有效的策略,轻松易运营,自动化的电子邮件营销,至少增加200%以上的销售从你已经有的许可式营销列表(即使列表很小)(Email Marketing Mastery)

Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing that generates at least 200% more sales from the list you already have (even if it’s tiny).
Ensure your emails actually make it to the inbox.
Use proven tricks to get more opens and more clicks from even your most engaged and loyal subscribers.
Learn which goals and metrics you should be tracking on a day-to-day basis.
How to clean and revive your dead email lists.
6 psychological tricks to get your subscribers primed and ready to click the links in your emails.
The perfect welcome email campaign to start building real relationships with your new subscribers.
The 5 types of email campaigns you should be using in your business.
and much more
Email Marketing Mastery
└─Email Marketing Mastery
│ Home.gif
│ Quiz.gif
│ Quiz.html
├─1 The Role of Email Marketing
│ 1.1.mp4
│ 1.2.mp4
│ 1.3.1.mp4
│ 1.3.2.mp4
│ 1.4.mp4
│ 1.5.mp4
│ 1.gif
│ Lesson 1 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
├─2 Creating Your Promo Calendar
│ 2.1.mp4
│ 2.2.mp4
│ 2.3.mp4
│ 2.4.mp4
│ 2.gif
│ Lesson 2 Promotional Asset Sheet.pdf
│ Lesson 2 Promotional Planning Worksheet.pdf
│ Lesson 2 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
├─3 Email Campaign Creation
│ 3.1.mp4
│ 3.11.1.mp4
│ 3.11.2.mp4
│ 3.11.3.mp4
│ 3.12.1.mkv
│ 3.12.2.mkv
│ 3.2.mp4
│ 3.3.1.mp4
│ 3.3.2.mp4
│ 3.3.3.mp4
│ 3.4.mp4
│ 3.5.mp4
│ 3.6.mp4
│ 3.7.mp4
│ 3.8.2.mp4
│ 3.8.3.mp4
│ 3.8.4.mp4
│ 3.8.mp4
│ 3.gif
│ Lesson 3 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
├─4 Email Copywriting and Design
│ 4.1.mp4
│ 4.2.mp4
│ 4.3.mp4
│ 4.4.mp4
│ 4.5.mp4
│ 4.6.mp4
│ 4.gif
│ Lesson 4 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
├─5 Optimizing Opens and Clicks
│ 5.1.mp4
│ 5.2.mp4
│ 5.gif
│ Lesson 5 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
├─6 Tracking and Measuring Results
│ 6.1.mp4
│ 6.2.mp4
│ 6.3.mp4
│ 6.gif
│ Lesson 6 Blank Email Promotional Tracking Sheet.xlsx
│ Lesson 6 Blank Sample Email Stats Tracking Sheet.xlsx
│ Lesson 6 Slides.pdf
│ Quiz.gif
└─7 Email Deliverability
Lesson 7 Slides.pdf