探索成为 CEO、领导者和世界上最成功的人取得成功的秘密武器。
国际知名的变革型教练迈克尔·尼尔 (Michael Neill) 已执教 CEO、名人、皇室成员和其他成功人士超过 25 年,
- 教程编号:2105013004
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
- 培训机构:未知
- 文件大小:5.69GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
│ 1-Module 1. Understanding Principle-Based Coaching.mp3
│ 10-Module 10. Handling Pressure And Stress.mp3
│ 11-01 Module 11. Life Beyond The Game.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Session Review With Ajit Nawalkha.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Session Review With Dr. Neeta Bhushan.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Session Review With Sophie Chiche.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Session Review With Steve Aylsworth.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Transformative Coaching In Action With Ajit Nawalkha.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Transformative Coaching In Action With Sophie Chiche.mp3
│ 12-Module 12. Transformative Coaching In Action With Steve Aylsworth.mp3
│ 2-Module 2. The Power Of Connection.mp3
│ 3-Module 3. How Human Beings Actually Work.mp3
│ 4-Module 4. Rules for Coaching in Business.mp3
│ 5-Module 5. The Game of Business.mp3
│ 6-Module 6. The Art of Leaadership.mp3
│ 7-Module 7. Decision Making.mp3
│ 8-Module 8. Problem-Solving, Creativity, and Innovation.mp3
│ 9-Module 9. Performance And Productivity.mp3
│ 说明.txt
│ Impacting Leaders All Session Notes.pdf
│ Impacting Leaders all Workbooks.pdf
│ Module 1. Understanding Principle-Based Coaching Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 1. Understanding Principle-Based Coaching Workbook .pdf
│ Module 10. Managing Pressure And Stress Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 10. Managing Pressure And Stress Workbook .pdf
│ Module 11. Life Beyond The Game Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 11. Life Beyond The Game Workbook .pdf
│ Module 12. Transformative Coaching In Action Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 2. The Power Of Connection Workbook .pdf
│ Module 2. The Power Of Connection.pdf
│ Module 3. How Human Beings Actually Work Workbook .pdf
│ Module 3. How Human Beings Actually Work.pdf
│ Module 4. Five Rules For Coaching In Business Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 4. Rules For Coaching In Business Workbook .pdf
│ Module 5. The Game Of Business Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 5. The Game Of Business Workbook .pdf
│ Module 6. The Art Of Leadership Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 6. The Art Of Leadership Workbook .pdf
│ Module 7. Decision Making Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 7. Decision Making Workbook .pdf
│ Module 8. Problem Solving Creativity And Innovation Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 8. Problem Solving Creativity And Innovation Workbook .pdf
│ Module 9. Performance And Productivity Session Notes .pdf
│ Module 9. Performance And Productivity Workbook .pdf
│ 说明.txt
0 - Introduction.avi
1- How To Navigate This Program.avi
1. Understanding Principle-Based Coaching.avi
10. Managing Pressure And Stress.avi
11. Life Beyond The Game.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 1.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 2.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 3.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 4.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 5.avi
12. Transformative Coaching In Action 6.avi
2-What To Do For Maximum Results.avi
2. The Power Of Connection.avi
3. How Human Beings Actually Work.avi
4. Five Rules For Coaching In Business.avi
5.The Game Of Business.avi
6.The Art Of? Leadership.avi
7. Decision Making.avi
8. Problem Solving, Creativity, And Innovation.avi
9. Performance And Productivity.avi
Live Call With Michael Neill - Impacting Leaders.avi
