学习如何从专业人士那里建立和扩大你的潜在客户,避免犯我们犯过的错误!(The Leads Academy)


The Leads Academy is the most comprehensive Lead Generation course online.
Learn how to build and scale your Lead Generation business from professionals and avoid making the same mistakes we did.
Cut the learning curve with The Leads Academy.

What’s In The Course?

Lead generation prospecting (how to get prospective lead generation partners).
Partner qualification how to qualify prospective partners).
Lead generation business structures (different models for lead generation monetization).
Landing page training (how to create landing pages that convert forlocal service based leads).
Adwords training for local lead generation (over the shoulder Adwords set up).
SEO for lead generation (the blueprint for ranking local websites in 2019 and beyond).



The Leads Academy
└─The Leads Academy
├─1-Lead Generation Fundamentals – Section 1
│ 1-Section 1 Introduction.mp4
│ 2-Pay Per Lead Model.mp4
│ 3-Hybrid Model.mp4
│ 4-Niche Selection.mp4
│ 5-Niching Down.mp4
│ Pay Per Lead Business Building Crash Course _ Webinar 1 _ Mark Luckenbaugh & David Longacre.mp4
│ Pay Per Lead Business Building Crash Course _ Webinar 2 _ Nate Fischer & David Longacre.mp4
│ Pay Per Lead Over The Shoulder Training Course _ Webinar 3 _ Nate Fischer & David Longacre.mp4
├─11-Lead Ascension – Under Construction
│ 001-The Leads Ascension Intro Part 1.mp4
│ 2-The Lead Ascension Intro Part 2.mp4
├─2-Partner List Building – Section 2
│ 1-Section 2 Introduction.mp4
│ 2-Google Adwords Prospecting.mp4
│ 3-Home Advisor.mp4
│ 4-Yellow Pages.mp4
│ 5-Email Extraction.mp4
│ 6-Hiring List Builders.mp4
├─3-Outbound Sales – Section 3
│ 1-Section 3 Introduction.mp4
│ 10-Virtual Close.mp4
│ 11-Sales Scripts.mp4
│ 2-Cold Sales Emails.mp4
│ 3-Cold Call Blueprint.mp4
│ 4-Turn Your Fear of Failure Into Fearlessness.mp4
│ 5-Present Solutions, Not Failures.mp4
│ 6-How To Qualify Prospects.mp4
│ 7-Managing Objections.mp4
│ 8-Negotiating.mp4
│ 9-Follow-Up Formula.mp4
├─4-Partner Outreach – Section 4
│ 1-Section 4 Introduction.mp4
│ 10-Agreement Signed.mp4
│ 2-CRM System.mp4
│ 3-Outreach Cold Call.mp4
│ 4-AdWords Cold Call.mp4
│ 5-Home Advisor Cold Call.mp4
│ 6-Leads In Your Area Cold Call.mp4
│ 7-Follow-Up Email.mp4
│ 8-Landing Page.mp4
│ 9-Closing Call.mp4
├─5-Landing Pages For Local Lead Generation
│ 1-Introduction.mp4
│ 10-Conversion Tracking.mp4
│ 11-Optimization.mp4
│ 12-Landing Page Extras.mp4
│ 13-Specificity.mp4
│ 2-Anatomy Of A Landing Page.mp4
│ 3-Headlines.mp4
│ 4-Lead Capture Forms.mp4
│ 5-CTAs.mp4
│ 6-Benefits And Supporting Content.mp4
│ 7-Social Proof.mp4
│ 8-Trust Symbols.mp4
│ 9-Thank You Page.mp4
├─6-Building Local Leadgen Landing Pages In Unbounce
│ 1-Unbounce OTS 1 – Part 1.mp4
│ 2-Unbounce OTS 1 – Part 2.mp4
│ 3-Unbounce OTS 1 – Part 3.mp4
│ 4-Managing Unbounce Leads.mp4
│ 5-Confirmation Pages.mp4
│ 6-Unbounce OTS 2 – Part 1.mp4
│ 7-Unbounce OTS 2 – Part 2.mp4
│ 8-Unbounce OTS 3 – Part 1.mp4
│ 9-Unbounce OTS 3 – Part 2.mp4
├─7-Adwords For Local Lead Generation
│ 1-Introduction.mp4
│ 10-Location Extensions.mp4
│ 11-Other Ad Extensions.mp4
│ 12-Adwords Scripts.mp4
│ 13-Exact Match Close Variants.mp4
│ 14-Cloning To Bing.mp4
│ 15-Campaign Optimization.mp4
│ 16-Negative Keywords.mp4
│ 17-Call Conversion Tracking.mp4
│ 2-What Is A SKAG.mp4
│ 3-Initial Research.mp4
│ 4-Keyword Research With Competitors.mp4
│ 5-Adwords Overview.mp4
│ 6-SKAG Set Up.mp4
│ 7-Create Your First SKAG.mp4
│ 8-Ad Creation & Split Testing.mp4
│ 9-Variations & Things To Test.mp4
├─8-Rapid And Unfortunately Technical Lead Gen Campaign Creation
│ 1-Introduction.mp4
│ 10-Campaign Scaling Intro.mp4
│ 11-Campaign Scaling Overview.mp4
│ 12-Linux Crash Course.mp4
│ 13-Getting Your Server.mp4
│ 14-Uploading Via FTP-mp4.mp4
│ 15-Uploading Via SCP.mp4
│ 16-Geo Scaling Example.mp4
│ 17-Niche Expansion.mp4
│ 2-Getting Started.mp4
│ 3-Choosing A Target.mp4
│ 4-Cloning The Lander.mp4
│ 5-Modifying The Lander.mp4
│ 6-Modifying The Thank You Page.mp4
│ 7-Wiring Up Jensen.mp4
│ 8-Deploying The Lander.mp4
│ 9-Pitfalls To Avoid.mp4
└─9-SEO For Leadgen
1-SEO Testing Sucks.mp4
1-The Leads Ascension Intro Part 1.mp4
10-Keyword Densities Simplified.mp4
11- Building JSON Schema.mp4
12-Site Inter-linking Optimization.mp4
13-Optimizing Images.mp4
14-Basic On Page Optimization.mp4
15-ImportXML Function for Meta Data Analysis.mp4
16-Competitive Intelligence Sheet for Meta Data.mp4
18-Offsite Optimization Intro.mp4
19-Competitor Backlink Strategy.mp4
2-Forensic SEO.mp4
20-Extracting Competitor Backlinks.mp4
21-Identifying Situational Optimization Strategies.mp4
22-Extracting Competitor Anchors.mp4
23- Anchor Text Classification.mp4
3-Initial Research.mp4
4-KW Clustering and Site Hierarchy.mp4
5-Know What Google Wants.mp4
6-Reverse Engineering w – Screaming Frog.mp4
7-Avoiding Anomalies.mp4
8-Creating a Site Workbook.mp4
9-Creating your Content.mp4




