油管新手教程:帮助您成为影响数百万人的有影响力的 YouTube 主播!全面的,一步一步的课程!
将帮助您成为影响数百万人的有影响力的 YouTube 主播。本课程是您从头开始建立频道,
正确利用 YouTube 不断发展的平台取得长期成功。
通过 Adsense、联属网络营销和品牌交易建立被动收入。
- 教程编号:1804375098
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:2.66GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
├─1. My YouTube Story
│ 1. How I Became a YouTuber and Grew a $300,000 Per Year Channel.mkv
│ 2. What You Will Get Out of This Course.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─10. SEO & Keyword Strategies
│ 1. Does Your Video File Name Matter.mkv
│ 2. Using Tags to Rank Higher.mkv
│ 3. Getting On the First Page of Search Results Using Titles.mkv
│ 4. Getting Your Video On Google Recommended Videos.mkv
│ 5. Using Keywords to Get Your Video Suggested After Popular Videos.mkv
│ 6. Getting On the First Page of Search Results Using Descriptions.mkv
│ 7. The BEST Free Tools to Get.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─11. Conclusion
│ Pick Your Niche and Vision.pdf
│ Your Next Steps.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─2. Starting On YouTube
│ 1. Why You Need to Start YouTube NOW.mkv
│ 2. Getting Over Your Fears.mkv
│ 2. Getting Over Your Fears.pdf
│ 3. Who Can Succeed On YouTube.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─3. YouTube Audience Retention
│ 1 The Energy Drain Phenomenony.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─4. What Equipment Works Best for YouTube
│ 1. How Important is Equipment Quality-.mkv
│ 2. Which Camera Should You Use-.mkv
│ 3.Which Lens Should You Use-.mkv
│ 4. Memory Cards-Tripods-Hard Drives.mkv
│ 5. Lighting 101 (How to Light Your Videos).mkv
│ 6. The Best Way to Record Audio.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─5. Video Content 101
│ 1. How Do You Find Your Best Niche-.mkv
│ 1. How Do You Find Your Best Niche-.pdf
│ 2. How Specific Do You Need to Be-.mkv
│ 3. Finding Trending and Searchable-Evergreen Content Ideas.mkv
│ 4. How to Plan and Research Videos.mkv
│ 5. My Formula For Writing an AMAZING Script.mkv
│ 6. 3 Hour Workflow - How to Film, Edit, and Post on a Quick Timeframe.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─6. Filming Your Videos
│ 1.The Right Camera Settings to Use.mkv
│ 2. Ideal iPhone Filming Setup.mkv
│ 3. How to Adjust Your Audio Levels.mkv
│ 4. Exactly How I Record Videos (Memorization, Reading Lines, etc).mkv
│ 5. Things to be Aware of When Filming.mkv
│ 6. My Filming Setup Tour.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─7. Editing Workflow
│ │ 1. How to Structure Your Files Effectively (Storage Workflow).mkv
│ │ 2. How I Edit On Final Cut Pro.mkv
│ │ 3. How to Edit on iMovie.mkv
│ │ 4. Free Resources for B-Roll, Stock Images, and Royalty-Free Music.mkv
│ │ 说明.txt
│ │
│ └─5. My Commonly Used Graphics, Sounds, and Files
│ Brand New FREE Transition Sound Effects.mp3
│ Commonly Used Files.zip
│ FREE Transition Sounds Effects Swoosh Swish Whoosh.mp3
│ Funny Clips to put in the middle of your YouTube videos.mkv
│ Funny Sound Effects.mp3
│ 说明.txt
├─8. Monetizing Your Channel (5x Your Earnings)
│ 1. Adsense.mkv
│ 2. Affiliates.mkv
│ 3. How Much Should Brands Pay You.mkv
│ 4. Brand Deals.mkv
│ 说明.txt
└─9. Beating the YouTube Algorithm
1. The Optimal Video Length.mkv
2. Do Likes and Dislikes Matter-.mkv
3. How the YouTube Algorithm Recommends Videos.mkv
4. The RIGHT Way to Make Viral Content.mkv
5. How to Connect With Your Audience on a Deeper Level.mkv