利基+打造赚钱的精品邮件订阅课程,助您从零开始建立盈利邮件订阅!(NICHE + EDM)
将您的邮件订阅转化为您的精品站点的盈利资产!The Newsletters for Niche Sites Course is a comprehensive video-based course designed to help you build profitable email newsletters from scratch.
With over 18+ video lessons, this course covers the best tactics for growing an email list, increasing engagement, and selling sponsorships, among other valuable strategies.
The course includes real-life case studies that showcase the actual tactics used and their impressive results.
Access the Newsletters for Niche Sites Course and transform your newsletters into lucrative assets for your niche sites.
- 教程编号:0162807922
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:272MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
─Newsletters for Niche Sites Course
│ 01-Newsletter vs Email Campaigns.mkv
│ 02-Benefits of Newsletters .mkv
│ 03-Issues with Newsletters .mkv
│ 04-Simplified Business Model .mkv
│ 05-Terms You Need To Know.pdf
├─02-Newsletter Breakdowns
│ 01-Morning Brew Breakdown.mkv
│ 02-Lenny's Newsletter Breakdown .mkv
│ 03-The Website Flip Newsletter Breakdown .mkv
├─03-Newsletter Setup
│ 01-Which Email Service Provider.mkv
│ 02-Ways to Compile a Newsletter .mkv
│ 03-My Go-To Method - Newsletter Glue .mkv
│ 04-Email Opt-in Forms .mkv
│ 05-My Go-To Method - Optin Monster.mkv
├─04. Newsletter Sponsorship
│ 01-Strategies that HAVE and HAVE NOT Worked For Me.mkv
└─05-The Website Flip Case Study
01-Reasons for 'Success'.mkv
02-How I 'Introduce' People to Website Flipping - The Welcome Sequence .mkv
03-The Current Newsletter Structure (2023) .mkv
04-Subscriber Growth & Statistics .mkv
05-Advertising Placements & Media Kit.mkv
05-The Website Flip Advertising Options - 02_2023 - CONFIDENTIAL.docx