在这次与Smart Marketer领导团队的培训中,
无论您是作为一个独立企业家开始或您已经运行一个8位数的品牌。每个模块都结合了战略课程、坦诚访谈和与Smart Marketer领导团队的战术培训,
- 教程编号:0283921210
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:10.1GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─Smart Business Systems
├─01-Module 01
│ 01-What Does a Visionary Look Like- .mkv
│ 02-What Does a CEO Look Like- .mkv
│ 03-What Does a COO Look Like- .mkv
│ 04-What Does a CMO Look Like- .mkv
├─02-Module 02
│ 01-From Doer to Delegator .mkv
│ 02-From One to Many- Building Your Team .mkv
│ 02-[SBS]Craft_a_Job_Description.pdf
│ 03-The Three Types of Hires .mkv
│ 04-Autonomy & Freedom .mkv
│ 05-Onboarding Your Team .mkv
│ 05-Onboarding Your Team.txt
│ 06-Managing Contractors .mkv
│ 06-SBS_Contractor_Engagement_Letter_TEMPLATE.pdf
│ 07-How to Offboard with Dignity .mkv
│ 07-SBS_Employee_Separation_Agreement_TEMPLATE.pdf
│ 07-[SBS]SOP_Employee_Disciplinary_Action.pdf
│ 07-[SBS]Termination_Checklist.pdf
│ 08-BONUS!!! How to Fairly Compensate Your Team .mkv
├─03-Module 03
│ 01-Presence is a Present .mkv
│ 02-Getting Buy-In .mkv
│ 03-Centralizing Your Communication .mkv
│ 04-Having Hard Conversations .mkv
│ 05-Setting Your Meeting Cadence .mkv
│ 06-Building Remote Camaraderie .mkv
├─04-Module 04
│ 01-Sell the Transformation .mkv
│ 02-You NEED Marketing .mkv
│ 03-Agency v. Contractor v. Team .mkv
│ 04-Allocating Marketing Efforts .mkv
│ 05-Managing Marketing Projects .mkv
│ 05-Managing Marketing Projects.txt
├─05-Module 05
│ 01-Business Is About People .mkv
│ 02-Building the Best Damn Product .mkv
│ 03-Support as a Revenue Lever .mkv
│ 03-Support Competency Matrix.xlsx
│ 04-Centralizing Business Assets .mkv
│ 05-Customer Feedback as a Source of Truth .mkv
│ 05-Customer Feedback as a Source of Truth.txt
│ 05-[SBS]SOP_Customer_Support_Negative_Feedback.pdf
└─06-Module 06
01-It All Comes Back to Constant Communication .mkv
02-Managing Your Money .mkv
03-Managing Your Vision .mkv
04-Setting Up Systems & Projects .mkv
05-Managing Your Projects .mkv
05-Managing Your Projects.txt
06-Managing Your Metrics .mkv