轻松搭建让你的社交媒体事业高速扩张的 All Systems Scale 培训平台!

那就来参加 All Systems Scale 培训吧!



快来加入 All Systems Scale 培训,让你的社交媒体事业高速扩张吧!

All Systems Scale training portal that takes you through the three Signature Systems you need to scale your social media business to the next level.
3 modules, with over 30 video lessons, that will walk you step-by-step through setting up the foundation of your business, so you can onboard clients & team members more efficiently and operate your social media services-based business with ease.
Email swipe copy, pre-made workflows, and customizable agency templates that you can immediately plug into your existing business.

  • 教程编号:1576279123
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:2.95GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─All Systems Scale
│      ├─01-The SMCEO Presents-All Systems Scale!
│      │  ├─01-Getting Started
│      │  │      01-Welcome To The Program!【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      02-How To Navigate The Course Portal- Tips For The Best Experience【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─02-Signature System 1-Client Acquisition & On-boarding
│      │  │      01-The Social Media CEO Client Accelerator Ebook Final.pdf
│      │  │      01-Welcome To Module 1- Client Acquisition & On-Boarding 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      02-Your Ideal Client 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      02-Your Ideal Client.pdf
│      │  │      03- Creating Irresistible Offers .mkv
│      │  │      04-Attracting & Qualifying Leads.mkv
│      │  │      04-Attracting & Qualifying Leads.pdf
│      │  │      05- Setting Up Canned Responses .mkv
│      │  │      05- Setting Up Canned Responses.pdf
│      │  │      06-The Discovery Call .mkv
│      │  │      06-The Discovery Call.pdf
│      │  │      07-The Proposal.mkv
│      │  │      08- New Client Welcome .mkv
│      │  │      08- New Client Welcome.pdf
│      │  │      09-New Client Survey .mkv
│      │  │      09-New Client Survey.pdf
│      │  │      10- Client Setup.mkv
│      │  │      10- Client Setup.pdf
│      │  │      11-Client Trello Board Setup .mkv
│      │  │      12-30 Day Follow Up.mkv
│      │  │      12-30 Day Follow Up.pdf
│      │  │      13- The Client Journey Continues.mkv
│      │  │      13-All Systems Scale Raise Your Rates Price Increase Email Template The SMCEO.pdf
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─03-Signature System 2 Team On-boarding
│      │  │      01- Welcome To Module 2- Team On-Boarding 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      01-The Right Time To Outsource【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      03-Prospect.mkv
│      │  │      03-Prospect.pdf
│      │  │      03-SMCEO 5 Ways To Find Your Dream Team.pdf
│      │  │      03-SMCEO Job Description Examples .pdf
│      │  │      04- Interviews & Coffee Chats.mkv
│      │  │      04- Interviews & Coffee Chats.pdf
│      │  │      04-SMCEO Interview Script Reference Check.pdf
│      │  │      05-Team Member On-Boarding.mkv
│      │  │      05-Team Member On-Boarding.pdf
│      │  │      06-Training & Kickoff .mkv
│      │  │      06-Training & Kickoff.pdf
│      │  │      07- Follow Up.mkv
│      │  │      07-SMCEO Review Template.pdf
│      │  │      08- Your Company Culture .mkv
│      │  │      09-Team Member 101.mkv
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─04- Signature System 3-Client Management
│      │  │      01-Welcome To Module 3- Client Management 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      02-Client Management Trello System Overview.pdf
│      │  │      02-Client Management Trello System Overview【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      03- 5 Steps To Smart Systems .mkv
│      │  │      03-ALL SYSTEMS SCALE 5 Steps To Smart Systems.pdf
│      │  │      04-Setting Up Your Task Overview.mkv
│      │  │      04-Setting Up Your Task Overview.Mp4.pdf
│      │  │      05-Client On-Boarding Hack.mkv
│      │  │      06- Time-Management & Your Workweek .mkv
│      │  │      06- Time-Management & Your Workweek.pdf
│      │  │      07-Conclusion- AKA The End.mkv
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─05- Resources-Tech Trainings
│      │  │      01-Trello Quick Start Guide 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      01-Trello Quick Start Guide.pdf
│      │  │      02-How To Create Canned Email Responses 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │  │      03-How To Use Your Canva Templates.mkv
│      │  │      04- How To Set Up The Card Repeater Power Up In Trello .mkv
│      │  │      05-Later Lecture- How To Schedule Multiple Clients Each Week On Instagram With A Team .mkv
│      │  │      05-Later Lecture-How To Schedule Multiple Clients Each Week On Instagram With A Team.pdf
│      │  │      
│      │  └─06- Bonus Content
│      │          01-How To Position Your Social Media Business In A Saturated Market 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │          02- Creating An Internship Program For Your Social Media Business 【imjmj.com】.mkv
│      │          02-Creating An Internship Program For Your Social Media Business.pdf
│      │          03-ALL SYSTEMS SCALE Influencer Program Email Swipe Files.pdf
│      │          03-Example Of Brand PDF For Influencers.pdf
│      │          03-How To Create An In-Kind Influencer Marketing Program For Your Clients.mkv
│      │          03-How To Create An In-Kind Influencer Marketing Program For Your Clients.pdf
│      │          04-The SMCEO Social Media Services Pricing Guide.pdf
│      │          
│      └─02- How to Become a Fully Booked Out Social Media Manager
│              01- How To Become A Fully Booked Out Social Media Manager【imjmj.com】.mkv



