Google Ads Master Class Academy:成为Google广告专家的必备培训和信息!教您如何在Google广告中让每一次点击都有所收获!
Google Ads Master Class Academy
All the training and info you need to become a Google Ads Specialist.
You will learn:
How to make every click count in Google ads.
Which keywords generate the most calls for local business.
All about negative keywords so you don’t waste clients money.
- 教程编号:2138627700
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:1.55GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
Google Ads Master Class Academy
02-Chapter 1- Basics of Google Ads.mp4.mkv
02-LAC 1 - Basics of Google Ads.docx
02-LAC Chapter 1 - Basics of Google Ads.pptx
03-Chapter 2- Create a Google Ads Manager Account.mkv
03-Create a Google Ads Manager Account.pdf
03-LAC 2 - Create a Google Ads manager account.docx
03-LAC 2 - Create a Google Ads manager account.pdf
04-Chapter 3-Create a Search campaign1.pdf
04-LAC 3 - Create a Search campaign.docx
04.0-Chapter 3- Create a Search campaign.mkv
04.1-Chapter 3B- Ads and Ad Groups.mkv
04.1-LAC 3 - Ads & Ad Groups.docx
04.2-Chapter 3C- Create a Dynamic Search Ads.mkv
04.2-LAC 3D - Budget & Bidding.docx
04.3-Chapter 3D-Budget & Bidding.mkv
04.3-LAC Chapter 3C - Create a Dynamic Search Ads.docx
05-Chapter 4- Create Call Only Campaign.mkv
05-Chapter 4-Create Call Only Campaign.pdf
05-LAC 4 - Create call campaigns.docx
06-Chapter 5- Google Ad Extensions.mkv
06-Chapter 5-Google Ad Extensions.pdf
06-LAC 5 - Google Ads Extensions.docx
07-Chapter 6- Use Keyword Planner.mkv
07-LAC Chapter 6 - Use Keyword Planner.docx
08-Chapter 7-Set Your Keyword Match Types.mkv
08-Chapter 7-Set Your Keyword Match Types5.pdf
08-LAC Chapter 7 - Set your keyword match types.docx
09-Chapter 8- Add Negative Keywords To Campaigns.mkv
09-LAC Chapter 8 - Add negative keywords to campaigns.docx
10-Chapter 9- About Ad Scheduling.mkv
10-LAC Chapter 9 - About ad scheduling.docx
11-Chapter 10- How To View The Search Terms Report.mkv
11-LAC Chapter 10 - How to view the search terms report.docx
12-LAC Chapter 11 - Set up a shared budget.docx
13-Chapter 12- Set Up Conversion Tracking.mp4
13-LAC Chapter 12 - Set up conversion tracking.docx
14-Chapter 13- Edit Your Campaign Settings9.mp4
14-LAC Chapter 13 - Edit your campaign settings.docx
15-Chapter 14- Audience.mp4
15-Chapter 14-Audience.pdf
15-LAC Chapter 14 - Audience.docx
16-Chapter 15- Create Your First Display Remarketing Campaign.mp4
16-Chapter 15-Create Your First Display Remarketing Campaign.pdf
16-LAC Chapter 15 - Display remarketing campaign.docx
17-Chapter 16-Set Up Your Remarketing Lists For Search Ads Campaign.mp4
17-Chapter 16-Set Up Your Remarketing Lists For Search Ads Campaign.pdf
17-LAC Chapter 16 - Set up remarketing for search ads campaign.docx
18-Chapter 17- Create A Responsive Search Ad.mp4
18-Chapter 17-Create A Responsive Search Ad.pdf
18-LAC Chapter 17 - Create a responsive search ad.docx
19-Chapter 18- Ads Generator - Template.mp4
19-LAC - Ads Ideas Template.xlsx
20-Chapter 19- Niche - Template.mp4
20-LAC - Niche - Template.xlsx
21-Chapter 20- Use Segments In Your Tables.mp4
21-Chapter 20-Use Segments In Your Tables.pdf
21-LAC Chapter 20 - Use segments in your tables.docx
22-Chapter 21- Add Or Remove Columns In Your Statistics Table.mp4
22-Chapter 21-Add Or Remove Columns In Your Statistics Table.pdf
22-LAC Chapter 21 - Add or remove columns in your statistics table.docx
23-Chapter 22- Download And Schedule Campaigns, Ad Groups, Ads And Extensions, Or Keywords Performance Report.mp4
23-Chapter 22-Download And Schedule Campaigns, Ad Groups, Ads And Extensions, Or Keywords Performance Report.pdf
23-LAC Chapter 22 - Download Campaigns, adgroups, ads and extension, or keywords performance report.docx
24-AC Chapter 23 - Manage access to your Google Ads account.docx
24-Chapter 23- Manage Access To Your Google Ads Account.mp4
24-Chapter 23-Manage Access To Your Google Ads Account9.pdf
25-Chapter 24-Quality Score.mp4
25-LAC Chapter 24 - Quality Score.docx
26-Chapter 25- Performance Planner.mp4
26-Chapter 25-Performance Planner.pdf
26-LAC Chapter 25 - Performance Planner.docx
27-Chapter 26- General Key Points.mp4
27-Chapter 26-General Key Points.pdf
27-LAC Chapter 26 - General Key points.docx
28-Chapter 27-All Key Points - Certification Preparation.mp4
28-Chapter 27-All Key Points - Certification Preparation.pdf
28-LAC Chapter 27 - All Key Points.docx
29-Chapter 28- Google Ads Certification - Exam.mp4
29-Chapter 28-Google Ads Certification - Exam1.pdf
29-LAC Chapter 28 - Google Ads Certification Exam.docx
30-Your First GMB Client This Week.mkv
30-Your First GMB Client This Week.vtt
32-LAC - Client Getting Scripts.docx
33.1-Client Getting Role Play 1.mkv
33.2-Client Getting Role Play 2.mkv
34-Voice Drop Message Script.pdf
35-Google Ads Management Company Information.xlsx