开创你的事业,书写你自己的人生故事,影响和服务数百万人!(Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp)

Launch your business, write your own life story, impact & serve millions.
Finally focus in on your one business that’s going to propel you to $10K per month and beyond… allowing you to build your dream life.
It’s a bootcamp designed to get you to take massive action by giving you all of the step-by-step trainings and ready-made templates for you to take your business from idea to reality, with your first paying customers or clients.
Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp
└─Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp
│ 01-W2E Bootcamp Welcome .mp4
│ 01-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
├─02-Module 1 – The Mindset of an Entrepreneur
│ 01-Module1 .mp4
│ 01-W2E Bootcamp – Module 1 Worksheet.pdf
├─03-Module 2 – Building Your Business Around the WHO
│ 01-0W2E Bootcamp – Module 2 Worksheet.pdf
│ 01-Module 2 Wrap .mp4
│ 01-Module2 .mp4
│ 02-Amazon .mp4
│ 02-Ask .mp4
│ 02-FB Audience Insights .mp4
│ 02-Forums .mp4
│ 02-Yahoo and Quora .mp4
├─04-Module 3 – Creating and Positioning a 6-Figure Offer
│ 01-Module 3 .mp4
│ 01-W2E Bootcamp – Module 3 Worksheet.pdf
├─05-Module 4 – Mastering Messaging + Positioning
│ 01-Module 4 .mp4
│ 01-W2E Bootcamp – Module 4 Worksheet.pdf
├─06-Module 5 – How to Build a 6-Figure Lead Generation Machine
│ 01-Module 5 .mp4
│ 01-W2E Bootcamp – Module 5 Worksheet.pdf
├─07-Module 6 – The Secrets of Nurturing and Closing Like a Pro
│ 01-Module 6 .mp4
│ 02-25K in 30 Days Promo Posts.pdf
│ 02-Paradise Pack 2018 Email Promo.pdf
│ 02-Real Life Sales Funnels .mp4
│ 02-W2E Sprint Email Campaign.pdf
│ 02-[Essential Tennis] Mental Tennis Breakthrough – Pre and PROMO Week.docx
│ 03-The Phone Script .mp4
├─08-Module 7 – Outreach & Omnipresence
│ 01-Reach Workshop Pt 1 .mp4
│ 01-Reach Workshop Pt2 .mp4
│ 01-Reach-Ecosystem-Module-7.jpg
│ 01-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
├─09-Module 8 – How to Leverage Power Partners for Rapid Growth
│ 01-Module 8 – Power Partners .mp4
├─10-Module 9 – Your 6-Figure Platform and Ecosystem
│ 01 151_ Growing a massive audience and FB Group w_ Arne Giske.mp3
│ 01-Module 9 .mp4
│ 01-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
├─11-Module 10 – The Tech That Powers (and Scales) Your Entire Business
│ 01-Module 10 .mp4
│ 01-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
├─12-Fast Action Lessons
│ 01-Mini Take Video FULL .mp4
│ 01-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
│ 02-100 Conversation Challenge .mp4
│ 02-W2E Bootcamp – 100 Conversations Worksheet.pdf
│ 03-How to Crush a Sales Meeting .mp4
│ 03-[w2e bootcamp](1).pdf
│ 04-W2E Bootcamp – High Vibe Low Vibe.pdf
│ 04-[w2e bootcamp].pdf
└─13-Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Toolkit
01-Quick-Start Templates Tools.pdf
02-W2E Bootcamp Bonuses!.pdf
03-Resource List for Entrepreneurs.pdf