教您如何建立“内容”网站,只需要一丢丢推广就能获得排名及流量。(Easy Content Websites)
How to build content websites that will rank with little to no promotion.
These sites take a little bit of work but they’re easy to make – even the content is fun to produce.
Once you’ve put up the content, Google sends you traffic because they’re looking for this kind of content.1. Set up a WordPress website on a new domain.
2. Write lots of short posts based on questions people ask about a niche.
3. Monetize it.
4. Keep writing and keep responding to questions people ask.
Easy Content Websites
└─Easy Content Websites
│ Easy Content Websites Book-Course-1.1.pdf
│ ECW Lesson 1.mp4
│ ECW Lesson 2.mp4
│ ECW Lesson 3.mp4
│ ECW Lesson 4.mp4
│ ECW Lesson 5.mp4
│ ECW Lesson 6.mp4
1-Find Your Niche.pdf
2-Bonus Cash Explosion 1.3.pdf
3-The Amazon Affiliates Guide To Boosting Profits.pdf
4-Checklist of Good Free Backlinks.pdf
Easy Content Websites Featured Snippets.pdf
Easy Content Websites Niche Ideas 1.0.pdf
Easy Content Websites Page Speed Optimization.pdf
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