推销员课程 – 不按常理出牌,学习如何向任何人推销任何东西
- 教程编号:0408550314
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:1.02GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
The Chad Salesman Course
├─01-Watch this or NGMI (Not Gonna Make It)
│ 01-Intro - Watch this or NGMI.mkv
├─02-Part 1-Frames - The Art (and Science) of Communication
│ 01-Lesson 1- What Are Frames-.mkv
│ 02-Lesson 2- The Most Common Frames and How To Break Them.mkv
│ 03-Lesson 3- What Is Status-.mkv
│ 04-Lesson 4- The Frame Game.mkv
│ 05-Part 1 Quiz.pdf
│ 06-Part 1 - The Art (and Science) of Communication.mp3
│ 06-Part 1 Frames - The Art (and Science) of How We Package Communication (Text).pdf
├─03-Part 2-Leveraging Psychology for Sales Success
│ 01-Lesson 1- Manipulating Perceptions.mkv
│ 02-Lesson 2- Painting Pictures in Prospects Minds.mkv
│ 03-Lesson 3- Getting the Prospect to Sell Themselves.mkv
│ 04-Part 2 Quiz.pdf
│ 05-Part 2 - Leveraging Psychology for Sales Success (Text).pdf
│ 05-Part 2 - Leveraging Pyschology for Sales Success.mp3
├─04-Part 3-The Chad Salesman
│ 01-Lesson 1- The 3 Key Traits of a Chad Salesman.mkv
│ 02-Lesson 2- Avoiding the Mistakes Amateurs Make.mkv
│ 03-Part 3-Quiz.pdf
│ 04-Part 3 - The Chad Salesman (Text).pdf
│ 04-Part 3 - The Chad Salesman.mp3
├─05-Part 4- Winning the Sales Game
│ 01-Lesson 1- Selling through Value vs Status.mkv
│ 02-Lesson 2- Frame Battle- You vs the Prospect.mkv
│ 03-Lesson 3- The Ideal Sales Process.mkv
│ 04-Lesson 4- Nailing Discovery.mkv
│ 05-Lesson 5- Crushing the Demo.mkv
│ 06-Lesson 6- Handling Objections with Finesse.mkv
│ 07-Lesson 7- The Secret to Successful Prospecting.mkv
│ 08-Lesson 8- How to Command Attention on Follow Up.mkv
│ 09-Lesson 9- On Body Language.mkv
│ 10-Part 4 Quiz.pdf
│ 11-Congratulations!.mkv
│ 12-Part 4 - Winning the Sales Game (Text).pdf
│ 12-Part 4 - Winning the Sales Game.mp3
└─06-Bonus Downloads
01-PICS chart.pdf
02-Discovery Call Checklist.pdf
03-Shortcut to Finding the Prospects Pain.pdf
04-Inbound Leads Handling 3 Most Common Scenarios.pdf
06-9 Status Hacks.pdf
07-On Tonality.mp3
08-Cold Call Script.pdf
09-Cold Email Sequence.pdf
10-Pro tips.pdf
11-Reframe of the Day Compilation.pdf
12-Dragons vs Clowns Compilation.pdf
13-Chad Maxims.pdf
14-Chad Chronicles.pdf