Affiliate实验室 – 实战实操全程演示给你看
让你在高竞争的 Affiliate Niche 排名前列。对于你将要学习的每个概念,
这是你需要购买的最后一个Affiliate SEO课程。
- 教程编号: 0992008384
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:9GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─The Affiliate Lab
│ 01-Introduction and Welcome Video - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-The Most Important Lesson in this Training - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-How to Join The Lab’s Facebook Group - The Affiliate Lab.jpeg
│ 03-How to Join The Lab’s Facebook Group - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-How to Speed Up Videos - The Affiliate Lab.jpeg
│ 04-How to Speed Up Videos - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-The Six Figure Flipper Club - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06- Medic Buster Update.pdf
│ 01-Introduction to Niche Selection - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Niche vs Authority Sites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Niche Hunting - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Niche Grading Tool - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Why We Don't Use Amazon - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-How to Find Non-Amazon Affiliate Programs - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─03-ONSITE SEO- Introduction
│ 01-Onsite SEO Introduction - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─04-ONSITE SEO- Domains and Hosting
│ 01-Choosing a domain name - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Purchasing a Domain and Hosting - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-NAP - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─05-ONSITE SEO- Keyword Research
│ 01-Introduction to Keyword Research - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-The Recursive Keyword Research Process - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Gathering and Assigning Your Keywords - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Speeding up the Process - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Website Documentation (Including Template) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Finding Informational Content Ideas - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─06-ONSITE SEO- Site Architecture
│ 01-Site Architecture Foundation - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Silo Mastery - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Topical Relevance - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Demo - Architecture and Interlinking - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─07-ONSITE SEO- Content Building
│ 01-The Importance of Quality Content - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Recommended Content Providers - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Content Length - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Content Requests (Including Template) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Content Requests - TF-IDF Analysis - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Sub Topic Coverage - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Reviewing your Content - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─08-ONSITE SEO- Site Building (Single Page)
│ 01-Introduction to Single Page Site Building - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Uploading Content - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-How to Setup Child Pages - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Where to Get Images and How to Upload - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Adding Videos on your Pages - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Setting up your Tables and lists - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Setting up your Table of Contents - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 08-Thrive Architect Tips and Tricks - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─09-ONSITE SEO- Site Building (Site-Wide)
│ 01-3.7.1 - Site Building (Site-Wide).pdf
│ 01-Introduction to Site-Wide Site Building - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-How to Choose a Theme - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-How to setup website menus - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Author Boxes and Attribution - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-How to setup your sidebar - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-About, Contact, ToS pages - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Setting up your SEO and XML sitemap plugins - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 08-Indexing Onsite Pages - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 09-How to do an Ahrefs Audit - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 10-How to install clicky - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 11-How to use ProRankTracker - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 12-Trust Factors - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─10-ONSITE SEO- Onsite Optimization
│ 01-Onsite Optimization Introduction - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-The Three Kings - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-How to Avoid Topic Duplication - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Sub-headings - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Content Optimization and Keyword Density - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Bells and Whistles - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Article.txt
│ 07-Brand Schema.txt
│ 07-Schema - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Single Product Review.txt
│ 08-TFIDF Optimization - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 09-Natural Language Processing (NLP) Optimization - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 10-How to Use Surfer - Michal Suski Webinar - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─11-ONSITE SEO- Featured Snippets
│ 01-How to Steal Featured Snippets - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Webinar- Featured Snippet Mastery with Tom De Spiegelaere - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Ranking in Google Images - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─12-ONSITE SEO- Affiliate Links
│ 01-Creating Affiliate Links - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Link Cloaking - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-How to Create Amazon Compliant Affiliate Links - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 01-Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Primer - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Getting the Visitor to Stay on Your Page - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Getting the Visitor To Keep Reading Until They Get to Your CTAs - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Setting Up Your CTAs with Conversion-friendly Content - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Choosing the Perfect CTAs - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Negotiating Higher Payouts - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Today's Date Plugin - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 08-Creative Monetization (Part 1) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 09-Creative Monetization (Part 2) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 10-Click-through-rate Optimization - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 11-Display Ads - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─14-ONSITE SEO- Website Maintenance
│ 01-Website Maintenance- What to Do With Your Site After It's Built - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Fresh Content - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Keyword Grabbing (SEMrush) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Finding New Content Ideas - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Content Updates & Rewrites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─15-OFFSITE SEO- Introduction
│ 01-Offsite SEO Introduction - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─16-OFFSITE SEO- Creating a Google Persona
│ 01-Creating a Google Persona - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Setting up your Gmail - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Google Search Console - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─17-OFFSITE SEO- Social Fortress Creation
│ 01-Social Fortresses and Why You Need one - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Youtube Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Facebook Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Twitter Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Gravatar Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-Pinterest Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Diigo Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 08-Tumblr Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 09-Reddit Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ Setup - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 11-Indexing Offsite Links - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 12-IFTTT - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 13-Buying likes and follows - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 14-How to Setup Social Metas & Open Graph Tags - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─18-OFFSITE SEO- Anchor Text Analysis
│ 01-How to Determine Your Niche-Specific Target Anchor Text - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Defining Anchor Types - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Demo- Determining Anchor Text Distribution - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Documentation_Template(1).xlsx
├─19-OFFSITE SEO- Local Citations
│ 01-Using Local Citations for Affiliate Sites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Geo-tagging Images - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Ordering Local Citations - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─20-OFFSITE SEO- Social Signals
│ 01-Social Signals and Their Role in Ranking - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-How to Setup a Social Signals Campaign on Microworkers - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─21-OFFSITE SEO- The Bulletproof Backlink Strategy
│ 01-Introduction to the Bulletproof Backlink Strategy - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-The Backlink Blueprint Timeline- Sandbox Phase - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-The Backlink Blueprint Timeline- Trustworthy Phase - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-The Backlink Blueprint Timeline- Authority Mode - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Selecting Links and Anchors - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 06-How to Deal with Anchor Text While Outreaching - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 07-Documentation_Template.xlsx
│ 07-Putting it all Together - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 08-Outreach Link Velocity - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 09-Advanced Pillowing - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 10-Skyscraper - Scalable Outreach - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 11-On Link Diversity - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 12-Negotiating for Cheap Link Insertions - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─22-OFFSITE SEO- Optional- PBN Linking
│ 01-Introduction to Backlinking with PBNs (Optional) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Selecting a PBN Vendor - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-For the PBN Owners… - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Toxicity (Expired vs Backorder vs Auction) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-When PBN's Don't Work- Optimization, Trust and Power - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─23-OFFSITE SEO- Tier 2 Link Building
│ 01-The Basics of Tier 2 Link Building - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-The Tier 2 Link Building Process - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Next Level Tier 2 Questions Answered - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-How to Find Tier 2 Links of Your Competitors - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─24-Technical Audits
│ 01-Introduction - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Google Search Console - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Negative SEO - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Technical Onpage & Offpage Audits - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 01-When Sites Get Stuck- The Kitchen Sink - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Site Size Explosions - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-The -Set Up- Technique - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Content and Mark-up Injections - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-The Nitty Gritty - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─26-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- Authority Module Introduction
│ 01-Authority Module Introduction - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─27-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- Building Authority Sites
│ 01-Naming Authority Sites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Basic Authority Site Architecture - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 03-Advanced Authority Site Architecture - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 04-Authority Site Examples - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 05-Content for Authority Sites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─28-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- Backlinks for Authority Sites
│ 01-Authority Site Backlink Considerations - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-What Links to Use and Where - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─29-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- What to do When you Hit Authority Mode
│ 01-What to do When you Hit Authority Mode - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─30-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- Authority Site Pitfalls
│ 01-Authority Site Pitfalls - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
├─31-THE AUTHORITY SITE MODULE- The Influcener Pitch- Building Real E-A-T
│ 01-The Influcener Pitch- Building Real E-A-T - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 01-In Closing - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
│ 02-Scaling Multiple Affiliate Sites - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
01-Sleep Hacking - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
02-A Six Figure Flip Story (CMSEO2018 Presentation) - The Affiliate Lab.mp4
03-Eric Lanchares on the May 2020 Core Algorithm Update - The Affiliate Lab.mp4