the walk” when it comes to making money selling physical products online… (To be clear, he doesn’t deal with shipping products or holding any sort of inventory…)
Lenin Makes $200,000 Per Month Working Less
Than 30 Minutes Per Day And Doesn’t Deal
With ANY Product Fulfillment…He starts his day whenever he wants
Checks his stats
Sends out a few emails
…and gets results like this…
Lenin didn’t just wake up yesterday and decide to create a course on making money by selling physical products…
He’s been doing it for years…
Why Selling Physical Products Is The
Best Online Method For 2016…
Although the income opportunity with physical products and Amazon is bigger than it’s ever been, it’s not just about the money…Money is a tool that we all use to do the things we want in life…
The more “Freedom Tokens” you have, the more you can live life on your own terms.
Just look at what Lenin has been able to do with some of his “Freedom Tokens”…
Screenshots can be faked, but you can’t make all of this up…
This is the real deal, and Lenin is living the life of his dreams and also giving his family an amazing life…
Not only do they get to spend time with him, but they will remember the experiences he’s able to give his family because of his success online… for a lifetime…
The good news is, you can live like this too.
That’s because…
Amazon Makes It Easier Than Ever To Build A
Real, Online Income…
Unlike the “easy button” methods out there that never seem to work, what Lenin is doing works RIGHT NOW… will work tomorrow… and will continue to work for many months and years into the future…Lenin has perfected a system for going from zero to six figures with Amazon.
In fact, Lenin’s methods work so well, that he’s helped a selected group of students to finally make money online and succeed on Amazon with what he’s taught them.
And now he’s ready to help even more people do the same spreading his “street smarts” and expertise through this new program!
This Is What Lenin’s High-Ticket Clients Have
To Say About His Amazon Training…
“Working With Lenin Is The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made”“Lenin Was Key To My Success On Amazon FBA”
shopFor the past year, Lenin has been offering high-end, one-on-one coaching to teach his students how to make a lot of money and live an amazing lifestyle with Amazon…
…but because of the high investment, that sort of training has been out of reach for many people.
Let’s be real here… you probably don’t have thousands of dollars to invest in high-end training, even if it will stuff six figures in your pocket…
That’s why he came up with the idea of putting a step-by-step course together that would get people like you started with physical products and Amazon, so that you can get on the road to financial freedom, like Lenin’s other students…
With an “easy on the pockets” course, Lenin can help more people see REAL results online, and you could get your foot in the door for a fraction of what Lenin has charged for coaching in the past.
That means that today, you get the chance to get your hands on a life-changing, step-by-step Amazon training course that will give you everything you need to get started and make some great money…
Think about it… This is pretty much the same education other people have paid over $5,000.00 to get, and today you can get it for a tiny fraction of the cost.
No more buying product
after product hoping
to see resultsNo more disappointment with products that promise the world & leave you hanging
No more methods that leave you spinning your wheels and frustrated
You will FINALLY get a blueprint that is PROVEN created by someone that’s making REAL money online…
“The Azon Profit Code”You get a step-by-step training that will take you by the hand and give you everything you need to get started with Amazon and build a REAL, six figure online business.
This is what you’ll get inside:
Module 1
The Lazy Man’s Guide To Make 6 Figures
A Year On Amazon.
Discover why you’re still on time to catch the Amazon wide and ride it like a pro. In this module you’re going to understand how everything works and why amazon is by far the way to go to make 6 figures a year.
Intro Video + Main PDF
$29 Value
Module 2
One Click Research: Clicking Your Way
To Million-Dollar Products.
This one step is the most important one when it comes to making lots of sales on Amazon. In this module I’ll show you how to discover insanely profitable products and how to select the best one to start off.
Main PDF + Product Discovery Sheet + Decision Making Sheet
$69 ValueModule 3
Easy Product Development
Let others do the heavy lifting. In this module I’ll show you how to create a product that will sell like hot cakes, and at the same time I’ll empower you to hire outsourcers so they do the grunt job, leaving you more time to enjoy your profits.
Main PDF + Training Video for Outsourcers
$119 Value
Module 4
Know Your Numbers and Win The Amazon Game
Discover the 3 financial “tricks” that I use to on top of the game, and also see how to keep track of your business so you know immediately if you’re turning a profit or not.
Main PDF + Financial Cheat Sheets
$99 ValueModule 5
Zero-Risk Investments.
In this module I’ll show you how to find honest suppliers and make sure you never get ripped off. I’ll also cover an ingenious way to make your product stand out from the rest with a minimal investment.
Main PDF
$69 Value
Module 6
Uncommon Marketing Tactics To Put Your Product Out There, Even If You’re On a Budget.
Let me help you sell your stuff. The fact of the matter is that you may have the best product ever, but if no one knows about it, your chances to make money are slim to none. That’s why, in this part of the training I’ll go above and beyond to show you some fail-safe marketing tactics that will help you promote your product.
Main PDF + List of 100 Top Reviewers, Review Groups, Email Blast Services + FREE Email Blast
$119 ValueModule 7
The Secret To World Class Customer Service
In this part of the training I’ll show you how to deliver the best customer service to delight your buyers and force them to come back… better yet to recommend you with their family and friends and sell more of your stuff.
Main PDF
$69 Value
Module 8
Taking Your Amazon Business To The Next Level.
Let me help you even more with your business. In this module I show you a couple more secret strategies I personally use to double my income on Amazon, plus a secret bonus you’ll love and that guarantee that you’ll achieve your financial goals.
Main PDF + Secret Bonus
$499 ValueWe’re Talking About a Cash Value of Over $1,000.00
… But You Won’t Pay Anything Close to That Today!
But Before We Get Into That, Let Me Tell You Why This Is Different Than Every Other Amazon and eCom Course Out There…
Selling physical products online is one of the hottest topics these days because it’s incredibly profitable and easy for ANYONE to see results.The really great thing about selling physical products is that you don’t need to be an expert or authority, which is often the case when you want to build an information product business or recruit affiliates…
With eCom, anyone can see results regardless of prior experience online.
Because selling physical products is such a powerful money-maker, many “gurus” and product creators have decided to cash-in on the eCom craze…
The difference between most of the products out there and this one is simple…
This product is based off of Lenin and his students generating MILLIONS of dollars in physical product sales.
His step-by-step success system is 100% proven and it WILL put money in your pocket if you follow the steps to success…
So, How Would Your Life Change If
You Made Money Like This…
Every Month… Like Clockwork?Who Should Get This?
If you answer “yes” to any of the following, this is for you…
14You’ve tried your hand at other online methods like affiliate marketing, CPA, and product creation, and you’re not making the kind of money that you want15You find yourself buying product after product, you’re tired of spending money, and ready to finally make some money
16You’re looking for a business that will work today, tomorrow, and for many years to come
17You’ve tried some of the recent eCom courses that have come out, and you’re still not making money selling physical products online… (or you want to make more money)
You wa18nt a business that can be scaled as big as you want
19You would like to replace your income from your job and begin living life on your own terms… this year!
This training has the power to change your life forever…
Here’s What People Are Saying About Lenin…“Lenin’s philosophy is helping others…”
“I tell my wife everyday I’m so thankful I am…”
“Lenin is Caring, Down-To-Earth And Trustwotrhy”
“You Make Things Easy To Understand”
At this point, you’re probably wondering…
Azon Profit Code
│ Resources.url
│ │ Bonuses.txt
│ ├─1 – Introduction Lazy Man’s Guide to 6 Figures On Amazon
│ │ Azon Profit Code Intro Video.mp4
│ │ Chapter-1.pdf
│ ├─2 – One-Click Research Clicking Your Way To Million-Dollar Products
│ │ Chapter-2.pdf
│ │ Decision-Spread-Sheet.xlsx
│ │ Manual-Product-Research-Spreadsheet.xlsx
│ ├─3 – Easy Product Development
│ │ Chapter-3.pdf
│ │ Research Training Video Final.mp4
│ ├─4 – Knowing Your Numbers To Win The Amazon Game
│ │ Chapter-4.pdf
│ │ Financial-Cheat-Sheets.xlsx
│ ├─5 – Zero-Risk Investments
│ │ Chapter-5.pdf
│ ├─6 – Uncommon Marketing Tactics
│ │ Chapter-6.pdf
│ │ Get A Fee Email Blast.txt
│ │ Top-Reviewers-and-Review-Groups.xlsx
│ ├─7 – World-Class Customer Service
│ │ Chapter-7.pdf
│ └─8 – Taking Your Amazon Business To The Next Level
│ Chapter-8.pdf
│ Resources.url
├─Upsell 1 – Azon PPC Mastery
│ AmazonPPC.mp4
│ Amazonppcmastery.pdf
│ Resources.mht
└─Upsell 2 – Azon Masterclass (4 weeks live training)
Azon Masterclass Session 1_ Creative Product Discovery.mp4