Google Ads 一步一步教你运行谷歌广告培训视频教程(The eCom PPC Academy)

Google Ads 一步一步教你运行谷歌广告培训视频教程
The actionable, A-Z training on running Google Ads that actually make money.
I follow a proven 3-step framework to make you successful with Google Ads.
You will learn the strategies and tactics only 5% of E-Com businesses use.
By showing you how I work on actual campaigns and what I do to make them profitable, you will learn how to use the info directly in your store.
In the end of the training you learn the proven methods that helped me and over 80 clients scale “normal” E-Commerce stores to 6-7 figures with Google Ads.
eCom PPC Academy
└─eCom PPC Academy
│ 01-Welcome To The eCom PPC Academy 2.0.pdf
│ 01-REMEMBER.pdf
│ 01-Why AdWords.mp4
│ 02-The New AdWords Interface.mp4
│ 03-AdWords Account Structure.mp4
│ 03-Remember.pdf
│ 04-Landing Pages And AdWords.mp4
│ 04-Remember.pdf
│ 05-Linking Analytics and AdWords.mp4
│ 06-Remember.pdf
│ 06-Setup Conversion Tracking Correctly.mp4
│ 07-Reading Your Data.mp4
│ 07-Remember.pdf
├─03-Search Ads
│ 01-Basic Keyword Research.mp4
│ 02-Advanced Keyword Research.mp4
│ 04-Find The Perfect Bid.mp4
│ 05-Ad Creation.mp4
│ 06-Ad Optimization.mp4
│ 07-Ad Extensions.mp4
│ 07-Remember.pdf
│ 08-Experiments.mp4
│ Project 1.mp4
│ Project 2.mp4
├─04-Display Ads
│ 01-Remember.pdf
│ 03-Choosing Display Placements.mp4
│ 03-Remember.pdf
│ Project 1.mp4
│ Project 5.mp4
├─05-Shopping Ads
│ 01-Remember.pdf
│ 01-What Are Shopping Ads.mp4
│ 02-Getting Merchant Center.mp4
│ 04-Remember.pdf
│ 05-Product Testing With Shopping Ads.mp4
│ 05-Remember.pdf
│ 06-Google Shopping Troubleshooting.mp4
│ Creating a Shopping Feed.mp4
│ Dispaly.mp4
│ 01-AdWords VS Facebook Remarketing.mp4
│ 02-Remember.pdf
│ 03-AdWords Funnel Segmentation.mp4
│ 03-Remember.pdf
│ 04-Remarketing Lists for Search Ads.mp4
│ 04-Remember.pdf
│ Remarketing Audiences.mp4
│ 01-Device Time Bidding Strategy.mp4
│ 01-4th December – New Extensions And More.mp4
│ 02-5th February – AdWords Scripts.mp4
│ 03-14th April – Find Out Ad Success Upfront.mp4
│ 04-Elements of a CONVERTING Landing Page.mp4
│ 04-Remember.pdf
├─09-PHASE 0 – Prepare
│ 01-Setting Up Your Shopify Store.mp4
│ 02-Choosing And Editing a Theme.mp4
│ 03-Conversion Boosting Apps.mp4
├─10-PHASE I – Launch
│ 01-Showing Our Demo Store.mp4
│ 02-Product Research Lab 2.mp4
│ 02-Product Research Lab.mp4
│ 02-Text.pdf
│ 03-1018277_1528558583769AdWords_Product_Test_-_Page_1.png
│ 03-Product Testing Bootcamp.mp4
│ 03-Text.pdf
│ 04-Setting Up Your Product On Google Search.mp4
│ 04-Text.pdf
└─11-PHASE II – Grow [LIVE]
01-What To Expect Here.pdf
02-[LIVE] First 3 Days – Basic Optimization.mp4