在与潜在客户会面时,可以随时准备演示文稿,以帮助你进行教育、动情和完成交易。(Instant Offline PowerPoints Pack)


7 ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations to help you educate, impress, and close deals when meeting with potential clients.

These presentations will help you touch on some important points when meeting with business owners.


Instant Offline PowerPoints Pack
│ Resources.url
│ Your Usage Rights For This Package.txt
│ Ecover Psd.psd
│ Spiral.jpg
│ Spiral.png
│ Infographics Text Top 5.txt
│ Top 5 Digital Marketing Benefits.jpg
│ Top 5 Digital Marketing Benefits.psd
├─Lead Gen Email Swipes
│ Lead Gen Email Swipes.doc
│ Lead Gen Email Swipes.odt
│ Lead Gen Email Swipes.txt
├─Lead Gen Video Main
│ │ Digital Marketing Video 1 Contact Us.mp4
│ │ Digital Marketing Video 1 Free Report.mp4
│ ├─Mp3 Voice Overs And Written Script
│ │ Video 1 Script.doc
│ │ Video 1 Script.txt
│ │ Voice Over Contact Us.mp3
│ │ Voice Over Free Report.mp3
│ └─Video Sales Letter Style
│ │ Vsl 1 Contact Us.mp4
│ │ Vsl 1 Free Report.mp4
│ ├─Jpegs
│ │ ├─Vsl 1 Contact Us
│ │ │ Slide1.JPG
│ │ │ Slide2.JPG
│ │ │ Slide3.JPG
│ │ │ Slide4.JPG
│ │ │ Slide5.JPG
│ │ │ Slide6.JPG
│ │ │ Slide7.JPG
│ │ │ Slide8.JPG
│ │ │ Slide9.JPG
│ │ │ └─Vsl 1 Free Report
│ │ Slide1.JPG
│ │ Slide2.JPG
│ │ Slide3.JPG
│ │ Slide4.JPG
│ │ Slide5.JPG
│ │ Slide6.JPG
│ │ Slide7.JPG
│ │ Slide8.JPG
│ │ Slide9.JPG
│ │ └─Powerpoint Slides
│ Vsl 1 Contact Us.odp
│ Vsl 1 Contact Us.ppt
│ Vsl 1 Free Report.odp
│ Vsl 1 Free Report.ppt
├─Overcoming Objections Bonus
│ Bonuses.txt
│ Overcoming Objections.pdf
│ Email Marketing.odp
│ Email Marketing.ppt
│ Email Marketing.pptx
│ Local Seo.odp
│ Local Seo.ppt
│ Local Seo.pptx
│ Mobile Websites.odp
│ Mobile Websites.ppt
│ Mobile Websites.pptx
│ Reputation Management.odp
│ Reputation Management.ppt
│ Reputation Management.pptx
│ Resources.mht
│ Social Media.odp
│ Social Media.ppt
│ Social Media.pptx
│ Video Marketing.odp
│ Video Marketing.ppt
│ Video Marketing.pptx
│ Website Design.odp
│ Website Design.ppt
│ Website Design.pptx
├─Presentation Checklists
│ Email Marketing Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Email Marketing Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Email Marketing Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Local Seo Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Local Seo Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Local Seo Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Mobile Website Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Mobile Website Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Mobile Website Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Reputation Management Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Reputation Management Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Reputation Management Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Resources.url
│ Social Media Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Social Media Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Social Media Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Video Marketing Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Video Marketing Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Video Marketing Presentation Checklist.txt
│ Website Design Presentation Checklist.doc
│ Website Design Presentation Checklist.odt
│ Website Design Presentation Checklist.txt
Digital Marketing Report.doc
Digital Marketing Report.odt
Digital Marketing Report.txt




