如果你想增加销售,建立你的品牌和知名度,在不到7天的时间里,我将为您提供成功实现它所需的所有培训、资源、模板!(Omnipresence In 7 Days Masterclass)

Implement Omnipresence in your business if you want to increase sales, build your brand and awareness.
In less than 7 days, I’m going to give you all the training, resources, templates and swipes needed to implement it successfully.What if in less than 7 days you could…
Use your current audience (no matter the size) to generate new sales.
Inception-hack your audience into having completely new beliefs about themselves and you, leading them to wanting to invest with you.
Create the “Coca Cola” effect ensuring that you’re the big fish in a small pond.
Unleash my Omnipresence “Bubble Effect” into your business, without having to hire anyone.
Omnipresence In 7 Days Masterclass
└─Omnipresence In 7 Days Masterclass
├─01-Day 1 – Omnipresence Overview
│ 01-Introduction to Program.mp4
│ 02-What is the R.O.I. Method.mp4
│ 03-The Origins of Omnipresence.mp4
│ 04-Why Omnipresence is So Important in Your Business.mp4
│ 05-How to Use Omnipresence in Your Business.mp4
│ 06-Platforms for Omnipresence.mp4
│ 07-The SSF Method and Omnipresence Matrix.mp4
│ 08-Amplification.mp4
│ 09-Omnipresence and Audience Size.mp4
│ 10-Doc-Cognitive Bias and Omnipresence.pdf
│ 10-The Psychology of Omnipresence.docx
├─02-Day 2- Stage I Omnipresence
│ 01-Stage 1 Examples.docx
│ 01-Stage I Omnipresence Explained.mp4
│ 01-Stage I Omnipresence Explained.pdf
├─03-Day 3- Content
│ 01-Doc-The Type of Content That Works for Omnipresence.pdf
│ 01-Types of Content for Omnipresence.docx
│ 02-Selecting Content for Your Omni Stack.mp4
│ 03-Developing Omni Content Quickly.mp4
│ 04-How to Magnetic in Your Content.mp4
│ 05-How to Mediate Attention.mp4
│ 06-Doc-Omni Content Guidelines.pdf
│ 06-Omnipresence Content Guidelines.docx
│ 07-TEMPLATE-Omnipresence Spreadsheet.mp4
│ 07-TEMPLATE-Omnipresence Spreadsheet.pdf
│ 08-Stage 1 Examples.docx
│ 08-SWIPE FILE-Omnipresence Examples.pdf
│ 08-Trigger Examples.docx
├─04-Day 4- Omnipresence Platforms
│ 01-Day 4 _).docx
│ 01-Omnipresence Platforms.mp4
├─05-Day 5- Paid Ad Implementation
│ 01-Access Notes.docx
│ 01-Building Social Proof on your ads.mp4
│ 01-Customer Conversions vs. Standard Events.mp4
│ 01-Facebook Ads – Audience Naming Conventions.mp4
│ 01-Facebook Pixel Setup.mp4
│ 01-Granting Access to Ad Account.mp4
│ 01-Granting Facebook Access To Your Page.mp4
│ 01-Naming Conventions.mp4
│ 02-Omnipresence Breakdown %.docx
│ 03-Omnipresence Budgeting.docx
│ 04-Audiences for Omni Ads.mp4
│ 05-The 4 Types of Campaign Objectives for Omni Ads.mp4
│ 06-Setting Up Omni Ads on Facebook and Instagram.mp4
│ 07-Setting Up Omni Ads on Youtube.mp4
├─06-Day 6- Optimization
│ 01-Optimizing Your Ads.mp4
├─07-Day 7- Next Steps
│ 01-What’s Next.mp4
├─08-BONUS- The Mindset of Omnipresence
│ 01-Invisible ROI.mp4
│ 02-You Can’t Do the Wrong Thing.mp4
│ 03-The Strongest CTA.mp4
│ 04-What You Know About Marketing is Wrong.mp4
│ 05-The #1 Reason You WON’T Use Omnipresence.mp4
├─09-BONUS- The Daily Shift with Scott and Libby
│ 01-39 Days of Daily Shifts.pdf
├─10-BONUS- Omnipresence for Webinars
│ 01-Omnipresence for Webinars.pdf
│ 01-Webinar Omnipresnece Planning.docx
└─11-BONUS- Unreleased FB Ads Masterclass
01-Unreleased Fb Ads Masterclass.pdf