让潜在客户对你的产品或服务产生新鲜、令人兴奋、令人无法抗拒…… 引导他们回应、参与和购买!(The Big Marketing Idea Formula)

让潜在客户对你的产品或服务产生新鲜、令人兴奋、令人无法抗拒…… 引导他们回应、参与和购买!
Finally, the hidden customer-generating formula used by the one-billion-dollar, Agora Inc., is accessible to the average entrepreneur.
It hands you a proven blueprint for driving new customer sales.It works by, first, having prospects see your product or service as fresh, exciting, and irresistible…
Leading them to respond, engage, and buy.
what you’ll find in this book ensures your marketing stands-out… grabs attention… and captivates your prospects as something new and different.
You’ll get more clicks on your ads… more leads on your email list… and more sales from new customers, every day.
The Big Marketing Idea Formula
The Big Marketing Idea Formula.pdf