规模小(甚至更小)比追求规模和收入目标更重要,教你如何从那些最坚定的客户那里获得收入!(Lean Business For Creators)

LBC (Lean Business for Creators) is for people who believe that obsessing over serving and mattering to a small audience who care, is more important than chasing the next “shiny object” opportunity…
That being small (tiny even), is more important than chasing scale and revenue targets…
LBC is for people who want to create deep and meaningful work they’re proud of, for people who value that work enough to pay for it (and love it enough to tell others about).
I promise that engaging with the training and doing the hard work (it’s not easy work), will help you attract the people you seek to serve. And eventually, with the commitment of showing up to do this important work, you’ll earn an income from those customers who are the most committed.
Lean Business For Creators
└─Lean Business For Creators
├─Lean Business for Creators – Volume 1 Pilot Release
│ │ 10.Pick a Niche (To Attract & Serve an Audience) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 11. Smallest Viable Audience (SVA) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 12. Passion vs ‘Love What You Do’ _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 13. Passion = Myth (Seth Godin & Terri Trespicio) – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 14. Worldviews _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 15. Personas _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 16. Love the Problem (Not the Solution) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 17. Jobs To Be Done & Customer Forces Canvas _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 18. But I’m Not An Expert _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 19. Case Study (Wire Wrapping Jewelry) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 2. Prerequisite Work _ LBC (Vol 1).pdf
│ │ 20. Additional Resources (Documentary) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 21. Reading List (for creators and serving the small) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 22. Monetization Models – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 23. Patreon & Paid Email Newsletters – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 24. Patreon _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 25. Patreon Membership Based Business Models _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 26. Patreon Creator Stories & Resources _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 27. I Interview Joanna Penn about Patreon – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 28. Paid Email Newsletter – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 29. Paid Email Newsletter_ Service or DIY – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 3. Welcome to LBC (Volume 1) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 30. SVA Tiers – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 31. Hybrid – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 32. Build a Lean Happy Customer Engine _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 33. Site Layout _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 34. Lean Tech Stack _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 35. Lean MPPS (Multi-Page Presell Site) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 36. Lead Magnet 3.0 _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 37. Andre’s StoryPath Framework _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 38. Mapping The StoryPath Framework To Your MPPS _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 39. Build a Lean Email Series (SOS) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 4. Unique Mix _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 40. Framework of a SOS – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 41. Email Length _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 42. The _Soap Opera_ Part _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 43. Tension _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 44. Email Automation Workflow – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 45. Patreon Template Idea (Email + Patreon Recipe) – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
│ │ 46. Lean FB Advertising_ Tech Setup _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 47. Mental Setup _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 48. Customer Forces Targeting _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 49. Detailed Targeting & Interest Layering _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 5. Slow Down _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 50. Long-Form Paid Ad Examples _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 51. Creating Your Ad _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 52. Organic _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 53. Add-On Pages _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 54. Content Marketing Strategy _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 55. Ranking Signals _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 56. Promoting Your Content (Outreach Strategies) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 57. How To Write and Deliver _Magic_ _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 58. Tools & Resources _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 59. Article Examples _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 6. Figure It Out Mentality (REQUIREMENT) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 7. The _Lean Business for Creators_ Business Model _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 8. Elizabeth Gilbert (Hobbies, Jobs, Careers, and Vocation) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ 9. Constraints & Personal Philosophy _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
│ │ Lean Business for Creators (Volume 1) PILOT _ by André Chaperon.pdf
│ └─Videos
│ Covert Hypnosis – Captivation w Nested Loops – Kevin Hogan.webm
│ Elizabeth Gilbert on Distinguishing Between Hobbies, Jobs, Careers,.mp4
│ Getfvid_10000000.mp4
│ How to install the Facebook Retargeting Pixel with GTM (2018)_ Part 1.mp4
│ Love the Problem _ INDUSTRY_ The Product Conference 2018.mp4
│ One of the Greatest Speeches Ever _ Jeff Bezos.mp4
│ Patreon call with Joanna Penn (30.01.19).mp4
│ Patreon call with Joanna Penn (30.01.19).srt
│ Stop searching for your passion _ Terri Trespicio _ TEDxKC.mp4
│ The Cake Server _ Joseph’s Most Complex Machine Ever.mp4
│ The School of Greatness Dr Michael Gervais.mp3
│ The Third Industrial Revolution.mp4
│ WIRE WRAP TUTORIAL Swirling Ear Cuff.mp4
│ Worlds Most Expensive Christmas.mp4
│ Your Job is to Make Art – Seth Godin at ConvertKit Craft.mp4
└─Tiny Asset Engine – TAE
1. Framework _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
2. Level 8+ Product _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
3. High-Value Bonus _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
4. Promotion _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
5. Build a TAE _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
6. The Backend _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
7. Epilogue – Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
Tiny Asset Engine (TAE) _ by André Chaperon.pdf