在 The $100 Startup 中,
Chris Guillebeau 告诉您如何过充满冒险、意义和目标的生活,
- 教程编号:1810274725
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:4.82GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
│ Course Content.pdf
│ Members Area.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 1 - Getting Started
│ 1. Welcome to The 100 Startup.avi
│ 2. DS Amazon Quickview.avi
│ 2. The $100 Startup Course Module Overview.avi
│ 3. Keys to Success with The $100 Startup.avi
│ 4. Don't Stay Stuck.avi
│ 5. Unicorn Smasher Download.avi
│ 6. How To Setup Seller Central Account.avi
│ 7. Amazon Seller University.avi
│ Join the Private FB Group.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 2 - Product Selection
│ 1. All Categories Are Not Created Equal.avi
│ 10. Dont Source List.avi
│ 2. Not All BSRs are Created Equal.avi
│ 3. Picking a Category.avi
│ 4. BSR Sweet Spot.avi
│ 5. How to Use the Financial Worksheet.avi
│ 6. Product Selection for the 100.avi
│ 7. Product Selection Worksheet for the 100.avi
│ 8. Profit Margin Check.avi
│ 9. The Other Factors.avi
│ Financial Worksheet.docx
│ Product Selection Sheet Startup.ods
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 3 - Product Sourcing
│ 1. Easier Than It Looks.avi
│ 10. Shipping Into Amazon.avi
│ 11. UPC Code.avi
│ 2. Where To Start Sourcing.avi
│ 3. AliExpress for Small Orders.avi
│ 4. AliExpress Shipping Options.avi
│ 5. Using Alibaba for Larger Orders.avi
│ 6. Shipping Terms.avi
│ 7. Air vs Sea Shipping.avi
│ 8. How to Negotiate the Best Deal.avi
│ 9. Where to Send Initial Shipment.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 4 - Product Listing
│ 1. Initial Keyword Research.avi
│ 2. Perfect Product Titles.avi
│ 3. Bullet Points That Sell.avi
│ 4. Compelling Product Descriptions.avi
│ 5. Images That Inspire.avi
│ 6. Initial Listing Setup.avi
│ 7. Back End Search Terms.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 5 - Product Launch
│ 1. Launching a Product on Amazon.avi
│ 2. Starting with your KW Research.avi
│ 3. Getting Initial Reviews.avi
│ 4. Verified vs Unverified.avi
│ 5. Friends and Family Discount.avi
│ 6. Search Found Bought Method.avi
│ 7. How To Make Coupons.avi
│ 8. Amazon Sponsored Ads.avi
│ 说明.txt
└─Module 6 - Bonus - Grow Your Business
1. 80_20 Principle.avi
2. Refining Your 1st Product.avi
3. Adding More Products.avi
4. 25 Email Marketing Tips And Tricks For Beginners 2016.avi
5. How to Create a Facebook Page - 2017 Part 1.avi
5. How to Create a Facebook Page - 2017 Part 2.avi