亚马逊系统等你探索!Access to 2 year of Nahar’s Zik system
8 Week zero to hero mastermind with Nahar
250 winning Dropshippers/week
Shopify Integration for super scale
Amazon system
- 教程编号:1153478962
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:2.96GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
─eBai 100 Players Club
├─00-Introduction to Training
│ 00-Welcome Video from Nahar.mkv
│ 01-Live Training Schedule.pdf
│ 02-eBai 100 Player's Club Roadmap.pdf
├─01-Setting-Up Your Accounts
│ 01-Can You Use Your Existing eBay Account.mkv
│ 02-Creating a New Gmail Account.mkv
│ 03-Creating a New eBay Account.mkv
│ 04-Creating a Second eBay Account.mkv
│ 05-Setting up eBay Managed Payments.mkv
│ 06-Link your Bank Account to eBay.mkv
├─02-eBay Store Set-Up
│ 01-Branding Your eBay Store.mkv
│ 02-Building Feedback in Your eBay Account .mkv
│ 03-List of Sellers Who Give Immediate Feedback .pdf
│ 04-Listing and Selling Your First Item.mkv
│ 05-Activating the Seller Hub.mkv
├─03-Business Policies
│ 01-Adding Business Policies and Setting up Returns.mkv
│ 02-U.S. Shipping Policy.mkv
│ 03-China Shipping Policy.mkv
│ 04-Payment Policy Overview.mkv
│ 05-Handling Returns.mkv
├─04-Suppliers and Communication
│ 01-Choosing Reliable Suppliers on AliExpress.mkv
│ 02-eBay Communication Scripts.pdf
│ 03-Cash Flow Overview.pdf
│ 04-Create AliExpress Buyer Account.mkv
│ 05-Processing your First Order on AliExpress.mkv
│ 06-Ali Express Site Overview and Features.mkv
│ 07-AliExpress Return Label.mkv
│ 08-Create Walmart Buyer Account.mkv
│ 09-Processing your First Order on Walmart.mkv
│ 10-Walmart Site Overview and Features.mkv
│ 11-Walmart Return Label.mkv
│ 12-Create HomeDepot Buyer Account.mkv
│ 13-Processing your First Order on HomeDepot.mkv
│ 14-HomeDepot Site Overview and Features.mkv
│ 15-HomeDepot Return Label.mkv
│ 16-AliExpress Dropshippers.pdf
├─05-Product Research and Scaling
│ 01-Nahar - Sharing My Story.mkv
│ 02-Mindset is the Key.mkv
│ 03-Zik Analytics Overview and Settings.mkv
│ 04-Profit Calculation Formula.mkv
│ 05-Optimize your Listing to Rank High.mkv
│ 06-How to Find Products from AliExpress Using the Competitor Research Method.mkv
│ 07-How to Find Products from Walmart Using the Competitor Research Method.mkv
│ 08-How to Find Products from HomeDepot Using the Competitor Research Method.mkv
│ 09-Niche Research and the Similar Product Method for High Profit.mkv
│ 10-Scale your Winning Products.mkv
├─06-AutoDS - Overview and Settings
│ 01-Full Explanation of the AutoDS Plans, Add-ons, Account & Billing - eBay & Shopify.mkv
│ 02-AutoDS Dashboard Overview.mkv
│ 03-How To Set Up Your Shopify & eBay Store Settings- Lister, Pricing, Orders, General.mkv
├─07-AutoDS - Uploading Products to eBay
│ 01-Uploading Products with AutoDS.mkv
│ 02-How To Add & Customize Your Shopify & eBay Product Templates in AutoDS.mkv
├─08-AutoDS - Manage your Store
│ 01-How To Manage Your Shopify & eBay Products in AutoDS - Full Overview of the AutoDS Products Page.mkv
│ 02-How to Use The Filters On The Products Drafts Page In AutoDS - Shopify & eBay Drafts Management.mkv
│ 03-How To Import Your Untracked Shopify Products To AutoDS - Shopify Products Page.mkv
│ 04-How To Make Bulk Changes On Your AutoDS Drafts Products - Shopify & eBay Drafts Management.mkv
│ 05-Full Overview of the AutoDS Orders Page - Statuses, Auto Orders, Credits, Export - Shopify & eBay.mkv
│ 01-How to Find Niche and Product Ideas with AI - ChatGPT.mkv
│ 02-How to Optimize your Title and Description with ChatGPT.mkv
│ 03-How to Automatically Find 100's of Products from Walmart using the Autopilot ZIK AI Feature.mkv
│ 04-How to Automatically Find 100's of Products from AliExpress using the Autopilot ZIK AI Feature.mkv
├─10-Live Trainings
│ 01-Live Training #1.mkv
│ 01-Resource.pdf
│ 02-Live Training #2.mkv
└─11-Knowledge Base, Troubleshooting, Tutorials and Guides
01-Knowledge Base, Troubleshooting, Tutorials, and Guides.pdf