《轻松掌握 Roam》用这款全能工具更深入、更高效地学习与创造!
Roam 是一种强大的新型技术,可用于创意输出、个人知识管理和提高生产力。
这就是为什么成千上万的学生参加了《轻松掌握 Roam》课程,跳过学习曲线,快速掌握 Roam,开始在更短的时间内完成更多工作。
现在你也可以加入他们的行列,更深入、更高效地学习与创造。Learn more, do more, and become more creative with the all-in-one tool for knowledge work.
Roam is one of the most powerful new technologies for creative output, personal knowledge management, and productivity.
But, like many powerful tools, there’s a steep learning curve. On your own, it might take months to fully harness its capabilities.
That’s why thousands of students have taken Effortless Output with Roam to skip the learning curve, quickly master Roam, and start getting more done in less time.
- 教程编号:1717445380
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:11.48GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─Effortless Output in Roam
│ ├─01-Welcome!
│ │ 01-Welcome to the Course!【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Useful Resources in the Course.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02-Learning the Basics
│ │ 01-The Roam Note Taking Paradigm【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Starting Your Roam Journey with the Daily Note【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Creating Your First New Pages.mkv
│ │ 04-The Four Ways to Link Between Pages.mkv
│ │ 05-Increasing Your Roam Productivity with the Sidebar.mkv
│ │ 06-Using Filters to Search Your Growing Database.mkv
│ │ 07-ToDos and Task Management.mkv
│ │ 08-Referencing and Embedding Info from Other Pages.mkv
│ │
│ ├─03-Choose Your Capstone
│ │ 01-Choose Your Capstone【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Next Steps For Your Capstone.pdf
│ │ 03-Useful Tools for Research & Learning.pdf
│ │
│ ├─04-Research - Building Your Roam Database
│ │ 01-Intro to Research and Metadata in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Using Readwise with Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Adding Article Notes to Roam.mkv
│ │ 04-Adding Book Notes to Roam.mkv
│ │ 05-Saving Tweets in Roam.mkv
│ │ 06-Annotating Videos in Roam.mkv
│ │ 07-Saving Podcast Highlights in Roam.mkv
│ │ 08-Storing Webpage Highlights in Roam.mkv
│ │ 09-Using Roam on the Go.mkv
│ │ 10-Research Outro.mkv
│ │
│ ├─05-Synthesis - Organizing for Insight
│ │ 01-Intro to Synthesis in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-The Inbox【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Building Page Relationships with Tags.mkv
│ │ 04-Progressive Summarization in Roam.mkv
│ │ 05-Consolidating Your Knowledge into Head Pages.mkv
│ │ 06-Advanced References and Embeds.mkv
│ │ 07-Synthesis Outro.mkv
│ │
│ ├─06-Productivity - Managing Your Work
│ │ 01-Intro to Productivity in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Creating Your First Project【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Resource.pdf
│ │ 03-Using Queries to Dynamically Build Your Projects.mkv
│ │ 04-Managing Different Projects.mkv
│ │ 05-Resource.pdf
│ │ 05-Weekly Planning in Roam.mkv
│ │ 06-Resource.pdf
│ │ 06-The Daily Productivity Dashboard.mkv
│ │ 07-Productivity Outro.mkv
│ │
│ ├─07-Creation - Turning Your Research into New Work
│ │ 01-Intro to Creation in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Outlining in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Writing in Roam.mkv
│ │ 04-Publishing from Roam.mkv
│ │ 05-Creation Outro.mkv
│ │ 06-Bonus Writing the Full Article in Roam.mkv
│ │
│ ├─08-Appendix 1 - Advanced Functions
│ │ 01-Queries【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 01-Resource.pdf
│ │ 02-Diagrams【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Resource.pdf
│ │ 03-Tables.mkv
│ │ 04-Calculations.mkv
│ │ 04-Resource.pdf
│ │ 05-Encryption.mkv
│ │ 05-Resource.pdf
│ │
│ ├─09-Appendix 2 - Bonus Use Cases
│ │ 01-Morning Pages & Journaling in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Recipe Management in Roam【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Resource.pdf
│ │ 03-Roam as a Personal CRM.mkv
│ │
│ ├─10-Appendix 3 - Guest Lectures & Bonus Workshops
│ │ 01-Advanced Roam Training with Kevin Lee【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Live Writing My Newsletter in Roam with Tiago Forte【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │
│ ├─11-Appendix 4 - Templates & Resources
│ │ 01-My Custom CSS.pdf
│ │ 02-My Custom CSS.txt
│ │
│ └─12-Roam in a Day Recordings
│ │ 00-Welcome! Please Read This.pdf
│ │
│ ├─01-Roam Basics
│ │ 01-The Roam Note Taking Paradigm【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-The Daily Note【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Creating Your First Pages.mkv
│ │ 04-The Four Ways to Link Between Pages.mkv
│ │ 05-Working with the Sidebar.mkv
│ │ 06-Filtering.mkv
│ │ 07-ToDos and Task Management.mkv
│ │ 08-Block References and Embedding Info from Other Pages.mkv
│ │
│ ├─02-Roam in a Day Live Recording
│ │ Full live recording - Nat Eliason's School - 1440x900 457K_2.mkv
│ │
│ ├─03-Learning the Basics of Roam
│ │ 01-Intro to Course Outline【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Basics Thinking Like a Roaman【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Practice Bringing Notes Into Your Roam Database.mkv
│ │ 04-Q&A #1.mkv
│ │
│ ├─04-Building Your Database
│ │ 01-Research Saving Information to Your Database【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 01-Resource.pdf
│ │ 02-Practice Adding Metadata and Tags【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Q&A #2.mkv
│ │ 03-Resource.pdf
│ │
│ ├─05-Enhancing Your Experienc - Readwise
│ │ 01-Resource.pdf
│ │ 01-Using Readwise to Enhance Your Roam Experience【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Q&A #3【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Resource.pdf
│ │
│ ├─06-Organizing Your Notetaking
│ │ 01-Resource.pdf
│ │ 01-Synthesis Enriching Your Notes for Your Future Self【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 02-Practice Progressively Summarizing Notes【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ │ 03-Head Pages, Embedding, and Referencing Info.mkv
│ │ 03-Resource.pdf
│ │ 04-Practice Building Head Pages.mkv
│ │ 05-Q&A #4.mkv
│ │ 05-Resource.pdf
│ │
│ └─07-Turning Your Research into New Work
│ 01-Creation Turn Your Notes into Something New【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ 01-Resource.pdf
│ 02-Q&A #5【imjmj.com】.mkv
│ 02-Resource.pdf