了解新富人的思维方式,掌握早期创始人的金融知识, 学会停止流失现金和利润!
发现 9 位数创始人使用的数字工具和框架。
- 教程编号:0834519608
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:1.07GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
├─1 Goal-Setting for Financial Fitness
│ #14625 - 'Finance For Founders - Foundr'.jpg
│ #14626 - 'Welcome - Foundr'.jpg
│ #14627 - 'The 6-Step Financial Fitness Pyramid - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14628 - 'Reach for the Moon (Goal-Setting) - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F Full Workbook Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M1 Full Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M1L1 Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M1L2 Pyramid Password Removed.pdf
│ M1L1 Welcome.mkv
│ M1L2 Six Step Pyramid.mkv
│ M1L3 Goal Setting.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─2 Getting Organized
│ #14629 - 'Paying Yourself (The 90 10 Rule) - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14630 - 'Structuring Up Your Business - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14631 - 'Separating Business vs Personal Accounts - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14632 - 'Protecting Yourself and Your Business - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14633 - 'Navigating Business Loans Debt vs Equity Financing - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M2 Full Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M2L2 Business Structure Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M2L3 Ideal+Bank+&+Accounts+Checklist Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M2L4 Cheat+Sheet+Guide+to+Insurance Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M2L5 Financing Cheat+Sheet Password Removed.pdf
│ M2L1 Paying Yourself.mkv
│ M2L2 Business Structure.mkv
│ M2L3 Business & Personal.mkv
│ M2L4 Protecting Your Business.mkv
│ M2L5 Types of Financing.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─3 Finance Basics
│ #14634 - 'Primer The Key Terms and Key Reports - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14635 - 'Finding and Hiring an Accountant - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14636 - 'The Balance Sheet - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14637 - 'The Income Statement (P&L) - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M3 Full Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M3L1 Business+Terms+and+Reports+Cheat+Sheet Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M3L2 Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M3L3 Password Removed.pdf
│ M3L1-Key Terms and Key Reports.mkv
│ M3L2 Finding An Accountant.mkv
│ M3L3 Balance Sheet.mkv
│ M3L4 Income Statement.mkv
│ plain english guide to financial terms Password Removed.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─4 The Multi-Year Business Plan and Budget
│ #14638 - 'The 9-Grid Checklist Crafting a Financially Sound Business Plan - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14639 - 'Estimated vs Actual Budget - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14640 - 'Creating a Financial Plan - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14641 - 'The Money Minute Checking in With Your Finances - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M4 Full Password Removed.pdf
│ M4L1 9 Grid Checklist.mkv
│ M4L2 Estimated vs Actual Budget.mkv
│ M4L3 Financial Plan.mkv
│ M4L4 Money Minute.mkv
│ SCORE Financial Projections Spreadsheet Feb2020.xlsx
│ The+9-Grid+Checklist Password Removed.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─5 The Finance of Scaling Up
│ #14642 - 'When to Put Your Foot on the Gas - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14643 - 'Hiring a Head of Finance - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14644 - 'The People Cost - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ #14645 - 'Offering Equity to Keep Great Talent Motivated - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M5 Full Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M5L2 CFO Checklist Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M5L4 EquityTerms Password Removed.pdf
│ F4F M5L4 Password Removed.pdf
│ M5L1 Foot on the Gas.mkv
│ M5L2 Hiring a CFO.mkv
│ M5L3 The People Cost.mkv
│ M5L4 Make Everyone an Owner.mkv
│ 说明.txt
└─Bonus Module
#14646 - 'Plug-n-Play Finance Spreadsheet Templates (Built-In Equations for Financial Projections) - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
#14647 - 'Your 3-Year Business Plan (and the 9-Grid Checklist) - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
#14648 - '1x Year of Foundr Magazine - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
#14649 - 'Fundraising How to Know if it's Right For You - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
#14650 - 'The Multi-Million Dollar Pitch Deck - Foundr' Password Removed.pdf
12 Month Rolling Cash Flow Forecast - Foundr.xlsx
3 Statement Model (Consolidated) - Foundr.xlsx
B1L1 VC Fundraising.mkv
B1L2 Multi-Million Dollar Deck.mkv
F4F Bonus Financing Checklist Password Removed.pdf
F4F Bonus Full Password Removed.pdf
Financial Projection Model - Foundr.xlsx
The+9-Grid+Checklist+(Bonus) Password Removed.pdf