



I’ll be sharing everything I know from my own experience on what it takes to make it as an Affiliate and actually break things down in a how to manner.

Things like…
The art of running high volume 7 figure media buys.
All the traffic sources I currently use.
Hiring media buyers, team building and how to compensate them.
Achieve more in 1 day than others do in a week.
An inside look at how I run my daily operations and affiliate business.
How to sell high ticket courses.
My sales funnels, scripts and processes for closing leads.

  • 教程编号:0809290065
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:4.5G
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  ├─00. Welcome
  │      01. Welcome To The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind.mkv
  ├─01. Foundation Videos
  │  │  01. Introduction Video.mkv
  │  │  02. The Only 2 Things You Need To Know.mkv
  │  │  03. Understanding Time & Money.mp4
  │  │  04. The Dream Lifestyle.mp4
  │  │  05. Achieving The Dream.mp4
  │  │  06. Combining The Elements.mp4
  │  │  07. You Are What You Eat.mp4
  │  │  08. Cleaning Up Your Routine.mp4
  │  │  09. Light Work vs Deep Work.mp4
  │  │  10. Nutrition & Fitness.mp4
  │  │  11. Sleep Is The Cousin of Death.mp4
  │  │  12. The Metamorphosis.mp4
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  └─Resources
  │          09. Light Work vs Deep Work.txt
  │          11. Sleep Is The Cousin of Death.txt
  ├─02. The Authority Blueprint
  │  │  01. The Authority Site Overview.mkv
  │  │  02. Brainstorming Your Niche.mkv
  │  │  03. Photography Case Study.mp4
  │  │  04. Compliance.mp4
  │  │  05. Authority Site Follow Along.mp4
  │  │  06. The Technical Setup.mp4
  │  │  07. Setting Up NameServers.pdf
  │  │  08. Pixels & Analytics.pdf
  │  │  09. Content Management System.mp4
  │  │  10. Creating The Look.mp4
  │  │  11. The List of Plugins.mp4
  │  │  12. Capturing The Leads.mp4
  │  │  13. Email Funnel Sequence.mp4
  │  │  14. Thoughts on Content Creation.mp4
  │  │  15. Monetizing & Core Product Offering.mp4
  │  │  16. Free Methods For Generating Traffic.mp4
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  └─Resources
  │          01. The Authority Site Overview.png
  │          02. Brainstorming Your Niche.png
  │          03. Photography Case Study.png
  │          04. Compliance.txt
  │          06. The Technical Setup.txt
  │          08. Pixels & Analytics.txt
  │          09. Content Management System.txt
  │          10. Creating The Look.txt
  │          11. The List of Plugins.txt
  │          12. Capturing The Leads.txt
  │          13. Email Funnel Sequence.JPG
  ├─03. The Affiliate Game
  │  │  01. The Players in The Game.mkv
  │  │  02. Network & Advertiser Approval.mkv
  │  │  03. Vy Media Group.mp4
  │  │  04. Applying For Offers.mp4
  │  │  05. Using Source IDs.mp4
  │  │  06. Setting Your Postback URL.mp4
  │  │  07. Setting Up Offers In Your Tracker.mp4
  │  │  08. Campaign Setup.mp4
  │  │  09. The Conversion.mp4
  │  │  10. The Illusion of Vanity Metrics.mp4
  │  │  11. Growth Metrics - CPV & EPV.mp4
  │  │  12. CPM & CPC Networks and Calcuations.mp4
  │  │  13. Cross Calculation Errors.mp4
  │  │  14. All About The Cash.mp4
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  └─Resources
  │          03. Vy Media Group.txt
  ├─04. Adult Media 2020
  │  │  01. Introduction - NSFW.mkv
  │  │  02. The Pros and Cons of Adult.mkv
  │  │  03. The Different Offers and Payout Models.mp4
  │  │  04. The Tour Pages.mp4
  │  │  05. Market Research - Manually Spying.mp4
  │  │  06. AdPlexity - Insiders Look.mp4
  │  │  07. Landing Pages - Different Landers.mp4
  │  │  08. Banner Creatives - Types & Labeling.mp4
  │  │  09. Self Serve Traffic Networks.mp4
  │  │  10. Launch Preparation Checklist.mp4
  │  │  11. The Campaign Launch Strategy.mp4
  │  │  12. Live Campaign - Setup & Targeting.mp4
  │  │  13. Reporting - Drilling Into Our Data.mp4
  │  │  14. PornHub Insights - Inside Their Data.pdf
  │  │  15. Calculating Your CPC on a CPM Network.pdf
  │  │  16. Understanding Delayed Statistics.mp4
  │  │  17. Anxious Actions That Are Fatal.mp4
  │  │  18. The Best Niche Dating Offers.mp4
  │  │  19. The Strategy of Cascading Offers.mp4
  │  │  20. The Art of Funnel Pruning.mp4
  │  │  21. Controlled Testing - A Simple Formula.mp4
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  └─Resources
  │          06. AdPlexity - Insiders Look.txt
  │          09. Self Serve Traffic Networks.txt
  │          13. Reporting - Drilling Into Our Data.txt
  ├─05. The Marketing Vault
  │  │  01. Part 1 - FE & BE Offers.mkv
  │  │  02. Part 2 - Blueprint of FE & BE Offers.mkv
  │  │  03. Growth Hacking - CPL & LTV.mp4
  │  │  04. Webinars - Introduction.mp4
  │  │  05. Webinars - Software Solutions.mp4
  │  │  06. Webinars - Simple Format to Follow.mp4
  │  │  07. Webinars - Walk Through Case Study.mp4
  │  │  08. Webinars - 4 Day Cash Promo.mp4
  │  │  09. EverWebinar - Walk Through Setup.mp4
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  └─Resources
  │          06. Webinar_Format_PowerPoint.pptx
  │          09. EverWebinar - Walk Through Setup.txt
  ├─06. Case Studies
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  ├─01. Tuan Vy Authority Site Case Study
  │  │  │  01. TuanVy.com Introduction.mkv
  │  │  │  02. Google Analytics - 9-3-19.mkv
  │  │  │  03. Email Leads Summary - 9-4-19.pdf
  │  │  │  04. Website Update - 9-25-19.mp4
  │  │  │  05. Website Update - 12-4-19.pdf
  │  │  │  
  │  │  │  
  │  │  └─Resources
  │  │          01. TuanVy.com Introduction.txt
  │  │          
  │  │          
  │  └─02. $250K+ MRR SaaS Product
  │          $250K+ MRR SaaS Product.mp4
  └─07. Resources
      │  The A.I.M. BookClub.pdf
      │  The A.I.M. BookClub.txt
      └─Book List
              01. November 2019 – My Book List.pdf
              02. October 2019 – My Book List.pdf
              03. September 2019  – My Book List.pdf



