Facebook Messenger聊天机器人:Using Messenger Chatbots to get reviews on autopilot is one of the only few ways that are 100% resistant to constant Amazon changes. (Amazon Reviews on Autopilot)

Facebook Messenger聊天机器人。
使用聊天机器人自动运行获取评论,是少数几种100%抵制亚马逊不断变化的方法之一。The solution to getting positive verified reviews each day on autopilot is… Facebook Messenger Chatbots.
Using Messenger Chatbots to get reviews on autopilot is one of the only few ways that are 100% resistant to constant Amazon changes.How to use chatbots – the hottest marketing tech today – to get more reviews from your current customers.
How to build a list of leads that has 90%+ open rates.
How to properly set up a chatbot for maximum results.
How to build effective chatbot funnels that spit out customers and reviews all day long, 100% automated.
How to turn FB Messenger into your own personal ATM.
What to say in your messages to motivate people to open, click, and buy your products.
And much more…
Amazon Reviews on Autopilot
└─Amazon Reviews on Autopilot
01-Training- Training.mp4
02- Amazon-Reviews on Autopilot Worksheet.pdf
02- Amazon-Reviews on Autopilot.pdf
02-Q&A- Training.mp4
03-Amazing-MBU First 1500 Subscribers Bonus.pdf
03-Setting Things Up & Getting Your First 1,000+ Subscribers- Bonus Video- Training.mp4