开始我的朝九晚五逃逸计划,建立一个在线教练培训业务,开始您的财务自由。(Employee To Entrepreneur)

开始我的朝九晚五逃逸计划,建立一个在线教练培训业务,开始您的财务自由。(Employee To Entrepreneur)


Get started with my 9-5 Escape Velocity Plan for building an online coaching business that replaces your salary.
I’ll share with you everything I did to create my own successes.
I’ll map out a step-by-step blueprint that actually works so you can finally get the first paying client, sold out launch, six-figures, and more.
Waste more time on self-taught courses or coaches that don’t fit? Not you. You’re smarter than that. And I’m here for you. To ensure you get exactly what you want from your business.



Employee to Entrepreneur 2.0
└─Employee to Entrepreneur 2.0
│ 7 Steps to sweat-free sales calls.pdf
│ Course Creators – 3 Mistakes.pdf
├─Module 0 – Introduction
│ ├─1. Your Path to Entrepreneurship
│ │ 1.1 Your Path to Entrepreneurship – Slide.pdf
│ │ 1.1 Your Path to Entrepreneurship – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 1.1 Your Path to Entrepreneurship.mp4
│ │ 1.2 Suggested Reading List.pdf
│ ├─2. Your Online Business Overview
│ │ 1. Your Online Business Overview – Slide.pdf
│ │ 1. Your Online Business Overview – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 1. Your Online Business Overview.mp4
│ │ 3. Business Finances Tracker Tutorial.mp4
│ └─3. Your Logistics
│ 1. Your Logistics – Slide.pdf
│ 1. Your Logistics – Transcript.pdf
│ 1. Your Logistics.mp4
│ 2. Business Finances Tracker Template.xlsx
├─Module 1 – Clarity
│ ├─1. Your Business Ideas
│ │ 1. Your Business Idea – Slide.pdf
│ │ 1. Your Business Idea – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 1. Your Business Idea.avi
│ │ 2. Your Business Idea – Implementation Guides.pdf
│ │ 3. Your Profitability Trifecta – Slide.pdf
│ │ 3. Your Profitability Trifecta – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 3. Your Profitability Trifecta.avi
│ │ 4. Your Profitability Trifecta – Implementation Guides.pdf
│ ├─2. Your Market
│ │ 2.1. Your market – Online Research – Slide.pdf
│ │ 2.1. Your market – Online Research – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 2.1. Your market – Online Research~1.mp4
│ │ 2.2 Your Market_ Online Research.xlsx
│ │ 2.3. Your market – Live Research – Slide.pdf
│ │ 2.3. Your market – Live Research – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 2.3. Your market – Live Research.mp4
│ │ 2.4. Your Market – Live Research – Implementation Guides.pdf
│ │ Section 2 – Your Market.mp3
│ └─3. Your Offer
│ 3.1. Your Hook – Slide.pdf
│ 3.1. Your Hook – Transcript.pdf
│ 3.1. Your Hook.mp4
│ 3.2. Your Hook – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ 3.3. Your Offer – Slide.pdf
│ 3.3. Your Offer – Transcript.pdf
│ 3.3. Your Offer.mp4
│ 3.4. Your Pricing – Slide.pdf
│ 3.4. Your Pricing – Transcript.pdf
│ 3.4. Your Pricing.mp4
│ 3.5. Your Offer – Implementation Guide.pdf
├─Module 2 – Setup
│ ├─4. Your First Funnel
│ │ 4.1 Your First Funnel – Slide.pdf
│ │ 4.1 Your First Funnel – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 4.1 Your First Funnel.mp4
│ │ 4.2 Your First Lead Magnet – Slide.pdf
│ │ 4.2 Your First Lead Magnet – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 4.2 Your First Lead Magnet.mp4
│ │ 4.3 Your First Lead Magnet – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 4.4 Your First Email Autoresponder Sequence – Slide.pdf
│ │ 4.4 Your First Email Autoresponder Sequence – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 4.4 Your First Email Autoresponder Sequence.mp4
│ │ 4.5 Your First Email Autoresponder Sequence – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 4.6 Your Call Scheduling System.pdf
│ ├─5. Your Site Copy
│ │ 5.1 4 Powerful Copywriting Tips – Slide.pdf
│ │ 5.1 4 Powerful Copywriting Tips – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 5.1 4 Powerful Copywriting Tips.mp4
│ │ 5.2 Your Home Page – Slide.pdf
│ │ 5.2 Your Home Page – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 5.2 Your Home Page.mp4
│ │ 5.3 Your Home Page – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 5.4 Your About Page – Slide.pdf
│ │ 5.4 Your About Page – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 5.4 Your About Page.mp4
│ │ 5.5 Your About Page – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 5.6 Your Work with Me Page – Slide.pdf
│ │ 5.6 Your Work with Me Page – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 5.6 Your Work with Me Page.mp4
│ │ 5.7 Your Work with Me Page – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ └─6. Your Site Setup
│ 6.1 Your Site Setup – Slide.pdf
│ 6.1 Your Site Setup – Transcript.pdf
│ 6.1 Your Site Setup.mp4
│ 6.2 Your URL and Email.pdf
│ 6.3 Your Email Marketing.pdf
│ 6.4 Your Website.pdf
│ 6.5 Your Analytics.pdf
│ 6.6 Your Payment Collection.pdf
│ 6.7 Recommended Tools and Services.pdf
├─Module 3 – Marketing
│ ├─7. Your First Leads
│ │ 7.1. Your 3-Prong Approach – Slide.pdf
│ │ 7.1. Your 3-Prong Approach – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 7.1. Your 3-Prong Approach.mp4
│ │ 7.2. Your First Leads – Your Network – Slide.pdf
│ │ 7.2. Your First Leads – Your Network – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 7.2. Your First Leads – Your Network.mp4
│ │ 7.3. Your First Leads – Your Network – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 7.4. Your First Leads – Your Targeted Outreach – Slide.pdf
│ │ 7.4. Your First Leads – Your Targeted Outreach – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 7.4. Your First Leads – Your Targeted Outreach.mp4
│ │ 7.5. Your First Leads – Your Targeted Outreach – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ │ 7.6. The Key to Success – Slide.pdf
│ │ 7.6. The Key to Success – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 7.6. The Key to Success.mp4
│ │ 7.7. Your Success Tracker Template.xlsx
│ │ 7.8. Success Tracker Example.xlsx
│ ├─8. Your Social Media Plan
│ │ 8.1. Your Social Media Plan – Slide.pdf
│ │ 8.1. Your Social Media Plan – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 8.1. Your Social Media Plan.mp4
│ │ 8.2. Your Social Media Content – Slide.pdf
│ │ 8.2. Your Social Media Content – Transcipt.pdf
│ │ 8.2. Your Social Media Content.mp4
│ │ 8.3. Your Content Management – Slide.pdf
│ │ 8.3. Your Content Management – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 8.3. Your Content Management.mp4
│ │ 8.4. Your Facebook Groups Marketing Plan.pdf
│ │ 8.5. Your Own Facebook Group Plan.pdf
│ │ 8.6. Your LinkedIn Marketing Plan.pdf
│ │ 8.7. Social Media Content Tracker Template.xlsx
│ └─9. Your Email
│ 9.1. Your Emails – Slide.pdf
│ 9.1. Your Emails – Transcipt.pdf
│ 9.1. Your Emails.mp4
│ 9.2. Brainstorm Your Emails.pdf
│ 9.3. Write Your Emails.pdf
├─Module 4 – Sales
│ ├─10. Your Sales Calls
│ │ 10.1. Sales Calls – Key To Success – Slide.pdf
│ │ 10.1. Sales Calls – Key To Success – Transcript.pdf
│ │ 10.1. Sales Calls – Key To Success.mp4
│ │ 10.2. Your Sales Call Framework.pdf
│ │ 10.3. How to Handle Objections.pdf
│ │ 10.4. How to Get Fantastic Testimonials.pdf
│ │ 10.5. What To Do After Someone Says Yes.pdf
│ ├─11. Your Sales Tactics
│ │ 11.2. The Ultimate Guide to Getting Sales Calls.pdf
│ │ 11.3. Your Marketing and Sales Schedule.pdf
│ └─12. Your Webinar
│ 12.1. Webinar Keys to Success – Slide.pdf
│ 12.1. Webinar Keys to Success – Transcript.pdf
│ 12.1. Webinar Keys to Success.mp4
│ 12.2. Your Webinar Outline – Slide.pdf
│ 12.2. Your Webinar Outline – Transcript.pdf
│ 12.2. Your Webinar Outline.mp4
│ 12.3. Your Webinar Outline.pdf
│ 12.4. Your Webinar Funnel.pdf
│ 12.5. Your Webinar Setup.pdf
│ 12.6. Your Webinar Funnel Tracker Template.xlsx
│ 12.7. Example Webinar.mp4
│ 12.8. When and How to Automate Your Webinar.pdf
└─Module 5 – Scaling
├─13. Your Landing Pages
│ 13.1. Your Scaling Strategy – Slide.pdf
│ 13.1. Your Scaling Strategy – Transcript.pdf
│ 13.1. Your Scaling Strategy.mp4
│ 13.2. Your Landing Pages – Slide.pdf
│ 13.2. Your Landing Pages – Transcript.pdf
│ 13.2. Your Landing Pages.mp4
│ 13.3. Your Landing Pages – Implementation Guide.pdf
│ 13.4. How to create a Leadpages Landing Page.mp4
├─14. Your Free Traffic
│ 14.1. Your Free Traffic – Slide.pdf
│ 14.1. Your Free Traffic – Transcript.pdf
│ 14.1. Your Free Traffic.mp4
│ 14.2. Your Free Traffic Generation Schedule – Implementation Guide.pdf
└─15. Your Paid Traffic
│ 15.1. Your Paid Traffic – Slide.pdf
│ 15.1. Your Paid Traffic – Transcript.pdf
│ 15.1. Your Paid Traffic.mp4
│ 15.3. Your Paid Traffic Generation Schedule – Implementation Guide.pdf
└─15.2. Facebook Ads Mini Course
1. Why Facebook Ads – Slide.pdf
1. Why Facebook Ads.mp4
1. Why Facebook Ads.pdf
10. Facebook Ads Policy Guidelines.pdf
2. Prepping for Your First List-Building Campaign – Slide.pdf
2. Prepping for Your First List-Building Campaign.mp4
2. Prepping for Your First List-Building Campaign.pdf
3. Create Your Stant-out Facebook Ads – Slide.pdf
3. Create Your Stant-out Facebook Ads.mp4
3. Create Your Stant-out Facebook Ads.pdf
4. How to Advoid Account Deactivation – Slide.pdf
4. How to Advoid Account Deactivation.mp4
4. How to Advoid Account Deactivation.pdf
5. Setup Your First Campaign – Slide.pdf
5. Setup Your First Campaign.mp4
5. Setup Your First Campaign.pdf
6. Your Strategy – Slide.pdf
6. Your Strategy.mp4
6. Your Strategy.pdf
7. Your Facebook Page Setup – Implementation Guide.pdf
8. Facebook Ads Terminology.pdf
9. Advanced Facebook Ads Tools.mp4




