作者如何创作生动的散文,并以永恒的叙事方式吸引读者。(Teaches Creative Writing)

Learn how the author of The Handmaid’s Tale crafts vivid prose and hooks readers with her timeless approach to storytelling.
The author of The Handmaid’s Tale teaches how she crafts compelling stories—from historical to speculative fiction—that remain timeless and relevant.
Explore Margaret’s creative process for developing ideas into novels with strong structures and nuanced characters.
Creative Writing
└─Creative Writing
│ Class Workbook.pdf
│ 01-Introduction.mkv
│ 01-Introduction.pdf
│ 01-Introduction.srt
├─02-Getting Started as a Writer
│ 02-Getting Started as a Writer.mkv
│ 02-Getting Started as a Writer.pdf
│ 02-Getting Started as a Writer.srt
├─03-Story and Plot
│ 03-Story and Plot.mkv
│ 03-Story and Plot.pdf
│ 03-Story and Plot.srt
├─04-Structuring Your Novel Layered Narratives and Other Variations
│ 04-Structuring Your Novel Layered Narratives and Other Variations.mkv
│ 04-Structuring Your Novel Layered Narratives and Other Variations.pdf
│ 04-Structuring Your Novel Layered Narratives and Other Variations.srt
├─05-Who Tells the Story Narrative Point of View
│ 05-Who Tells the Story Narrative Point of View.mkv
│ 05-Who Tells the Story Narrative Point of View.pdf
│ 05-Who Tells the Story Narrative Point of View.srt
├─06-Point of View Case Studies
│ 06-Point of View Case Studies.mkv
│ 06-Point of View Case Studies.pdf
│ 06-Point of View Case Studies.srt
├─07-Bringing Characters to Life Through Detail
│ 07-Bringing Characters to Life Through Detail.mkv
│ 07-Bringing Characters to Life Through Detail.pdf
│ 07-Bringing Characters to Life Through Detail.srt
├─08-Creating Compelling Characters
│ 08-Creating Compelling Characters.mkv
│ 08-Creating Compelling Characters.pdf
│ 08-Creating Compelling Characters.srt
├─09-Writing Through Roadblocks
│ 09-Writing Through Roadblocks.mkv
│ 09-Writing Through Roadblocks.pdf
│ 09-Writing Through Roadblocks.srt
├─10-Crafting Dialogue
│ 10-Crafting Dialogue.mkv
│ 10-Crafting Dialogue.pdf
│ 10-Crafting Dialogue.srt
├─11-Revealing the World Through Sensory Imagery
│ 11-Revealing the World Through Sensory Imagery.mkv
│ 11-Revealing the World Through Sensory Imagery.pdf
│ 11-Revealing the World Through Sensory Imagery.srt
├─12-Prose Style and Texture
│ 12-Prose Style and Texture.mkv
│ 12-Prose Style and Texture.pdf
│ 12-Prose Style and Texture.srt
├─13-Working With Time in Fiction
│ 13-Working With Time in Fiction.mkv
│ 13-Working With Time in Fiction.pdf
│ 13-Working With Time in Fiction.srt
├─14-The Door to Your Book The Importance of the First Five Pages
│ 14-The Door to Your Book The Importance of the First Five Pages.mkv
│ 14-The Door to Your Book The Importance of the First Five Pages.pdf
│ 14-The Door to Your Book The Importance of the First Five Pages.srt
├─15-Writing the Middle and Ending
│ 15-Writing the Middle and Ending.mkv
│ 15-Writing the Middle and Ending.pdf
│ 15-Writing the Middle and Ending.srt
├─16-Revision Seeing Your Work Anew
│ 16-Revision Seeing Your Work Anew.mkv
│ 16-Revision Seeing Your Work Anew.pdf
│ 16-Revision Seeing Your Work Anew.srt
├─17-The Novel and the Shifting Sands of Genre
│ 17-The Novel and the Shifting Sands of Genre.mkv
│ 17-The Novel and the Shifting Sands of Genre.pdf
│ 17-The Novel and the Shifting Sands of Genre.srt
├─18-Speculative Fiction
│ 18-Speculative Fiction.mkv
│ 18-Speculative Fiction.pdf
│ 18-Speculative Fiction.srt
├─19-Speculative Fiction Case Study The Handmaid’s Tale
│ 19-Speculative Fiction Case Study The Handmaid’s Tale.mkv
│ 19-Speculative Fiction Case Study The Handmaid’s Tale.pdf
│ 19-Speculative Fiction Case Study The Handmaid’s Tale.srt
├─20-Research and Historical Accuracy
│ 20-Research and Historical Accuracy.mkv
│ 20-Research and Historical Accuracy.pdf
│ 20-Research and Historical Accuracy.srt
├─21-The Writer’s Path
│ 21-The Writer’s Path.mp4
│ 21-The Writer’s Path.pdf
│ 21-The Writer’s Path.srt
├─22-The Business of Being a Writer
│ 22-The Business of Being a Writer.mkv
│ 22-The Business of Being a Writer.pdf
│ 22-The Business of Being a Writer.srt
└─23-Parting Words
23-Parting Words.mkv
23-Parting Words.pdf
23-Parting Words.srt